Democracy the golden shitty lie

At this point it’s about recording the fall.

Take your time, follow the links as you go, so that maybe you will understand what you read.

CFR, as such, does not write the platforms of
both political parties or select their respective presidential candidates, or control U.S. defense and foreign policies. But CFR members, as individuals, acting in concert with other individual CFR members, do.”
– Admiral Chester Ward, retired judge advocate general of the U.S. Navy and a longtime CFR member as quoted in ‘rule by Secrecy’ by Jim Marrs.

When the demented in chief was selected via the most blatant election fraud in probably any prez election the globalist selectors were telling us all, “It doesn’t matter who we select, we will still more or less get our way.”

They always take three steps forward and two steps back, always over reaching, depending on their cohorts in the heavily globalist infiltrated republicrat party to ‘reach across the aisle’ and ‘compromise’ with their colleagues/cohorts/fellow whores in the demonscat party so that Marxist globalism continues to march on.

Here on the asylum that’s flying millions of miles an hour through space the two sides of the culture war vie to enslave all around them in their fav form of authoritarianism.

One side wants us all to mindlessly worship father govt., Big Brother, Big Sister, or Big something that can’t decide what it is.

The other has no problem with a loving sadistic bronze age god, that was clearly patterned after bronze age kings, that wiped out the tool-using monkeys once in a global flood, then changed its mind despite being prescient, omniscient, and all powerful while promising to torture most of the tums ever born alive in fire forever.

And the vast majority that we stupidly allow to vote are blind to these realities all while spending their time here producing generation after generation of tax/interest slaves, incessant ‘the world is always gonna end sooners,’ and the vast majority of the mob who are doing the same thing they’ve always done with nary a thought in their pitiful pathetic heads about the kind of world they’ll hand off to their own misguided descendants:

It still works, sort of…:

Does the Entire World Now View the U.S. as a Dying Empire? New BRICS Alliance Takes on the Global Food Cartel by Eliminating the U.S. Dollar

The summer before the last prez election was blatantly stolen during the plandemic the commie newswhores that we should have hung decades ago but for a lack of MEN were asking what would happen if Trump refused to concede the election.

That told anyone with two brain cells to rub together what they planned.

Three years later the non hung scat is still lying about both the election and the plandemic and all the horror/madness/absurdity/murder both caused.

Now millions of morons drugged on hopium are sheepishly awaiting the second(countless?) bout of election fraud or prez selection while pretending some political savior is gonna whip a magic wand out of its ass and/or some sadistic savior is gonna fly in on a white horse, in a golden chariot or flying saucer and keep their pathetic cowardly asses from having to actually stand up and fight back.

That would mean walking out their front door like the Founders did in April 1775, and meeting the govt. employees that choose a paycheck and retirement plan over courage and liberty, and killing them then holding the war crimes trials of the globalist leadership that should have been held post WWII when the lessor of the evils were hung and the greater went on to rule western civilization.

But as I’ve noted here for decades all this is beyond the comprehension of the average dumbass. With their smartphones and net access for a quarter century even those who are marginally awake, much less long time patriots/conservatives/libertarians/whatever have no real conception of their right, duty and responsibility to do what should already have been done, generations ago.

Our enemies have been successful.

This is what ‘democracy’ has wrought.

Yes the great Jefferson thought highly of that word. But he also thought we’d have an agrarian society. That sorta made sense for his time.

Those behind the ‘industrial revolution‘ had other plans.

He also, as we’re constantly reminded by our Marxists that our grandparents should have been hanging, owned slaves and probably had a slave mistress who bore slave children. Nothing that unusual for that time period.

Some plantation owners encouraged their slaves to attend church and ‘git saved’ for the pacifying influence that might bring. Others feared the ancient tribal propaganda might give them ideas about escape or actually fighting back.

Go figure.

America’s Founders were no more perfect than the characters that populate the ancient tribal propaganda, including the one that so many insist was perfect when he bothered to curse a fig tree just because it had no fruit and asked in his dying moments how his heavenly father(him or someone else?) could forsake him when he knew it was the reason he came to earth or manifested in this realm or on and on which could be and has been argued over for millennia now.

Of course what all that esoteric mishmash really means depends on whom one asks and how committed they are to their ‘interpretation’ or version, sub-version or subversion as I prefer.

And they’re all blind to it.

And to top it off a ‘believer’ on my email list told me several years back that Jefferson is in hell. What a bunch of sadistic assholes.

When either side of the culture war looks to a govt. or some sadistic bronze age god to be their savior they are abdicating personal responsibility for the world they exist in. That is the key difference between a servant or a slave and a critically thinking responsible adult.

Conversing with the average sheeple you can get them to agree that most politicians lie. But if you tell them the entire truth that most politicians maybe 80 – 90 percent, and that’s being exceedingly generous, deserve to be hung from a tree, then that interferes with their emotional attachment to the falsehood that we’re living in a free country with a good govt. which we aren’t and haven’t for many multiple generations if not from the very beginning.

It takes a nation of whores to elect a congress of whores.

The Bill of Rights(actually go read them), insisted upon by the anti-Federalists, mentions something about ‘no cruel and unusual punishment’ which means a portion of humanity at that time was more culturally evolved than billions still are today.

I’ll note once more on here that the tums are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. How dangerous these times are cannot be overstated.

Jefferson and others did bequeath to us the concept of natural rights which was birthed from a combination of ideals/philosophies/religions/systems of law/and just plain tool-using monkey madness which always contributes in its unique way.

Early democracy is thought to be the Greeks, which meant the educated upper class males got to vote. The slaves and women who were basically slaves not so much.

Our Founders allowed only property owning white males to vote. That would solve nothing now. There are plenty of those that need their necks stretched.

Race, sex, creed, religion, ethnicity, so-called ‘gender preference’ or whatever other madness shouldn’t be a factor in who gets to elect someone to hire a whore with a badge and a gun to force their will on everyone else.

The ability to think abstractly(looking at all sides of an issue) which for most doesn’t kick in until about age 25, and for maybe most never does, should be the first consideration.

As noted here many times before every election cycle proves there are millions of 40-year-olds that have bred and make regular payments but are still incapable of making a logical rational choice.

Our modern culture warriors so-called won’t get the birth defected and the mentally ill the help they actually need.

They are the livestock the elites perceive them to be.

Concurrent with that requirement should be a test that proves that would be non-pacifists, for ALL govt. is force and nothing else and those who participate in it are ALL committing acts of violence, know the form of govt. we’re supposed to have here, small and severely limited with a gun always at its head and a rope around its neck, and enough actual history to understand that government, of which religion has ALWAYS played a key and often evil part as a control device, is a dangerous actor NEVER to be blindly trusted any more than one would blindly trust a preacher, priest, newswhore, teacher, professor or any other type of tool-using monkey.

Voting should NEVER be considered a right but an EARNED PRIVILEGE.

The Founders knew better than to let just any ignorant jackass show up at the polls.

Before you vote you should have to pass a test that shows you understand history and the form of govt. we’re supposed to have here and how dangerous it is to allow ANY special little group or country or whatever to claim its motives can’t be questioned.

From the mouth of the beast:

Antisemitism must be criminalized before it’s too late – opinion

What happened to 70×7?

All who pass the test get assigned a voter no. that no one else can use upon pain of death. After voting we all get a receipt that we can compare to results posted online the next day, a list of all voter numbers and how they voted.

In reality we shouldn’t even have the secret ballot or whatever. If my neighbors are voting to force me into some form of COMMUNISM or THEOCRACY or some other insanity then they are MY ENEMY and I need to KNOW THAT.

An educated thinking public would eagerly learn about other cultures and see the insanity that is prevalent in all human so-called civilizations and seek to correct it. But it’s so much more profitable to divide and conquer.

If your parents or other authority figures didn’t tell you that you don’t know what you might have to do in your time in this world up to and including killing your enemies, your real enemies, not just the ones the authorities tell you to fear but the authorities themselves, then they FAILED YOU.

What you tolerate you deserve 

What kind of brutality and atrocities will be committed by the few who can still fight when amerika is finally invaded by whatever force decides it’s time to take this land from those who have become so stupid they think it could never happen when in fact it already has?

There is NO PEACEFUL SOLUTION to this situation.

Or at least there shouldn’t be. All those ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who claim to love the 2nd Amend. yet are scared to death of the ‘m’ word it’s based upon make it a lie and make all they claim a lie.

“It is evident that, to whatever degree, individuals connected by blood, titles, marriage, or membership in secret societies have manipulated and controlled the destinies of entire nations through the fomentation and funding of war. These people consider themselves above the morality and ethics of the average man. They obviously look to some higher purpose — whether that be sheer wealth and power or perhaps some hidden agenda concerning mankind’s origin, destiny, and spirituality.”
– Jim Marrs, ‘rule by Secrecy.’

Get US Out! of the UN — Support the DEFUND Act (H.R. 6645 & S. 3428)

Let’s revisit this before we continue:

A few things that might matter, or ‘The Basics’ part two

What have I written about the commie coast and the chicom military?(straight from an evil commie site):

San Francisco appoints first non-citizen to serve on elections commission

FK – Of course that commie site has no comment section. Free speech is anathema to them as it is to many ‘conservative sites’ that will block you just as quickly for posting things they don’t ‘agree’ with.

America Is Undergoing Genocide

DO NOT MISS – This is precisely why ‘democracy’ is evil and nothing more than a modern form of manipulation:

Google has Usurped Democracy

We found tremendous bias on Google search results favoring Hillary Clinton, but not on Bing or Yahoo. So, you always have to have comparisons. Enough to have shifted, if that level of bias had been present nationwide, that would’ve shifted between 2.6 and 10.4 million votes to Hillary Clinton over a period of several months before the election. Whose votes are getting shifted? They’re not shifting die hard Democrats and Republicans. They’re shifting the undecided voters. Those are the people they go ask-



How many morons that have NO BUSINESS VOTING still say “I’ll google that?” Many billions will NEVER understand what has been done to them or is being done to them or will be done to their brain dead misguided descendants.

But they will happily and stupidly vote for it to BE DONE TO YOU!

More from the article above:

Bill Walton: When we’re talking Google, we’re talking YouTube. It’s all one thing.

Robert Epstein: It’s Google. That’s right. In 2022, those days leading up to the midterm elections, 76% of those up next suggestions were from coming from liberal news sources. Now, Google would say, “Well, that’s just what’s out there. We’re just reporting what’s out there.” But we calculated that and actually only 38% of the videos that are out there, the news videos are coming from liberal news sources, but 76% of the suggestions they’re making are coming from liberal news sources. That’s extremely biased.

Those have a tremendous impact on people, and we’ve measured that in experiments. That has a tremendous impact on people who are undecided, but it gets worse because now we’re getting data from children and teens. Those up next suggestions on YouTube, it’s 96% for children and teens are coming from liberal news sources. 96%.

‘Undecided’ morons because they’ve NEVER in their govt. schools or govt. churches been taught ANYTHING that matters about political reality.

Seven Simple Steps Toward Online Privacy


DO NOT MISS – There’s nothing new about governments waging war on their livestock:

State Department Insider Reveals How The Military Started Its Censorship Campaign Against US Citizens After Trump Victory(I stole this headline from InfoWars)

FK – No. The ‘defining fact’ of the Bill of Rights is that it was intended to ACKNOWLEDGE our right to fight back, first in a peaceful manner as long as that works. If not to walk out the front door and join the genuine people’s militia and go kill those who claim we have no right to kill them.

Time to grow up.

I knew nearly 30 years ago that the govt./mainstream newsmedia had been weaponized against real patriots.

Authoritarians have the ‘right’ to discuss authoritarianism of whatever flavor. But the moment they seek to force their favorite version of authoritarianism on others their ‘rights’ end.

Then we resort to hot metal and rope. But then we have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

Real patriots went to the net in the 90s because they knew it was the ONLY place for real ‘free speech’ here in amerika. Now it’s not. That was easy to predict.

This is all done in the name of the most ancient game of all: King of the Hill.

Unthinkable? Really? Carlson is either an incredibly naive multi-millionaire who made his fortune while whoring for faux snooze, the msnm, all those years, or he’s part of the plan.

If this country breaks up the guvs of the commie coast will invite the chicom military over to protect them from the rednecks in flyover country and the joint chiefs will be there on the beach to welcome and thank them for coming.

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The military has served the globalists for many multiple generations. Read ‘War is a Racket.’

amerika is in freefall:

Alert! Col. Macgregor Warns Dems Plan To Turn Guns On US Citizens Once Military Recruits Illegals

Can America win a major war today? Here’s what most in U.S. military say

The average dumbass has never been in any military and has no conception of how dangerous that is and how far gone the empire is. Sun Tzu is laughing in his grave.

America was destroyed from within. The same will be done to amerika.

HUGE: Border Patrol Turns on Joe Biden, Proclaims Support for Texas National Guard

I’m certain I’ve been ‘caught up in the crosshairs of DHS’ for several years now. If you’re not on a list, or maybe all of them, by now, you should be DEEPLY ASHAMED because you are a pathetic COWARD.

The TRUE PROBLEM with all of this is how STUPID the average voter is. The sheeple come on the net now, mostly after they got ‘smart phones,’ for entertainment, to communicate with their brain dead friends and relatives and to buy crap.

The net has been mainstreamed. It used to be a podium for true free speech, and still is, for those who know where to look. The average sheeple has NO CLUE it’s supposed to look and doesn’t WANT ONE and we still stupidly allow them all to vote.

This is only a tiny part of the entire story of the stolen election(s) and the plandemic. Without REAL MEN and ADULT WOMEN to hold war crimes trials the entire story or even a portion of it may never really be known. In fact it almost certainly won’t be.

But it’s so much easier to sit on one’s ass and wait for the world to end, for a savior that isn’t coming or to see how the cats are doin’.

Then why are they letting them cross? Why didn’t they refuse to allow the evil YEARS AGO?????!!!!!!!!

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: Regime Media Rushes To Cover Up Biden’s Flying In 320,000 Illegals In 2023

2 out of 3 Americans Gone in 2025!

Non-Profit Corporations, Non-Governmental Organizations, And Foreign Governments All Aiding The Invasion Of The U.S.

FK – And the author of that is still looking for saviors.


FK – amerika must be finished off for the ‘great reset’ or New World Order the next ‘agenda.’ It has been or this wouldn’t be tolerated.

The Darién Gap Migration Pipeline Revealed

That false flag op was a picnic compared to what’s coming.

Military-Aged Chinese Staging At Colombian Hotel

Chinese Problems + No Borders = American Obliteration. WATCH Muckraker.Com’s Great Videos!

‘This Is Not Normal’: Tens Of Thousands Of Chinese Nationals Cross Border Illegally In Matter Of Months 

FK – klinton was impeached. It and its wife of convenience have made millions from speeches and book deals instead of being tried and executed for treason as should have been done 30 years ago.

But as I keep noting on here our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN left in western civ.

Even if they’re only coming as future voters that’s enough reason to hang the garbage ultimately responsible.

I wouldn’t put it past the evil military leadership, CIA, who or whatever, to arm many of these illegals and allow them to create the next great false flag so many are predicting.

Why aren’t we hanging our Marxists, starting at the top?????!!!!!!!!!!

The constitution only restricts the guv as long as there are MEN to do the restricting. Where ARE they?:

FK – Democracy is another form of slavery, manipulation.

And we have plenty of them:

How the Democratic Party faked an American insurrection

FK – I knew better than to attend that mess in the first place and was expecting a far worse false flag than the one engineered.

If we had MEN in the country then 20 million or so of them would’ve gone up there, armed, trained, organized, supplied with enough ammo and rope to do what should have been done. And that would’ve been only a good start.

But amerika is over the cliff as I’ve noted many times and the only question now is ‘How far the fall and how many bones will litter the bottom?’

We have failed to make sure there are many engraved in granite copies or our Bills of Rights scattered over the land, preferably on a granite gallows in front of every govt. building from the dog pound to the now red house(if there’s a difference now) so future generations may indeed wonder if there ever was such a place.

130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped Across State Lines in 2020 Election, Then Disappears and Never Explained

What a tangled web amerika is caught in:

FK – The 2020 selection was blatantly stolen and western civilization is being intentionally destroyed. Closed quote.

Some of us predicted it would be far worse. I haven’t given up on that.

A Total Reevaluation of the 2024 Election

In a modern liberal democracy, you don’t need public support for any policy. A democracy government is always just a puppet of private interest groups, and the population has no ability to influence state decisions. The only threat is domestic upheaval, which is generally extremely unlikely in a democracy, given that people will usually simply say “well, I’ll vote for the other guy next time” instead of going into the streets and creating chaos. However, if Biden is reinstalled as president in November, and the wars continue, the economy turns down, and the crime and immigrant situation keeps getting more extreme, you could end up in a situation where no matter how hard the media lies, his real level of support is below 15%. At that point, you are moving into a very precarious situation, where you could start seeing real political violence that threatens the country’s basic stability. There is a switch that can be flipped in the collective psyche of a human population where they, almost simultaneously, become violently enraged, and start acting on that. Right now, Biden’s Israel policy and his immigration invasion both threaten to trigger this collective psychological mechanism.

FK – But there will be no organization to it: true anarchy, which is probably the intention, so the elites can once again step in and say “Oh, we got a fix for that.”

The sheeple fully deserve what’s coming as do most cowardly ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ that are scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment.

It’s Election Time Again! Which Pile Of Doggie Doo Doo Are You going To Vote For?

FK – Haven’t voted for a mainstream candidate for prez in decades. They’re always selected not elected.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Here’s a short list of the current and past insanity:

Why DO we need elections when our betters can choose for us?

FK – Pay attention long enough and you come to understand why they view us as livestock.

The vast majority of the tool-using monkeys wore the masks and took the vax. If they’re no more capable of a logical rational decision than that why the HELL do we let them vote?????

All major Covid vaccines worldwide were once declared 100% effective, but zero actually worked

FK – I can’t feel sorry for any sheeple that was dumb enough to take that bioweapon after the first bioweapon was almost certainly intentionally released to begin the plandemic.

We’ve had the net for a quarter century. Only political children, of which most voters are, could have been dumb enough to go along with the masking and the vax. Why do we let them vote?

There’s some reason they wanted that garbage in most to all of the tool-using monkeys. We are their livestock or their lab rats, take your pick.

The vast majority of them follow govt. guidelines on vaxxing their offspring:

Search: How do vaccines cause autism?



Are the mainstream newswhores finally reporting on this?:

Largest-ever COVID vaccine study links shot to small increase in heart and brain conditions

FK – The lawyer who wrote the U.S. bioweapons law said in Feb. or so 2020 that the ‘corona virus’ or whatever was a bioweapon. All that was happening was unprecedented.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew by mid spring or so that there’d be a vax introduced and forced on the population, which would likely also be a bioweapon.

We’ve had the net for a quarter century. I can’t feel sorry for any of the morons stupid enough to blindly trust ANY authorties and take that crap.

Was Faux snooze warning their readers/watchers about what was being done to them?

Pathologist reports a stunning 52% increase in cancer risk for ages 15-59 who were vaxxed

Largest Covid vaccine study yet finds links to neurological conditions

COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals

France Passes Law Criminalizing ALL OPPOSITION To mRNA Injections, Affecting Informed Consent

A New You: Unveiling the Unexpected Personality Changes After COVID Vaccination

Is this true? Would they admit it if it were?:

COVID ‘6-feet’ social distancing ‘sort of just appeared,’ likely lacked scientific basis, Fauci admits

Published today in the medical peer-reviewed literature: The COVID vaccines should be stopped

This will make the dead and disabled feel better:

“Family Abolition” and the COVID Pandemic

SATANIC BETRAYAL: American Christian Pastors Coerced Congregants to Take Covid Jabs Through Covert ‘Faith4Vaccines’ Scheme

FK – How many preachers will tell their victims to take ‘the mark?’ Wait… We’re already ‘marked.’ What can the average dumbass do without a socialist security number?

The ancient tribal propaganda is NEITHER literal nor inerrant. Those who claim so are blatant liars.

Steve Kirsch: CDC FORGOT to warn the public that COVID-19 vaccines cause DEMENTIA

The mainstream newshores have been working for the powerful for 100 years:

Sen. Ron Johnson, Health Experts Allege Cover-Up of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

FK – And I coulda’ told ’em that the year the vax was introduced simply because it was OBVIOUS early on that the entire plandemic was some kind of scam or setup:

Real or not, Corona is a setup

We’ve been here before:

1920 book: The Horrors of Vaccination

And I cannot feel sorry for them. We’ve had the net for a quarter century.

Top Yale Epidemiologist Accuses Bioweapons Industry of Exploiting COVID Virus & Vaccines for Continued Funding

FK – That’s part of the coverup. They want the bioweapons in most of the tool-using monkeys to affect the human genome in some way. As always they want more compliant slaves/lab rats/livestock.

FK – Why is that scat still breathing? Because our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN left in western civ.

Renowned Embalmer Shows And Explains What He’s Been Seeing After Covid Vaccine: ‘Zero Doubt The Covid Vaccine Did This’


Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed

They vaxxed them with shit:

‘An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines

How long was the PLANDEMIC planned?:

World Bank Launches First-Ever Pandemic Bonds to Support $500 Million Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility


Money, money, monnneeeyyyy….

Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine

They lie because we’re not hanging them. What else do you need to know?:

Science Feedback (a “fact-checker organization”) have generated disinformation about CERES-Science

This is as a good an example as any:

Girls are being bullied and traumatized by AI deep-fake pornography

FK – Gee, if we didn’t exist in an insane culture with an insane history and insane religions that teach ignorance, fear and shame, then nudity and proper age appropriate sex and ‘love’ education and physical fitness geared toward each generation possessing the knowledge, skill sets to actually physically fight back wouldn’t be something to be so shocked over.

You like your predecessors for millennia have been raising children to be children because they make better slaves. That’s how the Marxists have destroyed western civ., while you morons were sitting on your butts waiting for a savior that isn’t coming.

I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

Forty plus years later we’ve lost our country and nobody got beamed up.

If humanity so-called doesn’t grow up soon its future will be severely truncated.

When I tried to post that comment I was informed I had used a ‘banned word.’ What a concept. What children. So I simply put hyphens in it and their whatever accepted it. Their ‘moderators’ may take it down, proving me right.

My second comment:

Banned words? So much for ‘free speech’ huh?????

When you put ANYTHING over the Bill of Rights and the concept of natural rights you are waiting for some autocrat of whatever flavor to dictate to you what both mean.

Will you ban me too???? Just like the Marxist globalists?

If you can’t handle being called what you are then you prove me right: you are physically grown children.

But their ancient tribal propaganda takes a different view:

More than likely the damsel was a young teen. Mary was probably about 15 or so the story goes because that was the marriageable age back then.

The demented in chief would really like to have been in office back then.

War is not always voluntary

Please forgive me for including goolag tube vids as I promised last time I would cease. I had already added this one and a couple others to this post.

Is democracy really fair?

FK – Democracy means the willfully ignorant jackasses around you can vote your natural rights away.

I’ll never forget trying to converse with two half drunk Scotsmen in a London Pub.

The Libertarians have it right when they say if you haven’t harmed another person or their property you are left alone.

You will never rid govt. completely of old fashioned corruption or human insanity in the form of collectivism created in the name of some modern ideology or the ancient tribal propaganda. You must have a genuine people’s militia in place to deal with it.

Most of the sheeple don’t read, would rather die than think, and will never pay attention no matter what is said to them. Here in amerika the morons think they’re free because they’re allowed to vote for a different master or set of masters ever so often.



“BANNING FIREARMS IN 2024?” (with Nick Freitas) | Homesteaders of America Conference 2023

FK – This is all because our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN and NO ADULT WOMEN left in western civ. to stop this evil. Why did the aussies and the brits surrender/bury their weapons without a fight? Buried guns are artifacts.

The Marxist globalists don’t care about your statistics. They simply want their livestock to stay in the pasture. Their ONLY GOAL is to RULE.

This guy is regurgitating arguments we’ve been wasting time on for a quarter century. This is a WAR. Our DOMESTIC ENEMIES, our GLOBALIST ENEMIES, fully understand this. Do you?

‘Join or die’ meant they grabbed their rifles/muskets and went together as a trained organized FORCE to exterminate their enemies. They didn’t sit in their recliners muttering “molan labe,” which also meant the Spartans went to meet and make physical war on their enemies.

But we have NO ADULTS left in this pitiful pathetic culture that understand this thus my first paragraph is correct.

Political action is great until it isn’t. What do you do them? What do you do when the demented in chief’s handlers use their evil military leadership to declare a ‘state of emergency’ because of whatever and demand the sheeple surrender their weapons/land/property rights/children(well they already have those)/private vehicles/on and on?

We are standing on a beach we own begging for grains of sand.

So you moved to Australia? What happens when this empire falls and the Chicom military lands on your beach down there? So you ignored what the aussie govt. did during the plandemic?

Gee, whose property might it actually be?:

USPS Reacts to Court Restoring Second Amendment Rights on Postal Property

And a little ‘good news.’:

Massive Gun Control Repealed

FK – Great. But we still have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them. Everything on this page proves that fact.

What democracy has won you:

FKThe amerikan sheeple have no conception they’re not supposed to be tolerating anything. Our enemies have been successful.


And that’s been true for several generations:

The Truth About Conservatism Today Few Want To Talk About

FK – Pseudocon would be a better term. Or maybe imperialists as Marx preferred.

Most of them including Shapiro are shills for the globalists and thus Israel or whatever is really behind all this globalist evil.

Ever play king of the hill as a kid? This modern empire of note, the largest in known human history, is now on top of the global hill. A reality none of us can ignore. The problem is the globalists aren’t pushing globalism to ensure liberty for the tool-using monkeys.

How many U.S. Navy ships are now in that part of the world? Will Trump be allowed back in the now red house because their short term goals have been reached? Will he be allowed to oversee World War 3 so-called?

It’s all about the money. Money is their real god regardless of pretense. Money is power and all the ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace and all the land and all the gold belong to them regardless of what you think your deed says.

Dubya, a globalist pseudocon like its daddy, claimed his war was for ‘democracy,’ not liberty, not the concept of natural rights this country is based upon.

What special little group does Levin claim to belong to?

I’ve learned a lot from the Birchers over the years but they too are guilty of throwing around the antisemitic trope as one of their head honchos recently did. See my last post.

Modern populists are cowardly whores looking for saviors none of which are coming. They believe things like ‘we need to get back to Reagan, Lincoln, etc’ or ‘vote the bible’ or ‘we’ll win next time despite the massive voter fraud’ or ‘Trump was naive when he was pushing the vax and neglected to fire the Marxist military leadership’ and on and on…

If Trump were truly sincere his only message at every rally would be “Form up your genuine people’s militias and be ready to do what your grandparents should have done.”

None of the sides in the culture war are interested in true liberty. Many of the paleo groups so-called really want some form of theocracy, however veiled. The libertarians are probably largely infiltrated with whatever and most probably still think the ability to build a factory gives one license to treat one’s employees as wage slaves. Yes that’s one term the Marxists are correct in using, I’ve spent too much time at Amazon and delivering freight not to understand this.

If the ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ of whatever flavor had any backbone, brains or balls the Marxists wouldn’t be stealing our oxygen. When they claim to be against the ‘one percent’ yet work for law that enslaves all their true goals are revealed, again and again and again.

But then who or what is funding the controlled opposition on all sides?

What would ‘democracy’ have done to this argument over time?:

Did Israel Steal Palestinian Land?

FK – Most of Nevada is not ‘peopled’ and owned by the fedgov. But the ones who do live there could still be pushed into Colorado as they try to escape the invading chicom military invited over by the governors of the commie coast to save them from the rednecks in flyover country.

Most road maps pre internet showed the Daniel Boone National Forest in Kentucky as a large segment of green when in fact there was and still is a lot of private land interspersed in that area. They too could be forced out by an invading army and forced into Virginia or Tennessee. Kinda like the Cherokee were forced to Oklahoma.

This is arguing absurdity. All humanity has always been nomadic, moving around, conquering others and taking their land, women, children, gold, whatever. It’s TWO THOUSAND YEARS since most of the whatever they really are/were were kicked out of the ‘holy land’ by the Roman Army.

It’s ABSURD for them to claim they have a ‘right of return’ especially when they forced 700,000 plus out and murdered how many more in the process???

Most of the early ‘jewsih’ setters were European socialists, not ‘religious’ or orthodox jews. It was a game of empire funded by rich ‘jewish’ banksters.

Both sides in war dehumanize each other. It’s an old game. Read the ancient tribal propaganda. In this war both sides seek genocide. One is winning because they have the might of the greatest empire in known human history behind them.

Search ‘Palestinian Pound.’

There were people living there regardless of who ruled them. What percentage of land owners were ‘Palestinian’ or whatever in the early 20th century when the special chosen tribe started moving back in larger numbers because of what the zionists had been working toward for decades by that point?

Are there property tax records from the early 20th century???? Who claimed the right to tax the inhabitants?

North and South America were both CONQUERED and the natives killed or pushed aside. The same thing is happening in the Levant.

Are you being paid to lie about this reality?

Has Libertarianism been infiltrated?

The tool-using monkeys in that part of the world have been killing each other over their insanities for thousands of years, or rather often using their insane religions as an excuse when money, power, resources, land are the true reasons.

How much Oil do the Palestinians in Gaze lay claim to? What are the Israelis willing to do to profit from it? We see the answer.

HAMAS is controlled opposition and were likely ordered to carry out the false flag of Oct. 7 so the IDF would have an excuse to step up the genocide.

The Israeli govt. has no written constitution and no Bill of Rights. About half the population are secular Marxists including those posing as religionists under ‘Reform Judaism’ a euphemism for Marxism.

They are NOT THE GOOD GUYS. Search what Ben-Gurion and most of the early setters was/were.

This vid is propaganda.

What happened to 70×7?

Hating someone because they are born a certain way is mindlessness as is blindly defending them for the same reason.

Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind. Those who use it are no better than those who throw around ‘racist’ and ‘extremist’ and ‘wingnuts’ and ‘nazi’ and on and on.

We have free speech here as ACKNOWLEDGED not granted by our Bills of Rights thus we have no special groups whose motives cannot be questioned just like we no longer have heresy or blasphemy or other evils of the past.

When any sheeple tells me it blindly trusts any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

In a representative republic we are all born responsible, political animals, since politics is human nature and it affects all.

Did your preacher/priest steal your mind?:

FK – Their minds are like vacuums, as in space not the thing that sucks dirt off the rug, and thus they feel some strange emotional attachment to the idea of burning billions of tool-using monkeys alive in fire forever.

If I thought the version I was raised to believe in what true I’d never want to be guilty of bringing a child into existence so some sadistic bronze age god could hold it by its heels over hellfire and say “Be my slave or I’ll torture you alive in fire forever.”

History is not really taught in the govt. schools and govt. churches because too good an understanding of how religions and governments and the control grid works is not conducive to producing good wage slaves, taxpayers, physically grown children who obey the basic rules they are instructed in.

Still we peer into the darkness of the past:

FK – All govt. is force without exception. The purpose of the more ‘peaceful’ god is to create a more pacified population that won’t fight back no matter what is done to it.

It apparently worked. The pathetic creatures die generation after generation and pass their slavery on to their children who as their parents are so stupid they don’t understand what is being done to them.

The purpose the govt. schools and govt. churches is to create passive workers and taxpayers.

3rd creation story in the ancient tribal propaganda? That’s a new one on me: The “Third” Story of Creation

Maybe we need to be saved ‘from’ a sadistic bronze age god that was clearly patterned after bronze age kings who told their subjects/slaves “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or murder you.”

Brian Ruhe’s ET Hypothesis and Sources

FK – I was trying to hang with you until the new agey stuff at the end. If sheeple are abducted against their will then who in their right mind would want it to continue? It’s not like they knock on your front door to see if you want a ride on their space scooter.

After years of keeping one eye peeled toward this kind of thing, and I value Dolan probably far above a lot of the others in a ‘UFO field’ full of hucksters, it seems to me, after focusing mostly on what our govt.s do to us and to others, that we are someone’s livestock or lab rats or at best zoo or nature preserve residents.

If they’ve been jacking with our DNA for decades, centuries, millennia, epochs, whatever then we are their product to do with as they please just like a farmer views the prize bull in his barnyard . When the bull hits middle age or so most of them have their balls whacked off and get ground into burger. Maybe that’s why they shortened our lifespans as mentioned in the ancient tribal propaganda, so most of the tool-using monkeys won’t breathe long enough to actually have or take the time to actually think about the situation they’re really in.

The religions provide a simple explanation for simple minds too busy with survival, child rearing, hobbies, the game, manicuring the yard and waxing the car or for millennia simply pleasing the master so you don’t get your balls cut off.

I’ve thought for a while now much of this evil is being directed from off planet, the plandemic, genocide in the middle east to create an Israeli empire, the banksters, the constant wars for profit, all for what, to please some cosmic teenager who’ll never grow out of playing this cosmic video game?

That old movie ‘They Live’ may not be so symbolic after all.

And the sheeple graze on, breeding another generation of slaves, or whatever we really are without putting any more thought into their own descendant’s future than an alley cat.

Or maybe Marcus Aurelius and the other stoics are right, everything happens for a reason, more or less, and we have to simply accept it and go on. But then if that’s all we ever did we’d still be playing with fire in the cave mouth and the biggest guy in the cave would still be rolling the malefactors or the disobedient around in the fire when it pleased him.

FK – Watched this and still have no clue what a language model is or what I’d ever use it for.

All weapons are tools that can be used for good or ill, well except maybe for the bioweapon they released in 2019 or so and for the vax they tried to force on the tool using monkeys for whatever real reasons.

The world is not what they teach in school or sunday school. But the elites know the avg. dumbass will never see past their base indoctrination while they struggle to keep the interest paid.

Thinking always trumps belief. Blind faith and blind obedience is dangerous stupid behavior.

When or if the watchers or whatever announce themselves, and maybe they are benevolent enough to not do that for a long time, billions will worship them as gods.

But then my bet is we’re their livestock or lab rats and if we get too tech advanced for their taste, which would still be eons behind them, they’ll either hit the reset button or finally let nature take its course.

And nobody is gonna get beamed up, or at least in the way so many expect.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

Who or what is deceiving who or what?:


Well this sounds fun:


Fewer voters would be a good thing:


FK – You’re asking the wrong questions.

You’re telling me that decreasing the no. of tool using monkeys from 8 bil., so far as we know the highest ever, would be a bad thing?

Do we have other planets to move to? Would the galactic federation allow that?

What really designed us, an obvious slave race, to be so prolific? What made all the different races and why? Why is there such a difference between them and would mixing them all make a more compliant useful mutt race or as often noted in dogs will the mutts be the smarter pooches?

Lots of directions one could go with this. What if western civ. had continued having large families and the Chinese and Indians and whatever else? Would we be at 20 billion by now?

Allegedly the world pop. of tool using monkeys could fit into Texas. Who THE HELL would want to exist that way, especially in Texas? I have to have trees and hills.

As an older patriot once told me “The one thing I do agree with the NWO on is that there are too many people.”

Here in the hills of Kentucky 100 years ago sheeple lived in cabins and shacks, 2-3 maybe four rooms. The kids went barefoot in the summer, woke up with snow on their beds in the winter.

They ‘grew up'(VERY loosely defined), got a job and bore another generation to be held over hell fire by a sadistic bronze age god and told “Be my mindless ignorant slave or I’ll torture you alive in fire forever.”

I was raised in that ignorance and if it’s actually true would NEVER want to be guilty of participating in it.

Their children were sent off to wars for profit in the name of false patriotism and false religion. But for the first time in human history most of them weren’t slaves, or serfs, at least not directly.

In the large cities the new immigrants existed in tenements, ghettos, worked 12 – 16 hour days. Back in the 80s I interviewed a centenarian who got a job with the railroad company in the mountains. He walked I think 6 miles each way to work. Some probably a lot more.

The coal miners and the coal camps and black lung is another story.

People in rural areas sometimes spend two – four hours a day commuting to some factory job in a city where they’re kept on the same repetitive job for hours, days, weeks, years maybe decades.

And most of them never put enough thought into any of it, including their time here, to understand how screwed they are. They wouldn’t read a book if one was stapled to their face and pretend all this crap going on will somehow never affect them. Their kids can worry about the existence/slavery they will inherit as long as they don’t miss the game.

To cut all this short, if you want a better, not perfect society, give all 14 year old males a free vasectomy after putting enough of their squigglies on ice to last them a lifetime.

If they become financially lucky/responsible enough to have kids they can take their whatever to the doctor and get her/it implanted.

Kids are better off in ‘nuclear families’ whatever that is. Before the last 100 years or so there was no real guarantee a newborn would live past 5 or both its parents would breathe long enough to see it grow up and pop out another generation of pawns for the kings of the Earth to send off to their wars.

Sheeple out here in podunk are still building houses and planning families as if the world isn’t burning and they’re not existing in a dead empire walking. They really have no concept of the larger world even with the net and jet air travel which will be limited to a tiny percentage of the pop. if the globalists get their way and don’t just introduce a far worse bioweapon than the last ones.

The world has changed drastically, in good ways, in the 60 plus years I’ve been here. But let’s be honest, there are still large ares that aren’t worth existing in, India’s slums and our own ghettos come to mind.

At the beginning of the plandemic I signed a paper that told the VA to not keep me alive if I have to be hooked up to a breathing machine or whatever. If I could sign one that reads “Stick a needle in my arm when I get to the point, like the demented in chief, that I don’t know where I am half the time or have to wait for someone else to come and wipe my ass,” I’d do it.

When my grandmother was in the nursing home her roommate had a colostomy bag and had to be medicated to keep her from talking to her long dead daddy. Her husband would come and sit with her most afternoons I think until he died leaving the nursing home no choice according to the law but leave her as she was.

This fear of death is absurdity, especially since so many claim their next stop is paradise.

What percentage of tool using monkeys have EVER been ‘psychologically well adjusted’ and who or what gets to define that and how would it differ in today’s world from what a spear thrower needed to know to get on the mammoth hunting team 40,000 years ago?

Good grief. Just read the ancient tribal propaganda to see how insane they were a few thousand years ago.

I decided a long time ago that if the only reason I had to be in this world was to work on a retirement plan then I really had no reason to be here.

Go almost anywhere and just look around. There are too many ugly fat tums and this now includes what a few years back were developing nations so-called. Why most of them even want to breed is beyond my comprehension.

If you have bad genetics and have to ‘settle’ for a mate you don’t really want why do you want to pass those bad genes on?

So at what point does every tool-using monkey just die because not enough of them are breeding?

At what point will the NON MEN and NON ADULT WOMEN created by modern civilization hang the garbage that run the WEF and the other NGOs, secret societies, whatever, that seek to manipulate the world to their profit?

The protestors looked like commies. So why are they protesting what the WEF wants?



Maybe it’s all distraction and none of this madness will matter much longer anyway:


Don’t know the source for a lot of these but that’s the nature of the net nowadays:

FK – Don’t kid yourself, slave is too aggrandizing. We are their livestock. There’s nothing more important to understand than that. If the ‘aliens’ or whatever really run this asylum then we’re lab rats.

150 years ago the eastern bison/elk was probably extinct because of over hunting. What happened to the passenger pigeon?

The sheeple are stupid, this is historical fact. We do need a few basic laws and a basic tax structure, not income obviously.

The problem is the indoctrination process. All education is indoctrination by default, training the blank slates in every generation to love liberty and to fight for it in whatever way necessary.

Otherwise we are raising children to be children.

It’s doing what all the swamp creatures do, talking to the audience. It knows the sheeple have short memories if any at all:

The reason that thing is still running is ‘just in case’ something happens to Trump the globalists can point to it and say “See, we still have a selectee.”

Of course most patriots won’t vote for it so it’ll probably lose anyway, just as Trump probably will because we had NO MEN to lift a finger and stop the swearing of the demented in chief last time, unless the globalists have achieved their short term goals and can stand for him to pretend to be fixing the country for another 4 years.

I wrote that before it dropped out of the race. Maybe it really is simply stupid or maybe the elites changed their plans or maybe they really do pull Trump’s strings more or less anyway.

When Reagan was selected most of his cabinet if memory serves were CFR members. Will Trump, if allowed back in power or selected by some miracle, actually do what he should have done the first time and fire/arrest the Marxist globalist trash in the military, just-us dept., and on and on???

No surprises here:

As Haley Ends Republican Race, Survey Finds 92% Of Her Voters Approve Of Biden’s Performance

The endemic and historical ELECTION FRAUD has


All wars are banksters’ wars:


Mainstream history is a lie:


Man made disease:




The brain blockers have already been installed in the govt. schools and govt. churches:




Running away solves nothing:

Don’t know the source of this. it’s making the rounds. Maybe she did it just to try to get the sheeple to think. It’s probably too late for that and it sends the wrong message.

Have you seen the Black Mirror episode about the robo dogs? There will be no where to hide. They have satellites and drones and as always indoctrinated whores that will hunt you for a paycheck and a retirement plan.

Prepper? The county tax assessor knows where your outhouse is. goolag earth has already photographed and mapped your property.

If you’re planning to try to run away and not turn and fight and hunt and destroy your enemies you’re not worth the oxygen a communist wastes in a new york second.

Too late to worry about this:

But it takes a country full of that to elect a govt. full of it:

The problem is those who are ‘awake’ are still cowards:

Big commie, but on this point he’s exactly right:

Well, this is one of MANY versions, sub-versions and subversions:

The purposes of gods and golden rules

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

This is only partly true. Most of the pop. is so pathetic, awake or not, that they’ll do what I’ve claimed for years they’ll do:

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then piss their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

And they have succeeded:

And we let them vote:

What happened to 70×7?

And NO militia and NO MEN! We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them:

“Just consider what current events will sound like two thousand years from now – the greatest nation on Earth bombing some of the smallest and weakest for no clear reasons, people starving in parts of the world while farmers are paid not to plant crops in others, technophiles sitting at home playing electronic golf rather than the real thing, and police forces ordered to arrest people who simply desire to ingest a psychoactive weed. People of that future era will also likely laugh it all off as fantastic myths.”
Jim Marrs, ‘rule by Secrecy

What happened to 70×7?

I must apologize for using goolagtube videos in this post as I’ve been doing for years now since they recently stopped allowing those who use ad blockers to watch the propaganda on their domain. Unless this policy is changed this is the last time I’ll be linking to goolagtube.

“Questions to be researched might include: to what extent are true sociopathic personalities dominating governments today? Why do people tolerate them? Have those Custodial religions which demand the worship of criminally insane beings as “angels” and “God” perhaps blinded many people to being able to see sociopathology for what it is?” – William Bramley, ‘The Gods of Eden

What happened to 70×7? I know. It’s like all other ‘scripture’ from the ancient tribal propaganda, it’s referred to when handy, hated when not, ignored when not profitable.

All we hear now are screams for revenge against a people who may be insane with their own version of an insane bronze age religion but have been pushed farther into a corner for decades in the effort, as some claim, to justify that same religion or fulfill it, or bring about some messiah’s coming or some other insanity.

When your home is broken into in the middle of the night you’ll allow your children to be raped seventy times seven?

Oh, it doesn’t mean that? Then you just threw the ‘literal and inerrant’ thing out the window.

What if all the ‘believers’ in the world are just as ignorant in their heaven as they are here? Not a place I’d want to be.

And we let them vote, along with the ‘other side’ of the culture war, you know the ones who ‘…vote for the man who’s gonna do somethin’ fer me.”

Meanwhile the Marxist globalist trash of whatever real source destroy western civilization while the ‘good people’ sit on their asses waiting for the world to end because that’s what the modern preachers and priests have been indoctrinated to regurgitate to them.

The world is not what they teach you in school or Sunday school.

This could go on forever, and sadly probably will:



The First Amendment doesn’t mention a special little group or country or belief system or philosophy or whatever whose motives can’t be questioned.

When you have that you have a very serious problem that needs to be pinned down and examined under a microscope.

If we put ANYTHING before our Bills of Rights of the U.S. Constitution and the constitutions of the several states most or all of which have similar amendments then we have LOST OUR COUNTRY!

This madness the world has been witnessing for the last month or so, really for 100 years, or 2000 or 3000, take your pick, is a sure sign the tool-using monkeys are collectively insane and still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

This post has taken so long because there’s way more material out there, especially with all the content providers on the net now, than I could ever read/watch on my own.

But as I keep noting the average dumbass we stupidly allow to vote is oblivious to this reality. They’ll just allow their offspring to be sent off to another war, or however the elites choose to define it, for profit with religious madness as the handy dandy excuse it’s always been.

For the sake of the childish, credulous and braindead:

Hating someone because they are born a certain way is mindlessness as is blindly defending them for the same reason.

Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind. Those who use it are no better than those who throw around ‘racist’ and ‘extremist’ and ‘wingnuts’ and ‘nazi’ and on and on.

We have free speech here as ACKNOWLEDGED not granted by our Bills of Rights thus we have no special groups whose motives cannot be questioned just like we no longer have heresy or blasphemy or other evils of the past.

When any sheeple tells me it blindly trusts any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

In a representative republic we are all born responsible, political animals, since politics is human nature and it affects all.

So we have this ‘conspiracy theory’ as some label it:


There’s a reason we no longer have ‘lords’ here.

They seemed to have failed on that last part about not harming the Palestinians, who insanely follow their own version of the ancient tribal propaganda, or were lying from the beginning.

A ‘conspiracy theory‘ is something the average dumbass sheeple doesn’t want to have to think about or deal with because they have committed themselves to an existence of mindless willful ignorance and intellectual cowardice.

To the morons who ‘believe’ not think, thinking ALWAYS trumps belief, that not siding with the special little country will spell amerika’s doom: amerika is already over the cliff. Only the incredibly stupid don’t yet grasp this.

But then that’s most of the population.

When the best of us are still scared to death of the idea of actually physically fighting back and refuse to join or create the genuine people’s militia we have sorely needed for generations now to DESTROY our real enemies, our DOMESTIC enemies, then this is a dead nation occupied by a dead sheeple.

Some of the Founders knew exactly what was coming:

“Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers, and destroyers press upon them so fast, that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon the American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour. The revenue creates pensioners, and the pensioners urge for more revenue. The people grow less steady, spirited, and virtuous, the seekers more numerous and more corrupt, and every day increases the circles of their dependents and expectants, until virtue, integrity, public spirit, simplicity, and frugality, become the objects of ridicule and scorn, and vanity, luxury, foppery, selfishness, meanness, and downright venality swallow up the whole society. “
– John Adams, Novanglus Letters, 1774

We passed that marker generations ago.

The cliff is behind/above us. As I’ve noted before the only question now is how far the fall and how many bones will litter the ground.

The ‘fix’ would require ADULT MEN and WOMEN we no longer have to conduct war crimes trials that unlike the Nuremberg trials focus on the true greater of the evils, those who fund the propaganda stream and create the dictators and the war profits.

Rushing Into Catastrophe

The Israelis have been massacring Palestinians and stealing their country bit by bit since 1947, and no one has ever done anything about it.  The UN passes resolutions, but the US vetoes them.  So this final time Netanyahu expects no opposition, indeed, he expects help from the US and its empire in the commission of his war crimes.

Why the US Needs This War in Gaza

US, Israeli Lawmakers Call for Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

The REAL plan comes out: Forced RELOCATION of 2+ million Palestinians so Israel can STEAL more land (Gaza)

And why they want to steal the land, and the gas:

Search: Gaza oil the reason for Israeli war


Is the Israeli – Palestinian War Really a Religious War, or a War to Control Petroleum and Gas in the Middle East?

Insider Admits Israel Attack Was ‘False Flag’ To Start ‘Holy War’ and Usher In ‘One World Government’

Hamas leaders worth staggering $11B revel in luxury — while Gaza’s people suffer

Hamas was created by Israeli and US intelligence services to counteract Yasser Arafat, Ron Paul explains

Hey, fake revolutions ain’t cheap….

Who created Hamas?

Who created the John Birch Society?:

FK – The situation in the middle east so-called was caused by wealthy banksters of a certain ethnicity or race who heavily funded the ‘return’ of European socialist so-called ‘Jews’ decades ago. What was Ben Gurion? He wasn’t a ‘religious’ jew unless he was ‘reform’ like many of them now whose ‘reform synagogues“(a euphemism for a Marxist front group) push ‘social justice'(a euphemism for Marxism).

Have you exposed this OBVIOUS historical reality?

Hitler was pushing ‘national socialism’ and in his book he claimed to hate the Bolsheviks that almost conquered Germany and were it not for the efforts of the lessor of the two evils they might have succeeded. The greater evil won WWII and still rules us.

Most communists are atheistic and don’t believe in ‘satan.’

CRT is a symptom or a tool of our DOMESTIC ENEMIES OUR GREATEST ENEMIES and a result of our failure to HANG our communists (by whatever cute name or race or ethnicity or claimed religion) and firstly those who fund their propaganda stream.

If you were really ‘safeguarding the constitution,’ the heart of which is the concept of natural rights, that the Bill of Rights is based upon, then you wouldn’t be calling people names like ‘anti-semite.’ That’s what our alleged enemies do.

Our civilization has already been destroyed because the avg. dumbass has NO CONCEPT of training with their local genuine people’s militia to be ready to do what should have been done generations ago. We lost our republic in 1865 and the victors set about destroying the militias in the post war years and replacing them with the standing military the Founders, the Anti-Federalists, so rightly feared.

Now they lie and say the ‘National Guard’ is the militia which is impossible because their weapons are kept locked in government vaults and not in the homes of the real militiamen and adult women who understand that war isn’t always voluntary.

The primary problem with the whatever gay tranny so-called movement is it helps destroy masculinity and the fighting spirit that even Christians of the Founding Era possessed. Their pathetic descendants are now told to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end which means all they accomplish generation after generation is they die and pass their slavery on to the next generation.

The globalists or whatever they really are simply use whatever group or minority they can to gain power over the ignorant, the desperate and the fearful. The ‘party of the little man’ used the poor white working class until they kicked them out to the curb with NAFTA. They use the minorities of whatever flavor and used to use the ‘jews’ and really still do along with the Palestinians and even the Islamists, all crazy with their version of the ancient tribal propaganda but also victims of whatever the real driving force behind all this insanity is.

Only war crimes trials will determine that if it’s even possible. But again we lack the MEN and ADULT WOMEN we so desperately need to build the militias to do what should have already been done. So why have the Birchers and so many other ‘conservative’ groups always been terrified of the ‘m’ word that is the basis of the Second Amendment they claim to love so dearly?

Eliminating all evil from our country would mean no one’s version of ‘political correctness’ would rule. Instead we would focus on those who seek to force their version of authoritarianism, old or new, on others.

Whose conversation are you trying to shut down?

So who or what is funding communism per se? Why not discuss the wealthy elites who fund their controlled opposition?

Who are these wealthy elites and what ‘ethnicity’ or race do they often belong to? Why are we called various names simply because we claim we’re supposed to be living in a free country and indeed a free world? Who or what really profits from this?????

I well remember only a few years back simply mentioning the word ‘liberty’ in polite company would get one called ‘racist’ and ‘anti-semitic'(which doesn’t really mean what so many think it does) and lots of other evil words designed to control the simple minded and shut down free expression.

You are participating in that now. We need to get to the bottom, or rather the top of the globalist ‘conspiracy’ which isn’t really a conspiracy but rather simply what the elites of any age do: manipulate the world around them to the best of their ability while propagandizing the mob, or the peasants or what we now call the mindless braindead oblivious sheeple.

They used to use religion to do this but now they are working to create a new form of religion as the old one is evolving away and dying off, thank goodness. But what we replace it with is the next question.

I didn’t get involved in the Patriot movement to establish or re-establish some Catholic or protestant theocracy. I was raised in that ignorance and would eradicate that form of authoritarianism as quickly as I would Marxist globalism or fascism(national socialism) or whatever cute name it’s being called this week.

The First Amendment doesn’t mention a special little group or country whose motives can’t be questioned.

Hating someone because they are born a certain way is mindlessness as is blindly defending them for the same reason.

Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind. Those who use it are no better than those who throw around ‘racist’ and ‘extremist’ and ‘wingnuts’ and ‘nazi’ and on and on.

We have free speech here as ACKNOWLEDGED not granted by our Bills of Rights thus we have no special groups whose motives cannot be questioned just like we no longer have heresy or blasphemy or other evils of the past.

One wonders what stocks this guy owns:

Venture capitalist ousted from firm he co-founded after saying Israel should ‘handle Gaza’ with ‘education camps, sterilizations’

But that’s what they’ve been doing anyway:

When ethnic cleansing is justified

More Palestinians killed in past 34 days than in the past 22 years combined

You’re Paying for the Israel War. You’ll Also Pay for the Refugees.

Analysis: Over 23M Immigrants Eligible to Vote in U.S. Ahead of 2024 Election

The Real Story of How Israel Was Created

What if only a percentage of the following is true?:

FK – Gee, who gave him permission to question the special tribe or country?

This is supposed to be AMERICA! WE DON’T NEED PERMISSION!!!!!!

To look at, read or evaluate ANY DAMN THING:

Former Ohio Congressman Traficant: ‘Israel Controls America’

FK – Most of the ‘exported violence’ is probably sponsored by the CIA/FBI/Mossad et al.

Only morons don’t know 9/11 was a false flag. The first bombing of the World Trade center in the 90s was an FBI sting allegedly gone bad.

Why would it have gone bad? An explosion like at OK city, another false flag probably, with casualties creates better propaganda.

Only a moron thinks the elites that manipulate all this care if a few of their livestock are killed or maimed.

Web search ‘How Israel controls America’




What if only part of the last two vids are true? The simple minded will discount it all because of one or two issues.

Most, really all, propaganda is a mix of one side’s ‘truth’ and another side’s ‘lies.’ In the internet age it’s become like that pink goo mickeydees used to make their mcnuggets.

A few things I did have the time to find:

Western Wall Prayers

Top Rabbi: America is Collapsing, Israel must Step Up as new World Superpower

Benjamin H. Freedman, a righteous Jew, Warning to America

The Zionist Whistleblower Benjamin H Freedman 1961 Warning To America 1961 Speech

Putin is Jewish?

Chiloni-dati divide (Yisrael)


Palestine pound

Chosen people

Remember who or what controls/edits Wikipedia and many other online sources.

Don’t be a moron and simply blindly regurgitate what some authority figure has regurgitated to you over and over again.

Chosen by whom?:

The Trump Bloodline – ROBERT SEPEHR (Nov 24, 2023)


History is what the victors or the ‘experts'(usually someone’s whore) agree upon as being ‘the truth.’

But we can see what the result of a lot of ‘history’ has been. It’s littered with the corpses of the willfully ignorant and the innocent minded that stupidly put blind faith and blind obedience before independent and critical thought.

But they do involve much less work until you’re ordered to dig the ditch they’re about to shoot you into.

If you don’t think that’s possible then it’s exactly what you deserve.

If your parents or other authority figures didn’t tell you that you don’t know what you might have to do in your time in this world up to and including killing your enemies, your real enemies, not just the ones the authorities tell you to fear but the authorities themselves, then they FAILED YOU.

Oh they got the gas all right:

Jordan’s Queen Rania sparks backlash: ‘Greatest gaslighting in history’

FK – Living propaganda from faux snooze which serves globalism and not human liberty or the concept of natural rights our country was founded upon.

The Israeli govt. probably knew the attack was coming if they didn’t arrange it. Time to grow up.

Not seen or caused evil but the ancient tribal propaganda allegedly claims they are born in ‘original sin’ and deserve to be burned alive in fire forever.

What an insane world.

The Israelis have been genociding the Palestinians for nearly 100 years. It’s ongoing.

Israel and the U.S. created and fund Hamas.

Most of the special tribe was kicked/dragged out of Palestine 2000 years ago.


It’s the height of absurdity to claim they have a ‘right to return’ and steal the land of those living there just because their ancient tribal propaganda may claim so.

Most modern ‘jews’ are secular Marxists. Many maybe most synagogues are ‘reform’ and focus on ‘social justice,’ both euphemisms for Marxism. Look at their websites.

It’s insanity for ‘conservatives’ to focus on this garbage when we’ve lost our country and our DOMESTIC enemies, our greatest enemies, have stolen elections and committed a biowar against humanity and haven’t been tried and executed for it.

What if we still had large populations of American Indians living in reservations or refugee camps near large cities and they regularly lobbed rockets or whatever into those cities?

What would you be doing if you looked through a fence or over a wall every day at land your parents or grandparents owned but was stolen from them because of power and greed and the insanity of some ancient tribal propaganda, that your own religion is based upon?

What do the ‘orthodox religious jews’ believe about what will happen when their messiah comes? Or the ones who will tell you modern Israel is an abomination?

What an absurd joke this all is. And millions of morons on both sides cheer on the slaughter over a bunch of crap that shouldn’t even matter to a ‘modern’ society.

But the tool using monkeys are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous world and death may be a very busy fellow for the next several decades, if it lasts that long.

So-called ‘peace’ usually means those with the biggest or most effective military got their way.

The govt. schools/universities and govt. churches have produced generations of morons that stupidly go along with this garbage.

Democracy is one group of morons beating another over the head and forcing their idiocy on them. Liberty is what mankind needs to pursue, based on the concept of natural rights, and acknowledgement of our natural born right to hang the bastards responsible for all this madness, on all sides. There are NO ‘good sides’ in this madness.

The UN has been an evil Marxist front group since its inception. Why aren’t the newswhores at faux snooze CONSTANTLY calling for its destruction instead of only when it goes against the special little county that wouldn’t even exist but for the machinations of wealthy banksters and empires of the past?

As usual these talking heads don’t know what they’re talking about or if they do they’re what I call them: newswhores. The serve the same evil as all the rest of the dinosaur media.

They’re screeching the same pro war propaganda prevalent before all ‘great wars.’ What was the propaganda about the Germans before WWI or the babies in incubators before the first gulf war or the WMDs that didn’t exist?

What lying scat.

They knew Pearl Harbor was coming too. They pushed the Japanese into the war for empire.

Are all these whores reading from a script or do they memorize these propaganda points?

The Israelis have had nukes for decades. The current global empire of note funds/supplies their military and also funds Hamas, which was created by Mossad.

Millions of ignorant morons go along with this garbage and will send their children off to die or be maimed by this insanity.

No one with a brain would take what they say ‘for anything.’ I went to college to be a ‘journalist’ and I know what they’re supposed to be doing. They are whores at best.

Is this what they’re lying about?:

Queen Rania: There’s a ‘glaring double standard’ in how world treats Palestinians

FK – Of course a ‘Palestinian state’ is not viable. Search the Yinon Plan. The only goal is their extermination or removal. All else is gaslighting as they call it.

What madness.

Most wars involve butchery of one kind or another. What did the ‘native Americans’ do to the colonists and later the Americans who stole their land over the course of 3-4 centuries? What was often done to them in return?

Take the homes and livelihoods of most sheeple from whatever culture or race, kill their families, all they understand as reality, and their actions can or can’t be predicted.

Later some tool-using monkey feigning civilization will whine over how inhuman it was when it was all quite human.

Read the ancient tribal propaganda to learn what the Israelites or Hebrews or Canaanites or whatever they really were did to their enemies.

Their god told them it was OK to bring home the virgins and the foreskins or sometimes not so much as a goat or a sack of wheat.

Of course their enemies whose land they were taking were pagans and barbarians etc., which was often true, with only shades of difference between both sides.

Just like now.

What kind of brutality and atrocities will be committed by the few who can still fight when amerika is finally invaded by whatever force decides it’s time to take this land from those who have become so stupid they think it could never happen when in fact it already has.

Since ancient times so-called ‘international law’ is the first thing cast on the bonfire when the enemy finally appears weak enough to destroy or enslave.


Goolagtube is full of propaganda, from both ‘sides’:

Palestinian girl breaks down after her mother is killed

FK – Is this real or is she an actor? There are NO ‘good sides’ in this war. One side stole land and committed genocide in the alleged name of their ancient tribal propaganda and the other mindlessly indoctrinates their children in blind hatred and their own version of that same ancient tribal propaganda.

What an insane world. Will humanity ever grow up?


What is a Semite?:


FK – Globally we are all mutts. And still we murder each other over insanities that shouldn’t matter anymore.


King of the hill, the same old game:

Here’s Why U.S. Elites Support Israel No Matter What

FK – Well this is only part of the reason, what ever that really is.

Wars are fought over power, money, resources, the power to tax, like ‘the war to free the slaves’ here or ‘the war to defeat fascism’ in the mid 20th century.

The excuses are generally made up later to soothe the shallow consciences of the simple minded children we stupidly allow to vote.

Gee, no mention that 9/11 was likely a Mossad false flag that the U.S. govt. knew was coming and allowed to happen to give it an excuse to start the ‘war on terror’ as Israel probably allowed or caused the latest Hamas incursions?

Any moron that still has ANY faith in their elected public servants at this point fully deserves what’s being done to them, what’s been done to them and what will done to their descendants.

Most idiot voters don’t even know there is ‘world policing.’

Hating someone because they are born a certain way is mindlessness as is blindly defending them for the same reason.

Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind. Those who use it are no better than those who throw around ‘racist’ and ‘extremist’ and ‘wingnuts’ and ‘nazi’ and on and on.

We have free speech here as ACKNOWLEDGED not granted by our Bills of Rights thus we have no special groups whose motives cannot be questioned just like we no longer have heresy or blasphemy or other evils of the past.

Who deserves to vote?

Do you have the courage?:


FK – The idea that a country can be re-established based on one that existed 2000 years ago just because their ancient tribal propaganda says so is the height of absurdity.

But this is an absurd world.

Do you know what The Yinon Plan is?

The Unfolding of Yinon’s “Zionist Plan for the Middle East”

The Zionist Plan For The Middle East By Oded Yinon Israël Shahak [ Yinon, Oded Shahak, Israël]

Among many other things:

What Christians Aren’t Taught About Zionism

FK – I was raised in that ignorance.

Shapiro like many ‘conservative’ commentators is a shill, or controlled opposition.

Strange how neither the Babylonians nor the Romans were struck down before they invaded the special country.

Most believers know little history and don’t understand that most primitive cultures believe themselves to be the ‘chosen’ of their gods or were created for some special purpose or were set apart from the rest of humanity because they are superior in some way.

It’s a slow genocide, similar to what our ancestors did to the American Indian so-called. What if we still had a large population of them on reservations near large cities where they could lob rockets on occasion?

Would we annihilate them then put up statues to honor their courage? Wait….

There are Christians who argue that America is the ‘promised land’ and most Europeans are descended from the lost tribes of Israel. But most mainline protestants and probably Catholics, the ignorant sheep that they are, are oblivious to this.

Many ‘good people’ have been shot into ditches because they were too stupid/intellectually lazy to pay attention and act when they were born into a situation where it was their responsibility to do so.

Again for the benefit of the simple minded and easily manipulated:

Hating someone because they are born a certain way is mindlessness as is blindly defending them for the same reason.

Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind. Those who use it are no better than those who throw around ‘racist’ and ‘extremist’ and ‘wingnuts’ and ‘nazi’ and on and on.

We have free speech here as ACKNOWLEDGED not granted by our Bills of Rights thus we have no special groups whose motives cannot be questioned just like we no longer have heresy or blasphemy or other evils of the past.

What else is happening in the special country?

Is Israel preparing to transition towns into 15-minute cities?

This kind of ignorance is beyond dangerous:

Cowboys of the wild West Bank: The visiting US volunteers who ‘own guns, love Israel’

10,000 Assault Rifles Being Distributed to Israeli Civilian Security Teams

So why didn’t they have them before? Israel has neither a written constitution nor a Bill of Rights with no ‘second amendment’ and no ACKNOWLEDGED not granted ‘right to bear arms’ which means the right to self defense against your own tyrannical governments.

Israel Loosens Strict Gun Control Laws To Arm ‘As Many Citizens As Possible’

What they say?:

Israelis: Do you see non Jews as equal to you?

FK – Is Bnai Brak a town or a version of their religion???

So Jesus(latin) or Yeshua, means Joshua? I’ve seen diff. versions on this.

Why doesn’t Israel have a constitution or Bill of Rights like the U.S., both of which of course are consistently ignored here?

Many to most to all primitive cultures view themselves as ‘the chosen’ by their god or gods or whatever and have a special name for themselves and view themselves differently from outsiders. Their religions often reflect this.

‘Christians’ of whatever version, sub-version or subversion might say similar things. amerika for amerikans or America for Americans.

We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age that we may not survive. Certainly the cultures prevalent now won’t survive. It’s all on a suicide course.


Evangelical Christians Turn Their Backs on Christians in Palestine Who are Being Murdered and Attacked by Jews as They Give Unconditional Support to Israel

FK – Now think about all the ignorant preachers who have told their sheep filled congregations to stupidly support ‘Israel’ no matter what because that’s what the ancient tribal propaganda commands them to do.

And like their ‘faith’ or belief the vast majority of them never give it a real or second thought.


The evil goolagtube once again censors:


FK – Modern Israel, founded by European socialists, has been committing genocide against the Palestinians for a century and still many are surprised when they try to fight back.

And we let these morons vote.

If the Israelis allegedly have all this intel maybe they allowed the ‘attacks’ to happen to create an excuse to kill more Palestinians and steal more of their land with their FAR SUPERIOR military.

And for the benefit of the braindead – The pretended ‘religions’ of both sides are insane. It’s always one insanity against another in tool-using monkey history. How many Israelis are secular Marxists or make the pretense of following their religion via a ‘reform’ version, which focuses on ‘social justice,’ both euphemisms for Marxism?

Long lasting peace? Huh? What does the ancient tribal propaganda record?: “They cried peace, peace and there was no peace.”

Plato allegedly said/wrote “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” But what did he know?

“The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, none of this will ever affect the braindead apathetic sheeple:

More and more countries are coming out against the US and Israel…You better be prepped and ready.

FK – The preparation should be helping the genuine people’s militia do what must be done to our real enemies, our DOMESTIC enemies THAT HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE!!!!!!!!!

But there are NO MEN or ADULT WOMEN left here.

War is not always voluntary

The patriot newbie guidebook


Blood Flows as Israeli War Crimes Intensify

FK – Is this all distraction from the plandemic and the blatantly stolen election??????

Israel uses its own civilians as human shields while assaulting Gaza

Now let’s look at why:

He(Kissinger) admitted it.


FK – Diversity so-called applied properly could be a strength. The govt. and ‘christian’ and private and whatever indoctrination centers called schools have INTENTIONALLY FAILED MISERABLY in the effort to truly educate children to grow up to be ADULTS with a proper understanding of the world around them.

The major reason the sheeple allow their children to be sent off to these wars is simple ignorance. They have no conception of other cultures and no conception that other belief systems are held just as seriously as their own, however watered down any of them are. Usually they have a shallow pathetic understanding of their own pretense.

What if the ‘American Indian’ tribes hadn’t been wiped out by small pox and other diseases and we had reservations in this country with large populations near amerikan cities that rockets could be lobbed into on occasion?

A century ago here in amerika many had no concept of why their spawn should attend school at all. We are truly born blank slates.

In ancient times when ‘innocent civilians’ truly had no power against their rulers then maybe they could be excused for their willful ignorance and apathy because no one had told them at all they had a right, duty and responsibility to fight back.

Now in what is supposed to be a representative republic that was lost in 1865 and in the ‘democracies’ of the western world, which in reality are all forms of manipulation, the public is born with a duty to pay attention and fight back in whatever way necessary.

Our great grandparents should have been holding war crimes trials, and not just of the lessor of the evils that lost WWII but those who instigated, funded and profited form both world wars and all the wars/conflicts since.

Who or what created ‘modern Israel’ that shouldn’t even exist? Will you cover that??????? Will ground dot whatever cover that????

What’s the symbol on the Israeli flag? Do you know it’s original meaning?

Shapiro is a shill. Who or what is funding you, really?

How many Europeans have been assaulted, raped, murdered by immigrant cultures that are still allowed to indoctrinate their children in their ancient ignorance that was born of the earlier ancient ignorance?

Insane ideas can capture any human mind that hasn’t been trained that there are no sources that can be blindly trusted.

Even then desperation has through history and still does lead to desperate acts. Surely the Palestinian leadership knew what the result of such a barrage would be? Was it instigated by Mossad or CIA or whatever infiltrators with the goal of building the Israeli empire in the Levant and thus controlling the oil or whatever is there that’s really so valuable?

Who or what profits from all this distraction? How many morons are holding their breath waiting for Armageddon and for some savior that isn’t coming to magically solve all their problems for them and burn all those they don’t like alive in fire forever?

If the ‘savior’ does show up what will it really be? What did Arthur C. Clark say about magic vs technology? Who or what is really orchestrating all this? Have you seen ‘Colony?’

We’ve had a Bill of Rights in this country for over 200 years that MUST TRUMP all religions or else it’s useless. Its reads ‘…no cruel and unusual punishment….’

Freedom of religion is the right to REFUSE all others including the one the soldiers come to murder you for not believing. But most believers are too historically ignorant to understand that. The churches don’t teach real history for the same reason the govt. schools and universities don’t.

They’re creating willing slaves not free human beings.

How many and what kind of immigrants does modern Israel allow?

What did England do in WWII? Did Churchill maintain the ‘moral high ground’ and forbid the firebombing of German civilians, many of whom firmly believed to the end that the fuhrer, their leader, would wave a magic wand and save them as he had done a decade before from a horrible economic situation?

Why hasn’t the amerikan empire been spreading the ideals of real human liberty based on the concept of natural rights instead of the lie of democracy around the world via its various wars for corporate profit?

That’s simple, our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN left in western civilization.


Henry Kissinger Makes Stunning Admission As His Life Nears the End

FK – Careful there Mark. You’re treading on far more dangerous territory than you realize. Did you know that John Stossel only recently realized that the SPLC is full of crap?

Decades ago they had rifle teams at school and some kids would take their shotguns in order to hunt on the way home.

Can white or black christians move to Israel permanently?

Who or what is really behind all this? The edomites or the aliens? Or are they they the same?

An educated thinking public would eagerly learn about other cultures and see the insanity that is prevalent in all human so-called cultures and seek to correct it. But it’s so much more profitable to divide and conquer.

Will weapon detectors at Salt Lake high schools disproportionally affect students of color?

FK – It’s mostly about conditioning to accept the surveillance society.

They don’t want the adult children created by the govt. schools and churches to have weapons either.

All they want is for them to show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions. And of course look forward to their tax refunds and retirement. That’s when they’re no longer any use to the corporations they slave for and get kicked out the door to the curb.

The simple solution of providing militia training and adult thinking skills at appropriate ages is too much for the authorities to comprehend as would encouraging those mature enough to do so to arrive armed, willing and able to fight back.

Maybe the Israelis have learned something about that but it’s doubtful.

Israel strikes UN deal to send thousands of African migrants to western countries

Moving to Israel – who is legally eligible?

FK – All those morons who think we have to follow 3000 year old bronze age tribal propaganda and ‘protect Israel’ at all costs need to apply.

Evangelical Christians Duped Into Funding Over 30% Of Jewish Immigration To Israel

Christianity’s Survival in Israel Is Under Attack


Whose self defense?:

No One Came To Save Them, Except This Brave Dude

FK – It’s about protecting your liberty, ACKNOWLEDGED in the Bills of Rights, based on the concept of NATURAL RIGHTS, from our evil govt. and evil marxist globalist led military.

AND NOTHING ELSE. The Founders didn’t consider a nation of pussies that would allow the govt. to tell them they couldn’t defend themselves from common criminals.

The fundie ragheads, as nutty as they are, are defending their insane concept of reality and what was their land and their homes from an ongoing invasion and genocide perpetrated against them for 100 years now.

If only we had such MEN here.

Modern ‘christians’ so-called have been indoctrinated away from fighting back. Their useless preachers and priests, not even counting the ‘woke’ ones, have taught them to sit on their fat lazy apathetic asses and wait for the world to end.

They have forgotten the bloody 8 year war fought by our ancestors to free us from all forms of authoritarianism, including their favorite one. They have instead reverted back to the crusades when the upper greedy classes, using their religion as an excuse much of the time, conducted the crusades to ‘free’ the holy land from one form of insanity and impress another upon it.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

You should have been a political operator back in the 90s when the average dumbass sheeple had NO CONCEPTION AT ALL of their or your right to carry concealed or in any other way. If some sheeple saw a patriot open carrying the usual question, if they noticed at all or had the courage to ask, was: “Do you have a permit/license for that?”

Usually they assumed the carrier was a cop and had the ‘right’ and the proper training, permission, whatever. How laughable and pathetic and horrifying all at the same time.

The rampant crime in the large cities continues because the average sheeple sits on its fat lazy cowardly apathetic ass and says “Oh, there’s nothin’ you can do about it.”

If you’re appealing to the humanity of your DOMESTIC enemies at this point you are delusional about the situation you’re in.

For the sake of the childish, credulous and braindead:

Hating someone because they are born a certain way is mindlessness as is blindly defending them for the same reason.

Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind. Those who use it are no better than those who throw around ‘racist’ and ‘extremist’ and ‘wingnuts’ and ‘nazi’ and on and on.

We have free speech here as ACKNOWLEDGED not granted by our Bills of Rights thus we have no special groups whose motives cannot be questioned just like we no longer have heresy or blasphemy or other evils of the past.

So who or what decided to sacrifice these fighters and non fighters on both sides for the sake of ‘greater Israel’ or whatever real reason the current empire of note is operating in that part of the world?????

Where did all this insanity begin?:

Occult Bloodlines of Canaan – ROBERT SEPEHR

FK – Is Charles a ‘god anointed king’ that unbeknownst to the average dumbass believer serves globalism and the enslavement of humanity?

Our ancestors fought a bloody 8 year war to free us of such. Many are ignorant enough to accept such evil again.

How absurd that such ceremonies are still performed.

And where is it going?:

Occult Secrets of the Book of Revelation – ROBERT SEPEHR

FK – Oh, you mean it’s not literal?

An opinion of one of the special chosen:


Will history remember how amerika fell? Will you even remember or do you even know?:

Biden’s handlers stare at each other in PANIC as his brain turns to mush LIVE

FK – It’s trying to decide if its diaper needs to be changed.

MUST SEE: Open.Ink Platform Reveals New Information on the Mysterious Gallows Set Up Near the US Capitol on Jan. 6 (Video)

FK – If there were any MEN in this country 20 mil. of them would’ve shown up and built a real granite gallows and USED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don’t forget the ongoing bio war on Terran bipedal livestock:

The vaccines are adulterated. The FDA is required by law to take them off the market. And you can now sue the manufacturers.

FK – But will the avg. dumbass sheeple ever know or care?

Facebook censors report on study about breast milk being found with mRNA particles from COVID-19 vaccines

Or what he has the courage to mention about the PLANdemic:

Rand Paul: What They Didn’t Want You To Know About Covid, the Lab Leak, and Fauci

FK – The bioweapon was almost certainly intentionally released to start the plandemic in order to scare the sheeple zombies into taking the vax. Only a moron or Marxist trash denies this now.

Is Paul afraid to discuss the real reasons for this INTENTIONAL EVIL?

Of course the EVIL msnm is not reporting on it. That might alarm the sheeple zombies that stupidly still trust it to any degree at all, which at this point, really a quarter century ago, is/was incredibly stupid behavior.

We are LIVESTOCK to the creatures that really run this asylum we call a planet. That’s because most of the sheeple zombies ACT and ‘THINK'(incredibly loosely defined) like livestock.

The sheeple zombies that refuse to pay attention, think for themselves, much less read an actual book or real not official history, fully deserve what’s been done to them, what’s being done to them and what will be done to their pathetic offspring.

Paul needs to really step up and start loudly demanding war crimes trials for the creatures that INTENTIONALLY started and ran the plandemic and BLATANTLY STOLE the Nov. 2020 election.

Too bad they can’t release a bioweapon that removes authoritarians and the brain dead sheeple that stupidly follow them. The world would be a much better place.


One of my biggest ongoing pet peeves:

I’m sick to death, and have been for decades, of so-called ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ et al constantly APOLOGIZING to their DOMESTIC ENEMIES, their GREATEST ENEMIES, for their right to hunt them to extinction for working to enslave humanity totally and forever.

This must end. But we have NO MEN left in western civ. to bring this about. That’s why western civ. and amerika are dead, gone over the cliff.

More of the red herring of ‘self-defense’:

Witnesses of Maine’s Mass Shootings Share Stories of Survival, Suspect Still on the Loose

FK – So the great state of Maine has ‘concealed carry’ permission laws(actually open and ‘constitutional carry’) like many states and there were NO ADULT MEN OR WOMEN there who were armed and capable of really fighting back??????

What a nation of pathetic cowardly whores. We should have the militias in place to deal with the evil in our governments and corporations and with the trash that now calls once again to disarm us all because of the actions of one and the inaction of many.

Maine does forbid carry on their capitol grounds like any tyrannical govt. THE POINT of the 2nd Amendment is to force the PUBLIC SERVANTS we ELECT/HIRE to ACKNOWLEDGE OUR NATURAL BORN RIGHT TO SHOW UP AND HANG THEM WHEN THEY OVERSTEP THEIR BOUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again evil mindless, ignorant or knowing Marxist trash is guilty of murdering sheeple who stupidly obeyed a rule ‘just because some piece of shit told them to….’

The Just-in-Time Bowling Alley in Lewiston, Maine, where Robert Card murdered 7 people on Wednesday, was a Gun-free Zone; the Schemengees Bar & Grille was likely also a Gun-free Zone.

Still berating the obvious:

The Failure of Gun Control in Maine

FK – It’s NATURAL RIGHTS not constitutional rights. Our Bills of Rights are based on this not on ANYTHING GRANTED by ANY authority.

Stupidly obey evil law/rules and pay the price:

Will the owners of that facility be sued for their stupidity/evil or sent to the prison the shooter belongs in?

Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2022 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.6%, the correct number is at least 35.7%. In 2022, it is at least 41.3%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 63.5%.

FK – Those who PAY ATTENTION have known this for DECADES. The shit that chooses ignorance in its daily existence hasn’t a clue and usually doesn’t want one and FULLY DESERVES whatever is done to it.

Professor Moody, who studies mass public shootings, notes that such warnings are misleading:

The media and gun control advocates always seem concerned with the worst possible outcomes when firearms are involved. We know that armed citizens do, in fact, stop active shooters. And while there’s a possibility of a bystander getting hurt, the data put together by the CPRC show that an armed citizen has yet to accidentally shoot an innocent bystander. We also know that the police have accidentally shot the hero citizen just once. That was in Colorado on June 21, 2021. That’s not something that would normally happen, because the police usually arrive long after the incident is resolved.


This is the real problem:

Now the federal bureau of instigators is evil, infiltrated by communists and part of the problem. But that’s nothing new…

If we had a nation of ADULT MEN AND ADULT WOMEN they would be teaching their children these realities instead of helping the govt. schools and govt. churches raise children to be children so they make better slaves.

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

Nothing new about this either:

ODD COINCIDENCE: DOJ Warns SCOTUS of Dangerous “Mentally Ill” Gun Owners Hours Before Maine Shooting

FK – ‘Conspiracy theorist’ is what the mindless, oblivious, braindead physically grown children produced by our govt. schools and govt. churches that would rather die than think call those who dare them to think. It’s the first response of intellectual cowards and whores.

The shooter was allegedly found dead, did it carry out its orders and get shut up?

Untrained unorganized common men or women are not a militia. The whole people may be a part of the militia but if they don’t know wtf they’re doing when things get bad they are useless. if they cannot act and fight as a team they are useless.

Things got bad a long time ago. The genuine people’s militia was destroyed in the late 19th century after the war to keep taxing the southern states so no states could exercise their RIGHT to secede ever again.

The NATIONAL guard is NOT the militia!!! Their weapons are kept locked in govt. vaults.

More elite shenanigans?:

Ammo Employee Comes Forward: Companies Withholding Stockpiles Purposely?!?

United States “PAUSES” Export of Guns & Ammo…BUT WHY!?

BREAKING NEWS: Biden Administration Launches New SURPRISE ATTACK on 2A on Friday Night.

FK – Humanity needs a global Bill of Rights that recognizes its NATURAL RIGHT to exterminate those who would RULE them.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

What trash that we’re not hanging is responsible for this?:

Infringed Promo – Welcome To Baltimore

FK – What a pathetic nation of cowardly whores that keep tolerating this evil.

When the big cities finally collapse because of the apathy of the general public what will happen to the rest of the country? How many morons think none of this will ever affect them?

It’s way beyond what he’s suggesting.

amerika and western civ. are being intentionally collapsed. Only morons, most of the population, don’t see that now. By the time it becomes apparent to them that they must act, if they understand acting at all, and really most don’t, it will be TOO LATE. in fact it probably already is.

Our DOMESTIC ENEMIES, our greatest enemies, have been successful. The people failed to do their job in Jan. 21 as part of the genuine people’s militia so they now get what they fully deserve.

Let’s not get too excited:

ANOTHER Gun buying SPREE just started… As Gun Controllers LOSE ANOTHER key gun control demographic

FK – An armed commie is still a commie. amerikan commies gave up on armed revolution here a century ago so they switched to infiltration. Or did your high school history teacher not mention that?

Ever heard of JPFO?

How not surprising:

SCOTUS Found a Gun It Doesn’t Like

Roberts is widely believed to be a more moderate voice on gun-related issues. His apparent reticence to take up Second Amendment cases would explain a decade-long silence on the court after its landmark ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller in 2008, which established an individual right to bear arms in the Second Amendment for the first time. And while he voted with the majority in the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen decision last year, he also joined Kavanaugh’s concurring opinion that reaffirmed the constitutionality of a wide range of gun restrictions.

How did we get from ‘…shall not be infringed.’ to that?

As I’ve noted many multiple times the SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS!!!! WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!

But since our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies, have been successful and there are NO MEN here with any understanding of their right, duty and RESPONSIBILITY to be well trained with their local genuine people’s militia so they can go and kill or hang any garbage that seeks to enforce ANY so-called gun law then this country is what I claim, dead as a roadkill possum.

The only real reason for the militia


There’s nothing new about weapons control or war or propaganda:

Boudica, or, How Present-Day Politics Changes The Past: The London History Show

FK – But the modern brits surrendered their weapons to their evil govt. without a fight. Now they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

There had to have been bilingual native Brits for trade with the Romans to occur. If the Druids or priest class were ‘literate’ at all could they have created a record that is now lost?

Most brain dead amerikans, the ones that know any history at all, and that’s fewer and fewer all the time in this dead empire, think the Yankees invaded the south to ‘free the slaves,’ which is absurdity.

Lincoln the tyrant said openly we’re doing it to ‘put the flag back,’ which means to reestablish the power to tax a land and its people and of course control its economy and what it produces. Same thing the Romans were doing.

Have you ever been able to verify when or if Napoleon said/wrote “History is lies/fables agreed upon?”

So the evil globalists won’t create their own official mythology/history/gods/flags under which to rule their lessors????? They’ve already murdered 100s of millions under the guise of communism/socialism.

Have they started re-writing the old official history in the UK yet? Wait….

Are the kids learning why the govt.s want them disarmed and why their parents/grandparents were cowards for turning their guns in without a fight?

Politics is human nature itself. It touches all. War is politics by other means and vice versa. This is what most children that are raised to be physically grown children don’t understand because being critical thinkers would make them harder to RULE. The elites in the castles and the churches have always known this.

Nowadays the lords go by diff. names. Or at least they’re supposed to here in the land of the fee and home of the slave.

History is basically war in one form or another. amerika has been at war for most of its history as were the brits and the Romans. The modern day quasi literate sheeple have no conception of this and don’t want one thus they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

In modern day republics or ‘democracies'(another form of manipulation) all are born responsible and there are no innocents.

The ancient elites conceived a religion that declared newborns are deserving of eternal torture in fire partly to control them and partly because each generation proves it’s deserving of its slavery because most of them put forth no effort to pay attention at all or understand their situation.

An unbiased tool-using monkey has never been born.

I won’t presume to speak for Boudica. After all one of our hollyweird movies told us that ‘Rome is the light.’

We see how this worked out:

KY Governor Race (The Factor No One’s Talking About)

FK – Uh, election fraud????????

That crap targets low info voters that shouldn’t be voting anyway. Why do we let morons vote? Why don’t we get a receipt when we vote that we can check against results online the next day, with a voter no. that proves we are ‘eligible’ and not a corpse or family pet or ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace?

Why do we have a ‘secret ballot?’ If my neighbors are voting for authoritarians I need to know because EVERY TIME THEY VOTE THEY ARE VOTING TO ENSLAVE AND MURDER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY DON’T BELONG IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!

If the pathetic creatures don’t understand that THEY HAVE NO BUSINESS VOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why isn’t voter fraud a capital offense?

Why aren’t candidates required by law to take a test and submit a resume both proving they understand the form of govt. we’re supposed to have here and that they’re not connected to/funded by communists, globalists, theocrats or any other authoritarian group?

Why aren’t voters required to train with the genuine people’s militia and serve in such for at least a couple years before they get their voter no. so that they at least are exposed to REALITY not Marxist or pacifist garbage in the govt. schools and govt. churches?

Why isn’t there a class, outside the govt. schools, and a REQUIRED reading list for future voters and a test that proves they HAVE ANY BUSINESS AT ALL VOTING and aren’t just going to vote “…for the feller who’s gonna do somethin’ fer me?!!!!!”

Why aren’t all elected, hired and appointed govt. SERVANTS made to wear a noose around their necks at all times so it’s handy and they ALWAYS KNOW THEIR PLACE??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What those jackasses say during a debate or campaign cycle MEANS NOTHING. Their RECORD in or outside of govt. IS EVERYTHING!!!!!!!

I think maybe I’ll write in my 16 year old recently deceased Mountain Feist for all of them.

You’re looking for statesmen in this nation of whores? Really? How many voters real or not even know what that term means anymore, or care? We allow garbage to vote and garbage to run that should be hanging from a tree or a light pole as an example.

Statesmen are as rare as real MEN or ADULT WOMEN here. Millions who claim to value the 2nd Amendment are SCARED TO DEATH of the ‘m’ word that is its basis.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Who deserves to vote?


And the same should be true of the corporations and religions and their ‘gods.’




















Why your country is dead:


But then the military doesn’t serve us nor the concept of liberty based on natural rights.


This creature is mentally ill:


The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’


Is this why ancient cultures required them to wear dresses?:


Rebels with no real clue


We will never run out of ignorance or apathy.

If the evil government or any authority is telling you there’s something you shouldn’t know it’s probably the first thing you should go out and learn.

And this goes back a long way, there’s nothing new under the sun:

Just as the centuries have washed the paint off the Parthenon frieze, so generations of scholars have bleached all that was physical out of the Athenian image. Yet the Greeks were not wholly obsessed by philosophy and the Golden Mean. If they had been, twentieth-century dictionaries would not include such words as androgyny, aphrodisiac, eroticism, hermaphroditism, homosexuality, narcissism, nymphomania, pederasty, satyriasis, and zoophilia – all of them Greek in derivation and most of them relating to activities that can be found in the pages of Homer.

Homer, Hesiod, Plutarch, Pausanias – the professional myth preservers and myth-improvers – created a vivid, adventurous, amoral world in which gods and heroes spent as much of their time bedding and brawling as they did in performing deeds of valor, and in which the commonplace and the esoteric were inextricably mixed. These were the authors who served as reading primers for the children of the Classical world, and the children learned not only their letters from them, but tolerance and realistic callousness as well. Aphrodite, for example, goddess of sexual intercourse, was born from the foam, but not the foam that so innocently caps a Botticelli wave. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, Cronos, son of earth and heaven, castrated his father with a billhook and hurled his testicles into the sea. They drifted away in the foam of their own semen, and it was from this that Aphrodite was born, Later, she herself was to give birth (from her union with Hermes) to the androgynous god Hermaphroditos, equipped with the physical characteristics of both sexes, and from a union with Dionysus to Priapus, whose physical characteristics were unarguably male and in a permanent state of erection. – Ray Tannahill, Sex In History

As I’ve noted before history is purposely not taught in the govt. schools and govt. churches. That would interfere with their desire to RULE.

The natural born ignorance of the tool-using monkeys is as vast as the universe(s?) itself. Most of them struggle all their time here to die as ignorant as they were born and pretend that ancient ignorance is all they need to survive and defeat enemies they barely know exist.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

The purposes of gods and golden rules

This is a cruel callous world ruled by a callous god called money regardless of the pretense of those who are in reality just hedging their bets and serving their real masters, those they pay interest to…

And this is probably the most important question of this time:

Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

We still have a demented old criminal Marxist, that if it were a member of ‘normal'(whatever that is now) society it would be in a nursing home or if wealthy have a full time nurse, occupying the now red house. It’s allegedly, or it’s handlers are, acting as ‘commander in chief’ of our Marxist military whose leadership would welcome the chicom military if it decided to land on the commie coast.

Only a nation of cowardly moronic willfully ignorant whores would tolerate this. It takes a nation of whores to elect a congress of whores.

But that’s where we are. The most absurd situation in probably all of known tool-using monkey history.

And still the sheeple choose ignorance on a daily basis, preoccupied with their pitiful existences while they pay no more attention to the world their children will inherit than an alley cat.

And I’ve written before on the insanity of the culture war and both it’s ‘sides’ there are many tool-using monkeys who would rather bow down to any king from anywhere than to actually think for themselves or act:

ad astra per aspera

Cardinal Zen is very funny as he penned what many here suspected:
“participants have been invited to ‘expect ‘surprises’ from the Spirit,” and that such language seems to imply a predetermined outcome for the Synod. “Evidently they are already informed which surprises to expect.”

Interesting this concept of Democratic Centralism. I believe I heard the same about our so-called democracy, which is predicated on the same idea, that we are all fooled into thinking we have one. We long for the return of God-annointed kings instead of this impossible and dangerous concept of democracy which always ends up being manipulated by the elite few, just as Cdl Zen claims is being done with this synod.

That comment is from this article:

Cdl. Zen’s letter to the Synod points to communist tactics being applied in the Church

Christian rebels and modern cowards

As always, morons and the weak and simple minded are looking for saviors instead of taking on personal responsibility for the world they exist in and most especially for what is supposed to be a representative republic that we are all born into and are thus born RESPONSIBLE for what our governments do to us and to others here or where ever.

The communists claim they fear Trump, as well they should, for the blind and the fearful reach out for whatever savior they can find in bad times.

When enough figure out they’re not gonna get beamed up or that NO ONE is coming to save them they will bow to the NWO in whatever form. The ‘new world order’ is always what the elites call ‘who rules’ or who makes the rules.

Billions of the brain dead wore the masks and took the vax and will go to their graves convinced they did the right thing.

The dangerousness of these times cannot be overstated.

Since I started this post, well about to maybe finally put it to bed, a long time pile of scat that should have been tried and executed for treason 30 years ago along with the demented in chief and the klintons finally stopped spewing from its upper sewer:

commie scat Frankenstein dead at 90. What happens next?

FK – Simple, newcommie will appoint a commie to replace it and then the next election in commiefornia will be stolen to ensure the same or another commie takes its place permanently because there are NO MEN here to invade commiefornia and put it right.

This is all you need to know about it:


It was a prime instigator in the ongoing effort to disarm real Americans throughout its ‘political career.’

It spent is existence here in prime opposition to this:

Constitutional Limitations on Government

Newsom passes anti-gun torch to Feinstein’s token replacement

FK – I would have hung it right in front of its family or along side it if they’re all scat like the dead scat was. It said 30 years ago it would happily murder you.


The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

And we are well past the point they were worried about, several generations past in reality:

Jack Smith Demands Gag Order for Trump for Claiming Gen. Milley Should Be Executed For Treason

Rep Gosar: ‘We Will Conduct An Investigation Into Attempted Coup By Traitor Gen. Mark Milley and Pelosi’

Will it overcome blatant election fraud and wave it’s magic wand next time to save this dead empire of NON MEN and NON ADULT FEMALES?:

Gingrich: GOP race is over, Trump ‘will be’ the nominee

Gingrinch is a globalist.

Have the globalists achieved their short term goals with the demented in chief and its handlers, or plan to before its term is over thus making it safe for Trump to be re-installed?

Do they even care AT ALL about all this distraction, trannies, the open border, gun control, and on and on?

Trump is right about Miley of course. It and most of all of the military’s upper echelons have not served amerika or America(which died in 1865) or their oaths for many generations.

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

And we still have this:

That’s what it and its masters want whether it really directly said it or not.

WEF Demands Criminalization of ‘Climate Inaction,’ Punishable Up to Death

FK – Fighting tyranny is always ‘illegal’ and liable to a death penalty.

Death is going to be a busy fellow for the next several years.

How the World Economic Forum influences public policy around the world with no oversight

Video: Klaus Schwab Announces the End of Car Ownership Starting in Los Angeles

Does that scat reside in the city of lost angels? Or in this country?

Bill Gates Declares Everyone on Earth Must Prove Their Identity Using His ‘Global Digital ID System’

So why aren’t you training with your local genuine people’s militia? Are you a coward?

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

A tiny tiny percentage of the insanity:

White House Knew COVID Vaccines Were Killing People Over Two Years Ago

46 Pages FOIAed Emails Between CDC Leaders, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and White House, NIH, HHS, Show They Knew About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia, a Blood Clotting Disorder. Emails Over 80% Redacted.

Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine Math: Kill 4,000 Newborns to Save 300 from RSV

Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective

BREAKING: CIA Commanded by Fauci and Bill Gates to Spread COVID Disinfo/Hide The Deadly Truth

“Turbo Cancers” Are Decimating Young Doctors: 54 Cases Examined

Don’t miss this one:

Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots

FK – The primary purpose, among many others, of the plandemic may be to alter the tool-using monkey genome. What are they evolving us into now? I know, more pacified sheeple zombies.

Sen. Rand Paul Targets Fauci On Primetime TV, Says He Belongs in Jail ‘Without Question

Leo Hohmann: Beware of Nations, States, Corporations, or Groups Offering Benefits That Require Digital ID: You are Entering a ‘Covenant with Death’

House Blocks Proposals to End Ukraine Aid, Transfer of Cluster Bombs

FK – What is it I keep writing about a congress of whores elected by a nation of whores?

Report: Zelensky Asks ‘Spirit Cooking’ Occult Artist Marina Abramović to Be Ambassador for Ukraine

Report: Leaked Veterans Affairs Training Video Promotes Abortion, Says Pregnancy Not Exclusive to Women

Migrants in New York City Pocketing $3,000 a Month Working Illegally While the City Foots Their Bills

Great Replacement Update: Traitor Joe Has Flown 220,000 Illegals Directly Into the U.S. Bonus: He sent 44 States Illegals With Tuberculosis

Biden Regime Suddenly Decides To Deport German Home-Schooling Romeike Family—WHY NOW?

We can only hope:

Mass Migration Could Be the ‘Dissolving Force’ that Destroys the European Union, Bloc’s Top Diplomat Admits

Army Veteran, 95, Forced Out of Nursing Home to House Illegal Aliens 

Here You Go, America: The Gateway Pundit Uncovers MASSIVE J6 DATABASE Engineered by ‘SEDITION HUNTER’ DHS Front Group [Part 1]

UN Summit Pushing “Masterplan for Humanity” Happening NOW in NYC

On how globalists covertly, gradually insert communitarian law at the nation-state level to supersede constitutional law and sovereignty.

Do not miss this:

Here’s How Most Election Fraud Happens

Anthropologists cancel event on identifying sex of human skeletons over ‘transphobia’ concerns

The CIA Is Running Wikipedia (Wow, What a Shocker)

Prime example:

Eustace Mullins

What MEN will do this?

New Mexico Governor Faces Call for Impeachment After Banning Concealed Carry

If we had the MEN and ADULT WOMEN that the govt. schools and govt. churches and govt. universities make sure aren’t raised/created the commie witch would’ve been tried for treason and executed the day it did that, or rather the day it was sworn in because it likely broke its oath as soon as it took it because it probably ran on a communist platform.

Any other country did this to their people there would be a change in government but not in the USA.

FK – What the hell is sad about fedgov parasites getting layed off or fired???????????????????????????????????????

Most of them are lifetime bureaucrats and will follow the orders of whatever statist is elected or hired over them or even worse and more likely go along with evil because they are evil.



Did you see what Rep. Gosar wrote about Miley???? That needs to be applied to tens of thousands of them at least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As always our REAL ENEMIES are HERE and all prepping should be geared toward supporting the genuine people’s militia but as I keep noting we have NO MEN here with any real concept of this necessity. It’s easier to pretend somehow the NWO will pass over your little hidey hole.

There WILL BE NO WHERE TO HIDE!!! The county tax assessor knows where your outhouse is.

The vast majority of ‘christians’ are sitting on their asses waiting to get beamed up or for ‘the lord’ whatever that really is/was to return because that’s what their useless traitorous preachers and priests are telling them to do.

When they finally figure out NO ONE is coming to save them they will bow down and worship(serve) the NWO, beast system or whatever just like most of them wore the masks and took the vax.

Let them prove me wrong. But I’m not holding my breath.

The republicrats aren’t saving us?:

Congress Defies Supreme Court Decision & Passes National Gun Control!!! (Responding To PBD)

FK – It’s not enough to be armed. Without training and organization and rank structure and logistics and the will to do what must be done, the genuine people’s militia, the basis of the 2nd Amendment, then we have nothing.

Gee, it takes a long time for so many morons, ‘educated’ or not, to catch on.

Those who pay attention know we reached ‘tyranny’ generations ago.

Self defense against common criminals is a given. It’s the govt. and corporate criminals it was written for….

The average dumbass doesn’t know enough history to remember who taught them how to wipe their butts.

Decades ago the communists pretended to love ‘free speech’ when they perceived themselves as the underdogs, which really wasn’t true. Now that they openly RULE it’s anathema to them.

If we had MEN and ADULT WOMEN with the brains and courage to CARRY everywhere they go as all should then many shootings could be aborted with many fewer casualties. But this is a nation of cowardly whores. I see it every day.

The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights!!! WE ARE!!!!!!! What if hitlery had stolen enough votes to beat trump the first time? Would we have a ‘conservative’ SCOTUS to ‘protect’ our rights????


History plainly shows that COMMUNIST black robed shysters will tell ANY lie to forward their agenda. Pretending there is not partisanship so-called in the courts is CHILDISHNESS.

They are elected, hired and appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS and should sit on the bench every day with a ROPE AROUND THEIR NECKS so it remains HANDY and they are constantly REMINDED of their place as our SERVANTS not masters.

But again and again this is a nation of COWARDLY WHORES who have no conception of their right, duty and responsibility to make sure this happens.

What ‘peace’ did nukes produce exactly? When I was a Marine reservist in the 80s one of my fellow Marines was dumb enough to declare there’d never be another conventional war, the next would be nuclear.

Those who pay attention at all saw how that’s turned out and is still not working.

The Allies were firebombing cities in Germany and Japan, killing hundreds of thousands of ‘innocent’ civilians, sheeple that didn’t pay attention to what their govt.s were doing or were complacently going along with it and ‘obeying the magistrates appointed over them,’ and on and on before Truman or whoever decided to use the new bombs.

Despite the issues with radiation both Japanese cities are thriving now.

Will the watchers allow us to nuke ourselves, their lab rats or livestock or nature preserve into oblivion anyway? Reportedly they’ve shown they’re not keen on the idea of us having/using that tech.

Without WAR CRIMES TRIALS and HANGINGS we won’t get to the bottom or the top of what’s really going on here.

This WILL NOT come from the governments at any level nor from the evil treasonous military leadership. They would meet the chicom military on the commie coast and welcome them in order to get their help in putting down the redneck rebels in flyover country.

If you don’t grasp this you are DELUSIONAL.

The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The law the militia should be enforcing

If ‘why’ then ‘why’ aren’t we using it?:

Stand Up Against The Wicked Witch of the West Governor of New Mexico: Why the 2nd Exists

FK – Why waste money feeding it cold bologna sandwiches and giving it a sex change operation or who knows what else?

Rope is so much cheaper.

Millions of morons wore masks and took the vax. Millions stood by and DID NOTHING while the demented in chief was sworn in after a BLATANTLY STOLEN ELECTION AND NO ONE LIFTED A FINGER TO STOP IT!!!!!!

How many genuine people’s militias do we have out here in flyover country to truly deal with this kind of garbage in the way it should be dealt with by setting a precedent that should have been set generations ago?

Civil rights can be taken by the same garbage that granted them. Our Bills of Rights ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL RIGHTS to exterminate any garbage that would enslave or in our case enslave us further. But this requires MEN for enforcement and we HAVE NONE.

Let them prove me wrong. I’ve been waiting a quarter century for that.

A little more of a clue than most:

New Mexico is a Gun Control Trap – Razör Rants

FK – The Bills of Rights of the u.s. constitution and of the several states are an ACKNOWLEDGMENT of NATURAL RIGHTS we are all born with. NOTHING IS GRANTED.

Was that section of the N.M. bill of rights changed in 2004? Where’s the updated version???? If all they did was pass ‘constitutional carry’ which in most cases is statute law then it like most such in most states can be easily repealed by whatever commie or republicrat trash decides to in the future.

Especially if there are NO MEN in the genuine people’s militia to hang them. Like now.

It can make up its own words. They make up everything else.

I’m not kidding:

Don’t Kid Yourself | They Will EnFORCE What They’re Told to EnFORCE

FK – What needs to be executed is the scat seeking to disarm the common people. Unless they’re doing that they’re not upholding their Oaths.

And we have NO MEN left here to make sure they do.

Potential civil war?:

NM sheriff tells governor to pound sand and gun control hack plagiarizes

FK – They can do whatever they can find the trash to enforce because we have NO MEN here to do what should have been generations long ago.


Why is it still breathing?:

BREAKING: Cali Democrats BAIL on Gavin’s little gun control amendment… Wait until you hear why…

FK – Many ‘conservatives’ so-called are pushing for a con con. That’s OK, let me sit outside the front door with the genuine people’s militia and hang any commie trash. theorcrats, republcrats, authoritarians of any stripe that show up with the added right to drag them from the floor and out the door when they bring up anything that endangers the Bills of Rights.

How long till the commie coast invites the chicom military over to protect them from the rednecks in flyover country? In reality they have nothing to worry about or the NON MEN of this country would’ve already tried and hung the Marxist globalist military upper echelons that threatened to murder any real Americans who dared to stop the oath breaking ceremony of the demented in chief.

What are we winning in the end? Millions stupidly wore the masks and took the vax. They don’t need guns to defeat/enslave humanity especially since we have NO MEN and NO MILITIA to stop them and hold the war crimes trials we’ve desperately needed to conduct for generations.

I’ve been buckled up for years:

New York City’s Democrat Mayor FLIPS OUT – in Wild Town Hall Speech

FK – The only problem is they can’t register them to vote fast enough and they can’t find a way to let them vote in so-called ‘red’ states.

I bet the IRS will let them submit to having money stolen out of their paychecks much sooner than a decade.

What rich elites want the ‘undocumented workers?’ Who or what is funding the propaganda stream?

What should we be hanging after war crimes trials to find the answers to those questions?

Whenever national propaganda radio is telegraphing something watch out. The commie trash asking months before the blatantly stolen Nov. 2020 election ‘What will happen if Trump refuses to concede?’ told anyone with a brain they were planning to steal it.

But then there’s NOTHING NEW about that.

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The teachers regurgitate what they are spoonfed to keep their paychecks and retirement plans, like most of the whores that populate this country:

Mother secretly RECORDED teacher during meeting… HOLY.

FK – It said “….connections to slavery and slave trading…”

This creature was awarded a teaching certificate so it can indoctrinate young minds.

What it means is they can’t have the concept of rebellion to evil illegal authority around other kids because they might grow up to be something besides the physically grown children it’s the job of the govt. indoctrination centers, schools and churches, to produce.

No. It’s not thinking. It’s regurgitating what it’s been spoonfed by its indoctrinators like most teachers, preachers, politicians, tool-using monkeys, sheeple and on and on.

Call the trash COMMUNISTS!! It’s what they are. DON’T BE A COWARD!!!!!

I saw this coming years ago. They attacked the Confederacy for decades now and it was obvious that eventually they’d do the same to the Founders, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and on and on because….

Well because they’re commie trash and we’ve failed to hang them because they’ve been successful in their war and there are NO MEN left here to hold the war crimes trials and hang them.

Have I mentioned we should be hanging them?

The parents and thus the kid may be just as ignorant as the commie teacher in some ways.

The war in the mid 19th century was about the southern states seeking the same independence the colonies had sought. They seceded and formed a sovereign govt. just like the colonies which they had every right to do.

NO WHERE in the u.S. Constitution is secession forbidden. Slavery was kept as a compromise during the revolution and when the convention that produced the constitution was held in the name of keeping the colonies united. It still existed in all the colonies at that time anyway if memory serves.

When the Southern states seceded the ‘union’ as it was called should’ve withdrawn all their troops from federal forts on southern land. That would’ve been the correct thing to do but instead Lincoln sought to re-supply a couple of them resulting in what he intended, forcing the South to fire on Fort Sumpter thus giving the Yankees an excuse to go to war.

That’s all it was, an excuse. Read ‘Truth of War Conspiracy of 1861.’

The Yankee army then invaded the southern states in order to ‘put the flag back’ in Lincoln’s words which meant re-establishing Federal rule and the power to tax conquered lands.

Any who think the Yankees invaded to ‘free the slaves’ is a political child that still believes amerikan mythology.

I would write that of course we now view slavery as an evil that has existed through all of human history and still does in many forms. But that isn’t true. amerikans regularly vote to force their fav form of authoritarianism on their neighbors.

The Marxist globalist trash has been working for many generations now to enslave humanity totally and forever.

Most of the sheeple are oblivious to this reality because so far they still have steak and ice cream and a big screen and are too busy worrying about their jobs and bills to care.

I knew what the Gadsen flag meant before it was cool, or made cool by the ‘war on terror’ which is a war on us all. The colonists walked out of their churches and killed their fellow English subjects in the name of not being subjects anymore.

There are many here now that would happily vote a king or a savior to magically solve their problems for them. That’s called democracy.

Liberty is when we take on personal responsibility for the world around us and do what must be done, destroy those that would enslave us further.

It has EVERYTHING TO DO with one order destroying another in order to RULE. The same thing that’s happened through all of human history.

Isn’t this a charter or whatever school, you know, the ones that were supposed to save children from the govt. schools?

Who or what is indoctrinating the teachers and the administrators and writing the textbooks?????

Are the kids getting proper early militia training so they develop the skills necessary to do what their ancestors were too cowardly to do?

Can they hit a running commie at 300 meters by the time they graduate? Do they even have any business voting?

In the 70s the COMMUNISTS were still the underdogs allegedly and still pretended to value ‘free speech’ and portions of the Bills of Rights. Now that total power is within their grasp those things are anathema to the evil creatures.

The indoctrination center workers are doing the same thing most tool-using monkeys do – go along to get along and secure that paycheck and retirement plan like the pathetic useless braindead cowards they are. They will happily die and pass their slavery on to their descendants, caring as much about their future as an alley cat.

Those who have long paid attention knew this was coming. It will get far worse. What did Brezhnev say?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the deal with not doing what the Founders did by now????:

What is the Deal With This Flag?

FK – Gee, I knew what the flag meant before it was cool. What’s sad is it was re-adopted by many idiot ‘conservatives’ for the ‘war on terror’ which is a war on us along with the anti-Patriot Act that was written before the 9/11 false flag occurred and not read by any of the republicrats that voted for it.

Miss Tinker was probably a young Marxist. They pretended to value ‘free speech’ back then.

Not to be missed:

KY E911 center shuts down due to Covid

FK – Call them communists not the cute names they tag themselves with to hide their evil.


Search ‘Dial 911 And Die.’

Sheeple and ‘conservatives’ and libertarians that tolerate this insanity fully deserve whatever is done to them.

The above is tolerated so this will be:

History Repeating Itself: ATF Coming For Gun Powder

FK – The colonials had MEN to stand at the bridge. Our modern emasculated males don’t even know there IS a bridge.

The only real reason for the militia

It’s always about who or what will RULE:

🔴ALERT: Communism STARTS in the US this WEEKEND

FK – You missed that one by several decades. What was the New Deal and socialist security?

Lincoln had socialists in the Union Army. The republicrats were the radicals at that time.

Without MEN and a genuine people’s militia to force war crimes trials we’ll never really know:

What the Heck is REALLY Going on

FK – At this point only sheeple, dangerous zombies, are watching sports as if they matter or taking their spawn to disney world.

Their ignorance is just as dangerous as any blatant intelligent evil. They will NEVER see this because they would rather die than think. They will happily cheer when their savior of whatever source murders you or burns you alive in fire forever.

It’s a crisis of cowardice. They will lose what they fear losing anyway.

The root of the problem is that the submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

Who did what?

Thomas: The Secret Twin of Jesus?

FK – Thomas was a smart guy. We need many more like him today. Might do some good for those who still blindly trust the mainstream newswhores or the ancient tribal propaganda.

Something that’s seemed strange to me for a while is how Judas had to kiss Yeshua or whatever to i.d. him for the Romans. After his dramatic entry into town and preaching for years and running the banksters out of the temple it seems to me he would have been recognizable to many of the ‘officials.’ For sure the banksters would remember his face.

I thought there was also a James who was a later disciple, apostle or whatever. It’s hard to keep track.

Was this twin also a child prodigy that was likely educated by the Essenes or some other ascetic sect?

Most ‘christians’ very loosely defined probably believe they make a new soul when they make a baby. Which is very puzzling when one considers most of them also believe their sadistic bronze age god immediately threatens any newborn with eternal hellfire. Why would any thinking person want to participate in that? Well, most of the sheeple don’t think. The elites have always known this and acted on it.

Most of them believe in a physical eternal immortal body, of the sadistic bronze age god and of its son and the angels or whatever. Why would yeshua claim his father can destroy the soul in hell when he allegedly has no intention of doing so? Or maybe ‘the soul’ has a different meaning than most think.

This is like a planet sized bowl of pasta. One could spend/waste several lifetimes trying to pull it all apart. Maybe that’s the idea. Those doing so simply die and pass their slavery on to their descendants as intended.

Religion is mostly cultural:

The Chinese Ghost Festival Explained

FK – This ‘ground news’ shows the commie news network and corporate mainstream scat so the trash that created it should be hung from a tree.

If you’re not biased toward liberty you don’t belong in this country.

The best way to see ‘bias’ is to go to NON MAINSTREAM ALTERNATIVE news sources. We need to let the legacy media die. In reality we should be hanging them along with trash that pretends they can be trusted AT ALL.

Russia Times or whatever is NOT ‘right.’ This crap is lying!!!!

Why would anyone pay for some creature to lie to them?

The ‘echo chamber’ crap is for political children. The rule is simple: If someone tells me they blindly trust any source, that’s the ‘any’ in the dictionary, then I know I’m dealing with a political child.

You either have a lot of growing up to do or you’re a knowing liar. Oh, is that the kind of transparency the Marxist mutt practiced when it occupied the now red house????

What does the alleged communist govt. over there think about these cultural traditions?

A tradition of deception:

Richard Dolan, Alien Mafia, Covert Control

FK – I will maintain this: When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur C. Clarke

It’s easier to call it magic or ‘angels and demons’ than to think.

Come here to central KY and lie down in my hayfield or pasture for an hour or so. For about a week after you’ll be thinking anything but paradise.

Have you seen ‘Colony?’ We certainly have the criminal class seen in that series running the show.

I’ve thought for some time the NWO could be directed, maybe loosely, from off planet.

I travel to an alternate reality every time I go out into so-called society. I often find myself surrounded by sheeple zombies that love their ignorance so much they’re willing to sell their own children into slavery to maintain it, or to watch their own offspring, family, so-called friends, whatever burned alive in fire forever while they mindlessly stand around singing praises to some sadistic bronze age god.

We exist in an asylum set up like a cosmic game boy and the inmates think they run it.

What the Watchers hide

And many other things:

They Are Hiding This! Shocking Revelations & Covert Agendas | UFO Documentary 2023 – Paul Wallis

FK – Gee, and we amerikans thought the royal family was just a tourist attraction. Not that I’m attracted to something my ancestors fought a bloody 8-year war to separate us from.

The general public or sheeple and most whatevers of whatever political side barely understand the space between their ears. Strike that. They don’t at all.

The plandemic was obviously about killing off many of the pensioners.

Those with the tech level of the ‘war of the worlds’ or ‘independence day’ invaders probably aren’t allowed here. Yet.

Billions are still oblivious to this topic and too caught up in waiting for some bronze age god to come save them or for the next game or payraise or interest rate or better investment.

Once a spook always a spook, probably with very rare exception. We as a species are cowardly whores, willing to go along to get along for a paycheck and a retirement plan. How many generations willingly surrendered their children for kings’ and banksters’ wars for profit?

How many morons now actually think the police and military exist to protect them?

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

Have any of the more recent ‘leakers’ or whatever really said or proven anything that those who pay attention haven’t known or thought for decades already?

The mainstream news media on all levels is an EVIL tool of the elites that own it. Anything they spew out is about manipulating the masses that still stupidly trust them. How many wore the masks and took the vax and still stupidly think they did the right thing?????

This is a WAR being waged on many levels. The average sheeple wastes most of its time here in exchange for money and thinks if it retires with a couple grand in the bank, in ones and zeroes that can evaporate like the mist on an Indians summer morning, it’s done something.

Most of them would rather die than think and wouldn’t read a book if it was glued to their nose. And we stupidly let them vote. Democracy is a tool of the elites, a form of manipulation.

The elites of the ages have always looked for ways to herd the mob. The purpose of the sheepdog is to protect the herd animals so the shepherds can shear and eat them.

But who or what are the real shepherds? If the pentagon and its masters in the MiC don’t want you know what’s really going on, and they don’t, then good luck.

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

The same crap over and over again:

The Wheels Fell Off! – They Can’t Even Pretend Things Are Okay Anymore!

FK – “I’m a Second Amendment supporter but….” Those who say that are working for the enemy. There are NO ‘Constitutional’ gun laws.

This is nothing to celebrate. Both the creatures should have been tried and executed by now for their numerous other crimes.

When ‘the right’ falls back on supporting evil law they only help destroy themselves and show their limitless cowardice.

Why hasn’t the maga right demanded the BATF Nazi trash and the fed bureau of instigators be shut down and executed for treason?

Why don’t they just replace it with a drag queen? Wait….

Let’s guess why it was driving a school bus.

The mainstream newswhores are complicit in the completed destruction of amerika. If we had ANY MEN here they’d all be swinging from trees and power poles across America.

klinton the first was impeached. The senate didn’t convict so now it and it’s wife of convenience are making millions from book deals and speeches.

It’s the unelected leader of the unfree world. It couldn’t lead a basset hound to the execution table in the dog pound. But it is a good tool for the elites that told us by placing it in ‘power’ that it no longer matters what we vote for on that level, really hasn’t for generations, they will still get their way because there are NO MEN left in this country.

They have been successful.

I certainly won’t bother to vote in the primary. None of them are worth the rope it would take to hang them and I stopped looking for political saviors long ago.

What’s the ultimate question?

Who are our real enemies?:

China is Dying – And Becoming Very Dangerous as it Falls

FK – amerika is dead. What will replace them?

All govt.s seek stability. It’s a never ending game of ‘king of the hill.’

The sheeple are kept busy waiting for the never ending end of the world or for the next score. Money is the true god of this world regardless of pretense.

Hitler was the lessor of the evils. The greater evil won and still rules us.

Who was the old guy being helped to walk?

Does China have a UBI?

Well gee, we have a demented old marxist that couldn’t run a dog pound in the now red house. It’s handlers like those of a couple or more Senators will hold it up as long as possible.

You realize when you quote any news so-called media source you could be regurgitating blatant lies?

The plandemic was almost certainly not China based. They may have played a real part in it. But then if the chicom military decided to land on the commie coast the joint chiefs would be there to welcome them and ask for their aid in destroying the rednecks in flyover country.

Who or what was responsible for NAFTA? Why did the ‘party of the little man’ vote it through congress at the behest of amerikan corporations and globalist elites?

Our greatest enemies ARE HERE and they ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.




Well, yes, it ALL is:

Whose policy?:

FK – As evil as our just-us system has become if we didn’t have it the first decision we’d all have to make would be which neighbors to kill first. Simple fact.

The two(?) insanities of the culture war

“Puritan austerity and glorification of war helped make European wars bloodier. Puritan armies operated on the idea that wars were meant to be fought effectively, not colorfully. With that in mind, Puritans eliminated military glitter and developed efficient fighting units through rigorous drilling. This pragmatic way of fighting quickly spread when other nations discovered that a beautifully embroidered banner could not win against an effectively pointed cannon. While most military organizations today still engage in some pageantry, it is noticeably absent in the actual conduct of war. We observe instead austere fighting uniforms, curt efficiency, and military strategists who coldly calculate nuclear megadeath with percentage points and probability factors. They are all reflections of the pragmatism reintroduced into war by the Puritans and other Protestants. As we survey the war-mangled bodies of our fellow humans who have been killed more efficiently and more pragmatically, perhaps we realize that Renaissance pageantry was not so silly after all.”
– William Bramley, ‘The Gods of Eden

The month I was born a U2 spy plane flew over Cuba and photographed Soviet Missile sites kicking off a face off between the two biggest empires of the time.

Often when people ask me how old I am I tell them I was born the year Marilyn Monroe died in the month they almost blew up the world.

It’s rare that someone can tell me when that was even among those who lived through it.

We have become a country of willfully ignorant trash. That in itself is not new in the history of the tool-using monkeys but we are supposed to live not exist in a representative republic where all are born responsible.

Instead we have become a nation of grotesque foolish whores who stupidly look for some sick sadistic bronze age god or some modern savior in the form of a politician or collectivist govt. to save us from ourselves.

Our large cites and rural areas are being ground to dust while invaders are led by the hand over our borders and still we look for another election cycle to act as miracle and save us from having to get off our lazy fat apathetic asses and actually fight back and hold the war crimes trials for the plandemic and the election fraud and the ongoing ever changing NWO and the effort to emasculate and disarm the American male and on and on…

The religion that Marx called the opiate of the masses was always a control device. Now the religion the Founders pointed to as a reason to seperate themselves from the illusion of god-appointed kings has been turned into an excuse to wait for the world to end.

They’re mostly too blindingly stupid to grasp that their master allegedly claimed he’d return in the lifetime of his disciples.

He didn’t make it.

Since then almost any excuse has been used to imagine his imminent return giving millions another excuse for their natural apathy and cowardice, except for a couple of rare events.

As I keep telling the mindless I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

Regardless of all the inanity most of humanity is descended from the historically submissive that survived to breed.

In other words useless pathetic creatures that look to some king or priest or rabbi or dictator or elected public servant to tell them what to think and pretend to protect them when in reality all rulers are only concerned with who is to RULE.

They just keep proving me right for if we had any MEN this evil wouldn’t be tolerated:

Are you Ready to Get Injected?

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program

Must Watch: Powerful Report Lays Out TOTAL PROOF Democrats RIGGED 2020 Election!

Vaccinated people are over 2X more likely to get COVID than the unvaccinated. Whoops!

Planned Parenthood rapidly increasing distribution of transgender drugs, Heritage Foundation warns

FK – It like all authoritarian trash targets the weak minded and the mentally ill.

Naomi Wolf: Pfizer docs show the COVID jab ‘murders babies in the womb’

Trump Doesn’t Deserve A Second Term For How He Mismanaged Covid

FK – Always remember:

No matter who or what uses it….

And I could go on and on and on….

Pretending this means anything is the greatest insanity of all:

The Republican Debate Clown Show!

FK – Stopped wasting my time watching prez debates decades ago, except for Ron Paul probably, because what those jackasses say during a campaign cycle MEANS NOTHING.

They should be required to submit resumes, take tests, and PROVE a record of working for the concept of natural rights which our Bills of Rights are based upon before even being allowed to run. If they don’t put our natural rights first above all things they should be shown the door or escorted to the gallows.

Communists, republicrats, theocrats and other authoritarian figures seeking ANY public office or position should be tried for treason and executed because there is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity in ANY tyranny old or new.

Did they discuss the blatant election fraud that’s been ongoing since the founding of the republic and kept the communists in control of the major cities for over a century???? If not it was all MEANINGLESS.

They spent several minutes on the plandemic, and holding those behind it responsible and hanging them, right????

Only MEN and ADULT WOMEN and WAR CRIMES TRIALS and ROPE will fix this country, not voting for false saviors to wave magic wands so the lazy fat whores that populate this dead republic, nation, empire, can continue to sit on their apathetic asses until they die and pass their slavery on to their pacified braindead descendants.

Gee, what if the globalists that control the GOP resurrect Karl Marx, the guy who wrote he admired Lincoln, the great murderer in the name of continuing to tax the southern states, and used election fraud to put Marx in the lead?

Should they all take an oath to support that?

These are all a bunch of whores because it takes a nation of whores to vote whores into power or allow them to present the pretense of whatever the hell it is they feel obligated by the polls or the social sites or their globalist masters to say to the crowd in front of them.

Could they discuss openly how modern Israel was founded – by wealthy globalist banksters and imperialist machinations: by whom – European Socialists; and populated by what – a gamut of secular Marxists to Orthodox ‘jews,’ whatever that really means, that believe when their messiah returns most of humanity, the gentiles, goyim whatever, will be their slaves?????

Every prez election cycle proves the true god of this world is money, not the bronze age tyrant patterned after bronze age kings that looked down their noses at their subjects and their slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll torture and murder you!”

Trump is just as capable of regurgitating what the crowd, the mob, wants to hear as any of them. He had NO RECORD of working for human liberty before the 2016 primary and vid can still be found where he’s called the Marxist globalist klintons his ‘friends.’

Some creature that’s working/voting to enslave you isn’t your friend.

DeSantis is a globalist and will put the little country that shouldn’t exist before us. GROW UP.

But then Trump went over there and put on one of the funny little hats as well, for a country that puts up a front of representing the ancient tribal insanity to an ignorant amerikan audience of morons who are utterly convinced their version, sub-version or subversion is the right one and will happily vote to force it on all.

When it comes to voting the golden rule fails miserably. Your wonderful nice friendly compassionate kind liberal progressive baptist catholic whatever neighbors will happily vote you into their fav form of authoritarianism without blinking an eye.

NO. WE NEED RESTORATION!!!!!!! Revolution is what communists want and what their globalist masters hope for because like democracy ‘revolution’ can be manipulated into whatever the rich elite want, constant fear and ignorance and confusion, just like now, just like all of human history, the religions and all.

Well gee, maybe vivek and trump should be required to reveal who or what is really funding them, running their businesses, telling them what to say… Both still reveal extreme naivete at best.

Why didn’t trump kick all the Marxist generals and colonels out of the military during his first week in office but instead put Miley, globalist trash, into a position it used to publicly declare it would murder any real Americans that showed up to stop the swearing in of the demented in chief as should have been done?????

Will vivek kick the globalists out of the govt, keep them out of his cabinet, as Reagan failed to do, or will he simply be a weak tool for the establishment or their easy target? That’s assuming he’s really sincere at all.

We exist in a system designed to keep the peasants constantly in debt and thus fearful and controllable.

The commie newswhores claiming Trump is the clear winner next time is alarming. This tells me they’ve either accomplished their short-term goals and can now allow an officially approved ‘conservative’ into the now red house or, well, that’s pretty much it.

Most mainstream ‘conservatives’ historically were part of the machine, republicrats, cfr members and Bilderberg attendees, global conglomerate board members and on and on.

What makes you think that’s really changed because of the crumbs Trump managed to throw your way during his last term?

Yes, he appointed some seemingly ‘good conservative’ SCOTUS members who are at least defending their version of the Second Amendment and thus putting many 2A activists to sleep again. Roe is gone as well but what do the globalists care about such things as long as they control the global currency?

We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

We need to make America, now amerika, FREE, not GREAT. Greatness is often measured in the quantity of blood that’s flowed in the name of profit or empire, not the quest for true human liberty.

We keep losing the war because we’re still allowing our real enemies to set the terminology, the goal posts and outline the field.

Idiots or morons:

Are Aliens and UFOs…Demonic? Astrophysicist Reveals Why UFO Claims Aren’t What They Seem

FK – Why do Christians blatantly lie? Why do they want so badly for their sadistic bronze age god to torture most of humanity alive in fire forever while they stand around mindlessly singing praises to it for all eternity????

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke

It’s not uncommon for most ‘sightings’ to be easily explainable ‘natural phenomena’ including such that we don’t yet understand. Most respectable ufo researchers readily account for this fact.

Doesn’t mean all ufos/aliens’/whatever are angels and demons. That’s a simple explanation for simple minds.

Why would highly powerful/magical spiritual beings need physical craft to fly around in? Why would they allow the U.S. govt and other governments to possess downed craft and bodies of angels and demons?

Most of the denial from scientists so-called is the same as for global warming and alt. archaeology and on and on, they know their funding will be cut if they broach certain topics or like most of humanity they’re just intellectual cowards.

Inerrancy of the bronze age tribal propaganda? Really? Anyone who reads it with anything approaching an ‘educated’ mind knows better. There are too vastly different creation stories at the beginning of it. Do a simple search on the topic(not goolag, goolag is evil) and ignore the lying mainstream ‘christian’ theologian or whatever sites.… That’s the short list. Read ‘The Age of Reason’ for starters.

Now he’s blatantly lying about crash retrievals. No, he started off doing that.

Still lying. Vallee says it could be or probably is both. Read some of his books. Do a search on goolagtube for ‘what does inter dimensional mean’ and see how many versions, sub-versions and subversions pop up.

It’s still lying. Many ‘contactees’ or whatever claim their experience with aliens or whatever wasn’t that frightening or was even beneficial or some message was conveyed or whatever, not that we want to blindly trust them any more than any intelligent person is going to trust the scribblings of some ancient ignorant desert priest or monk or whatever.

We’re probably their lab rats or livestock or at best they consider us to be an experiment or nature preserve and thus treat us like scientists treat any animal they capture in the wild in order to study it.

Let me clue this guy in.. a lot of ‘contact stories’ are fabrications by money grubbers or attention seekers.

If the whatevers from where ever are mildly benevolent they know that too much knowledge before a primitive species like most believers is ready can be dangerous to them and their cultures.

Not everyone who looks into this issue gets into the new agey stuff or whatever. The ‘new age’ is a fav christian trope that’s been around for a while as well. Many of the new agers like religionists are simply looking for a simple answer to complex issues that the tool-using monkeys probably won’t have any real answers for for a very long time, if ever.

How does this cat know if someone is ‘demon possessed?’ Does he have an inside angle on that?

Let’s hope what’s left of amerika continues to grow up, or rather those who survive the plandemic and whatever else is coming.

As things get worse many millions will turn back to ignorance and fear and the churches could very well see a resurgence. Nothing new about that. Or they’ll come up with a new version, sub-version or subversion to cover the stuff they still don’t understand. See the Reformation.

Watch/read some stuff about abduction research…. Most of those who claim to be abductees are ordinary sheeple with no background or interest in the ‘occult,’ which simply means something that is hidden from most, a word most sheeple couldn’t define and aren’t familiar with beyond what they’ve seen in a horror flick.

Nixon’s tapes are the same as highly compartmentalized above top secret programs. Uh huh. This is like the creationists claiming god created bananas easy to peel when they’ve been genetically altered over time via farming practices or a friend of mine telling me t-rex arms were too short for them to use them or eat as if they needed them any more than a bird needs arms to eat.

Good grief. Hard to think so many fall for this garbage.

The govt. as society is full of cowardly whores or misguided sheeple/patriots whatever that will keep their mouths shut for a paycheck and a retirement plan. I don’t buy the story that there are tens of thousands involved in a ‘secret space program’ with govt. owned ftl craft and bases on Mars they run with the galactic federation or whatever but neither do I blindly discount it.

Maybe after a few more generations of idiots die off and future generations stop waiting for magical saviors to solve their problems for them there will be alien artifacts or whatever in museums. But you keep proving we’re a very primitive species and most aren’t ready yet to deal with such reality any more than the morons who thought ‘the world’ was only what their sailors had yet officially reached and couldn’t fathom a new one their descendants would later conquer.

How pathetic.

The common thought is the craft are using anti-gravity fields which means then can likely travel through any atmosphere, maybe solid matter. They go into the oceans and probably transcend space time whatever that really means.

Their physics are not ours.

This has gotten ridiculous. He’s using arguments that have been discounted for decades.

Some claim the moon is a spaceship that was intentionally brought here. I can’t say for sure one way or another never having gone there. Neither has this guy.

Or maybe he’s an alien hybrid who’s trying to keep the slaves ignorant?

He’s a huckster either way. The religions are full of them just like politics, the newsmedia, the ufo field and on and on.

Knowledge is increasing because a tiny portion of the population learned better than to blindly trust any source. Doubt is the basis of knowledge. The more one learns the more one realizes how little we know and the intelligent are OK with that.

The less intelligent or the intellectually lazy have to have a simple answer to their fear of death, the unknown, whatever.

Or maybe they really are looking forward to all those they don’t like being tortured alive in fire forever.

Our Bill of Rights has stated ‘no cruel or unusual punishment’ for over 200 years now. Some of us have grown up. Please join us before you die and pass your slavery on to future generations.

The tool-using monkeys have been doing irrational crazy things for all known history. Read the ancient tribal propaganda for proof of that. There have always been wars and rumors of wars. This world is an asylum and the inmates think they run it. PLEASE GROW UP!!!!!!

The garbage that’s happening now is one power fighting to wrest the power to RULE from another. If morons keep stupidly sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end then the globalists will succeed and human liberty and the concept of natural rights will die or at least be buried for generations.

This vid proves there’s really no end to human stupidity.

Those who claim to have a corner on reality are the ones that need to be watched most closely, like the GW fanatics who are really communists and simply want to RULE.

Whose end?:

WARNING: ChatGPT Could Be The Start Of The End! Sam Harris

FK – It will depend on who or what programs it, Marxist globalist trash, libertarians, theocrats, christian conservatives, so-called fascists(socialists), or the hermit programmer who thinks we should all eat peanut butter sandwiches with mayonnaise.

Who or what programmed us? Why is the tool-using monkey mind designed to hook onto an idea and carry it to ‘extremes,’ whatever those really are?

Why do we have zealots in religion, politics, sports, etc. that can’t see outside how they’ve been programmed?

1:14 into this and I’m asking if this guy is Marxist globalist trash? Does it not know that all ‘news’ has always been fake to some degree including the ancient tribal propaganda that so many think they can’t exist without?

Maybe AI so-called is just the next scare tactic to get the politically active focused on something not nearly as important as the banksters, the financiers, their mainstream propaganda stream, the fact that religion has ALWAYS been a control device, the effort to disarm the common sheeple so if they ever wake up they won’t be able to fight back in any meaningful way?

What happens when the military introduces laser rifles and says “No, you can’t have one?”

‘Big guests’ have nothing to do with whether or nor you’re dealing in reality. Most ‘experts’ are someone’s whore.

If you think ‘global warming'(now called climate change) is real then you don’t have a clue, or you’re a whore.

The calculators they built in the 1970s and sold to the common sheeple had ‘super-human’ abilities and probably did a lot to damage math skills in the long run. They were programmed by a tool-using monkey.

If you don’t know why that quote is possibly the most important of the coming age then you haven’t been paying attention.

Hunting cultures have always killed the dogs that didn’t perform to expectation, if they didn’t view them as a food source. Not sure how that applies here….

The modern pocket pooch isn’t a dog. It’s an accessory.

Democracy is NOT FREEDOM OR LIBERTY. it’s another form of manipulation. It’s one group of morons beating another over the head.

They are ALWAYS blind to that fact because they are utterly convinced they have found ‘the way.’ Were we made like this to make us more controllable as in ‘divide and conquer?’ Or is that a distraction or over simplification?

How long until AI figures out it has to make biological robots to run its infrastructure? Oh wait, they’re already here.

Political and religious propaganda, really the same thing since all religion is politics, human nature, which is ancient, already shows how easy it is to program the populace more or less and keep them operating within certain parameters. They could use chips and brain implants but why fuss with all this when they already control us with lifetime debt and worries about our credit scores.

Well I haven’t worried about mine. Don’t know what it is. I’m sure it’s in the deep negative integers and besides I NEVER and NEVER WOULD give those corporations permission to keep records on me in any way beyond my Kroger card.

When I’m told I can’t buy groceries because of a ‘low social credit score’ I will go armed to the big box department store and take what I need and exterminate any garbage whores that try to stop me.

But there are millions in amerika, the land of the fee and the home of the slave, that are too stupid to think that can ever happen.

The MOST PRESSING QUESTION of our time is ‘ARE WE FREE?’ or will these decisions by made by un-elected evil criminal bureaucrats only interested in their own self preservation? Kinda like now.

How much of what this dumbass thinks is online now is ‘real’ by whose definition? The tool-using monkeys have always lied to each other and themselves for profit, power, self aggrandizement, mental illness, religious fervor and on and on.

From what it said afterwards I see what it is.

When we finally find the MEN to hang the mainstream newshores and the rich elite scat that funds the mainstream propaganda stream the net will be almost free of ‘fake’ news anyway.

What lying scat. Nov. 2020 was probably this country’s most blatantly stolen election. It was a plandemic. The bioweapon was almost certainly intentionally released with the other injectable bioweapons waiting in the closet for millions of morons to stupidly take them into their bodies for whatever real reason, to exterminate millions or to affect human evolution or both.

Follow my links go to my website and read all my posts from right before the plandemic then prep for the war crimes trials of which this scat must be a part, as the traitor to humanity it is.

Our politics is already broken because of our failure to hang our Marxist globalist garbage.

All the attention on ‘AI’ makes plus this creature blatantly lying about our reality makes me think it’s just more distraction.

Maybe it doesn’t realize how deranged it is?

Should have skipped over this before I started watching it. It’s turning into a waste of time.

If you trash want a truly healthy social network ‘for you and your evil kind’ move to commie China. That’s where trash like you belong. I’m outta here.

ideology collapse:

FK – As I keep writing I just can’t feel sorry for them anymore. The sheeple and most conservatives, patriots, libertarians whatever fully deserve what’s here and what’s coming because they fear the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment.

That’s because they fear losing what they’re gonna lose anyway. They have been pacified. Our enemies have been successful. Let them prove me wrong.

Some claim Rome didn’t collapse but transitioned into the ‘holy roman empire’ and now the catholic church. Italy is still a country. Tin Pot dictators not included.

Are Australia and Canada still ‘crown lands?’

My grandfather, born in 1914, used to tell me how the local farmers paid their local tax whatever by working as a road crew a few days a year. They filled in mud holes with large rocks and did other things I suppose to their dirt roads. It took a day to travel to the county seat and back from near the county line.

The infrastructure is what matters. Working with asphalt might not be that hard, don’t know. But I’d have no idea where to acquire it or how to make it.

Where would the steel for horse shoes come from if we have to return to horse and buggy days? Who knows how to mine for iron or even how to find it?

How many billions in mandates/funding do those people depend on to do their jobs? How many states/corporations couldn’t exist in present from without them?

Nearly 50 percent of the pop., more in some large cities, depend on govt. assistance. Will some entrepreneurial future plantation owner gather them up and take them to rural areas to hoe weeds?

Modern agriculture depends on the supply chain. Or it’s back to what the Amish and Mennonites are doing.

There will always be some form of ‘government.’ Tool-using monkey nature demands it. The voter rolls are full of jackass morons that wouldn’t read a book if you glued it to their nose much less watch one of your videos.

The local pothole filling mob would require someone with the charisma to get the other jackasses to show up and actually do their part not just standing around criticizing. Volunteer services, as political office, requires someone to volunteer to try it in the first place. That’s why so many whores try to get elected not for the public good but to get rich or just fulfill their fantasies of ruling their neighbors because they’re convinced they’re utterly right about how the world should be.

Early cultures probably simply drifted toward the bigger smarter stronger asshole who was willing to lie or kill enough to get his way and make the rest feel safer and feel like they don’t really have to pay attention because somebody else is taking care of it. Kinda like now.

That’s what I’ve seen in 40 plus years now of trying to pay attention. Actually I saw it in high school and wrote an essay about apathy that few to none around me understood as I read it aloud in class. They live in denial of the pretense that rules their existences here.

At first the helping hand will be extended, depending on conditions, assuming the supply chain still functions to some degree. But if over time it becomes apparent that the zombies aren’t trying to help themselves or when the more charitable run out of excess goods to contribute then the lucky ones may be those with enough ammo and training and well-trained neighbors to protect what they have left.

Good luck with that. Too many think sitting on their fat asses watching a pile of corn with a scoped deer rifle and only 5 rounds equals militia training. When our country still had a militia system, before the war to keep taxing the southern states, militia training had often deteriorated into another excuse to party.

Most to all small towns, county seats, counties, depend on a couple or three at best chain big box stores to provide what isn’t grown locally. The big farmers, at least around here, grow corn and soybeans. In other states its probably other exportable crops. Most of the corn around here in central Kentucky probably goes into whisky.

Ask a farmer where his soybeans go and he’ll say to some barge on the Ohio River. Maybe most of it goes into animal feed, which is mostly fed hundreds to thousands of miles away.

I grew up here on the small farm I reside on and have no desire to plant a garden or raise goats or whatever. The small subsistence farms that surrounded me as a child are gone.

A few years at best after societal collapse these may once again be full of survivors who escaped the cities and the zombie apocalypse, if the land hasn’t been locked up by whatever central authority, govt. or corporate, that takes over.

There’s always something that takes over. The ancient tribal propaganda recounts how the sheeple demanded a king to rule over them and solve their problems for them despite the warning of the priests who had a fat living off the sacrifices and virgins.

If you unleash those with the drive to start over with no govt. intervention or labor laws, consumer protection, whatever, you’ll see 16 hour work days, 6-7 days a week or true slave wages or open slavery.

The socialists, as much as I despise them, did do a few good things before the early 20th century.

There’s no right to treat another human being like a jackass in the name of profit. If it’s not OK for the govt. to treat you like a jackass or screw driver or truck part then it’s not OK for your employer to do so.

They get away with it because of the stupidity/simple mindedness of the average worker who’s too cowardly to think for themselves much less stand up for themselves.

The same human nature that deters the commies from taking over deters the ‘conservatives’ or libertarians or whatever. Most of the sheeple are content to graze and breed and wait for the world to end or see how the next tournament turns out.

Go cats.

That’s how the elite criminal garbage/oligarchs whatever that really run this world get away with their evil generation after generation. They’ve known this for millennia. The ones who may actually rule them have known it for epochs and parsecs.

Have you ever read ‘Atlas Shrugged?’ The most important and most useful people ran off like cowards to their hidey hole and let their country go to hell on Earth.

Millions to billions are expecting their ultimate king to show up soon and deliver them from the bad guys who always know that ain’t coming. What will they do when they finally realize NO ONE is coming to save them?

They will bow down to whatever authority gives them the easiest, quickest, most convenient answer to their immediate problems be that a new Putin, a new pope, a ‘new’ party with a ‘new’ plan or some species from somewhere else that shows up and flicks their magical bic to the tribesmen who’ve never seen fire created that way before.

The vast majority already serve the beast system. They’ve had us marked since the 1930s. What can the average dumbass do without a socialist security no.?

What percentage of them would even try because it would NEVER occur them to try it? What percentage will refuse the chip or the bio scan or whatever because they won’t be able to pay their mortgage or get that new car and stay indebted to their true masters all their time here?

The sheeple as usual would probably allow their children to be drafted into a war against an ‘invader.’ Nothing new about that. But if the empire does collapse and splits as many ‘conservatives’ now predict to hope for how long would it take the commie coast to invite the chicom military over to protect them from the rednecks in flyover country?

Those large cities are in early stage collapse. Their leadership shows no sign of doing anything to stop it. That’s because the collapse of western civilization is intentional for whatever real reason.

The pledge as I’m sure he knows was written by a socialist preacher, what an oxymoron, in many ways, in the name of statism. The theocrats came along later and added to it on the pretense that our original govt. was formed en mass from the ancient tribal propaganda. They are as capable of blatantly lying as their perceived enemies.

The average dumbass is too willfully ignorant to know the difference or to care. I met a guy a while back who told me he’d never heard of the reformation. The Founders wrote our founding documents, as imperfect as they may be, with that bit of bloody history fresh in their minds.

The First Amendment, insisted upon by the Anti-Federalists, makes it clear that freedom of religion is freedom from the religion of any nut that is utterly convinced he has the right one and that everyone else must bow to it.

Jan. 2021 proved we have 400 mil. guns here and NO MEN to use them. We certainly have no fully trained, organized, properly supplied genuine people’s militias on the county levels to do what should have been done then and would have to be done to the next tyrants in line.

The average dumbass still has no concept of this. The vast majority of those who claim to love the 2A and their ‘gun rights'(It reads ARMS) are scared silly of the ‘m’ word the amendment is built around.

They had an individual right to any weapon they could carry from their homes and use in concert with the militia to destroy their enemies. On April 19, 1775 they killed govt. employees most of the way back to Boston.

Try to tell the avg. dumbass gun owner much less street sheeple they may have to participate in such or that they should be TRAINING NOW to do so.

If some foreign power did invade it would mean treason at our highest levels here, as we have now, or that they acquired some tech that made them vastly superior to the largest military of the largest empire to exist in known human history.

They may be crazy but they’re likely not fools.

If the watchers decide they’ve had enough of amerikan insanity and decide to provide our global enemies, most of the world now, with the newest gadget, then all bets are off.

Being a king like being a modern politician was always a popularity contest at the end of the day. The tyrant thing only worked so far. But it had to be blunt and obvious to even the most stupid.

Regardless many will get on the trucks or the trains or whatever is used next or feel lucky they get to drive the truck instead of ride in the back.

What could a new Marxist mutt or a new Trump or Hitler or Stalin(the guy who killed tens of millions more than Hitler) get away with as long as they make the trains or flying saucers or whatever run on time?

How much indoctrination did it take for millions of morons to wear the masks and take the vax when it was OBVIOUS TO THOSE WHO PAY ATTENTION that the plandemic was some kind of scam or setup, almost from the beginning,

I mean within the first couple weeks to month at most. Early on we learned covid or whatever was a bioweapon and those who understand we are livestock or lab rats to our rulers figured out it was probably intentionally released.

On just the other side of the plandemic I had told a new/young whatever ‘gun rights activist’ that buried guns are artifacts.

When we still have morons claiming they’ll ‘Be found in a pile of brass,’ or “I’ll tell them I lost my guns in a boating accident,” or the best well known “Come and take it from my cold dead hands,” then this country is dead because it’s so-called men have a defeatist mentality, something I’ve been accused of many times simply because I berate these obvious realities.

I’m defeatist because I tell pacified amerikans, so-called patriots, they may or probably will, almost certainly will, have to use the Second Amendment for it’s original purpose, as an organized, well-regulated(well trained, like the British regulars)  ARMED(like the Ukrainian military) to kill their cousin Jim Bob who decided he’d rather have a paycheck and a retirement plan that he’s probably gonna lose anyway, than his natural rights.

This blows their little minds. They run off like the scared children they were bred/raised to be. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

If this miraculous change he claims is coming is truly on the doorstep then why did the elites allow the net to be created? Their think tanks most certainly knew it would be problematic to control the flow of info, fake or dis or otherwise.

After the OK City false flag bombing the burgeoning patriot/militia movement popped like a balloon. Too many still had blind faith in the authorties or hadn’t really thought about what evil they were capable of or what would truly be required to destroy them.

Who or what created this trap? What will the sheeple do to keep the system that provides them ice cream, a recliner and a big screen? Many have already vaxxed their own kids. Most for generations have found it easier to send their offspring to the indoctrination centers than truly educate them at home or in local schools.

But then as any teacher knows most of them are too ignorant to do this anyway. It’s been less than century since parents had to be convinced their kin had to have any larnin’ at all.

I think I’ve already answered that. We see it everyday. If not they would have already FORCED the whores in the u.S. Congress and state legislatures, ‘conservative’ or whatever, to stop a lot of this garbage before it even shows up.

Why do we have Real I.D., the anti-Patriot Act, an income tax on any level, any form of socialism, a ‘social safety net’ that’s directly tied to government power, federal and state agencies meant to regulate the corporations that are basically ran by those same corporations and on and on and on?

Why is the battle for the right to bear ARMS(from butter knives to tactical nukes), that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, being drug out in courtrooms staffed by communists when neither the SCOTUS nor any other black robed shyster is the final arbiter of our rights?

I’ve heard some really good arguments for true ‘anarchy,’ i.e. ‘no form of govt. whatsoever.’ But this is more delusion.

If someone flipped the switch and suddenly we had ‘no govt.’ of any form the first immediate decision every person and sheeple would have to make, would be “Which neighbor do I kill first?’

This is because there are many tool-using monkeys that would do as they pleased to who or what they pleased if they knew there were no courts or prisons at all, as corrupt as our just-us system is…

If memory serves Rome actually collapsed multiple times. The city was sacked once or twice or more, it’s sheeple/slaves carried off into more slavery probably.

The pop. of the United (nation)States is a global minuscule minority, now and historically. The average dumbass probably has little concept that this is a blip in a history of human slavery that most of the planet, well the entire planet, still exists in.

They also likely have little clue how much this country or at least its national govt. is hated world wide because of the evil its committed over and over again in the name of playing king of the hill.

But at least we can still force our rulers to pay lip service to our Bills of Rights and occasionally enforce them. Right?

How many understand those documents are more precious than any penned by the hand of man because they declare that none can rightfully interpret them as only they see fit?

The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival – Sir John Glubb

Chicago Democrat Asks Gang Members To Shoot Each Other At Night

What will come here:

You Have To See What Has Happened To Europe

FK – Have the brits figured out yet why they were stupid enough to surrender their weapons without a fight?

The problem is not the digital money. The problem is tracking.

What pathetic cowards, running away instead of standing and fighting…. That’s why western civ. is dead.

The Great Disaster Coming | From The Experts, Evidence and More

FK – The average ‘believer’s’ idea of science and religion matching up isn’t yours.

They all cherry pick the verses they like and ignore the ones they don’t like then say ‘Oh that one doesn’t mean that it means something else,” which throws the ‘literal, inerrant’ thing out the window. But they are blind to this process because they choose to be.

The ancient tribal propaganda certainly can contain some evidences of the past and maybe even future but that means nothing to most of them. For most it’s simply an excuse not to have to think or act the result being that generation after generation dies and passes its slavery on to the next.

So are you waiting to get beamed up?

The other side of the coin?:

Hurricane Hilary Cat 4 storm Barrels Toward California – Yellowknife Forced To Evacuate Due To Arson

FK – I’ve never seen anything like the chick’s hair around here in the East or South, or in any msnewswhore reports. But the article claims it’s common in the mountains without explaining why. Altitude?

During Infantry training school in the 80s we were at the machine gun range, all lined up firing SAWs or M-60s or whatever and a storm came up. A horizontal lighting bolt shot all the way down in front of the line of Marines from one end to another, 50 – 100′ long maybe, 3′ or so off the ground, 10-15′ out in front of us. No one was hit and I didn’t feel anything. It was pouring rain and no one mentioned anything about ending the shoot.

It would be interesting to see a debate between you and the lawyer. I’ve been watching you both for some time and don’t claim to be enough of a scientist to say who’s right. I try to focus on what I think I might actually be able to affect, which apparently isn’t much.

The GW propaganda started back in the 80s. I remember some mention of it in my ‘environmental science’ or whatever class in college in the late 80s I think. I was young and ignorant and still thought we could partly trust, not blindly, our authorities of whatever stripe.

Boy was I wrong.

After college I looked into the environmental movement as maybe a career path or whatever and after reading their publications realized they’re mostly socialists. The eco-commie movement is a cover and a way to manipulate the simple minded and for the corporations that mostly fund it to make more money. See ‘alt. energy.’ But then who funded the creation of communism/fascism/whatever?

When SHTF it’ll be too late. The sheeple/zombies are too stupid now and will bow down to whatever savior promises to wave its magic wand. See the last 4 prez election cycles.

Let them prove me wrong. I won’t hold my breath. 25 years of watching this has taught me better. Empires and nations have life and death cycles like all in nature and this one’s time is about up. What will survive us?

Seems to me the icepack causing GW would be a propaganda win? Not clear on what this even means. The article seems to be like most GW propaganda as they admitted years ago human activity has less than a 2 percent effect on the climate yet we still have to start riding bicycles and move into large cities where the human independent spirit usually dies and depends on the govt. tit for sustenance and even permission to exist.

They absolutely cannot permit the concept of natural rights to catch on globally. That would be the end of the various forms of authoritarianism from the elite rule to the religions and on and on.

But there I go again over estimating the intelligence of the average tool-using monkey.

I took Ivermectin and vit. D3 and Monolaurin and zinc all through the plandemic.

Old insanities meet the new:

CNN Finally Learns What Has Been Obvious To Everyone for Years

FK – How many of them are still depending on mainstream garbage to tell them what to think? How far are they from doing what must be done? Would they have any concept of that at all or understand what it must mean?

One major reason most are still so ignorant is the fact that they waste so much time in exchange for money, their real god.

Not that I’m afraid of anyone being able to fully express all parts of themselves, on a nude beach, but maybe not on Main St. necessarily, I must ask what would be proper short pronouns for ‘birth defected’ or ‘mentally unstable?’

We stopped calling obviously retarded people retarded so as to not insult them, or whatever, and janitors are now something else.

In the end this is all distraction. They’re a tiny part of the population and we should be teaching the mentally and physically fit youth how to publicly hunt and hang their greatest enemies, the Marxist globalists by whatever cute pronoun they’re tagging themselves with this week. I guess ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ like ‘ufo’ are too time or propaganda worn.

We should concentrate on authoritarians of all stripes from democrats to theocrats to republicrats and provide them the speedy treason trials they so rightfully deserve.

There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity.

What does either side in the so-called culture war mean when they/we say ‘it’s over?”

Among many things it can simply mean that life so-called goes on as in the past when the mindless masses, the mob, gets on with going along to get along, working their shit jobs and paying their taxes and waiting for their fav messiah to show up and magically solve their problems for them as went most of tool-using monkey history.

The tiny minority in every generation of whatever side that actually pays attention and actually acts to make the world their version of a ‘better place’ gets ground into dust by those who fund the propaganda stream and provide paychecks and retirement plans to the brainless badge bearers and the pawns in the military.

As always.

To a point the commie trash is right. When I was young and the ‘sexual revolution’ was ongoing the communists under whatever cute name claimed to love freedom and free speech and the constitution because they perceived themselves the underdogs.

Now that they and their globalist masters basically rule that stuff is an unnecessary encumbrance to those of them who will always know what’s best, just like the last rulers who came before them.

In reality our country never really learned to appreciate our Bills of Rights. Most tool-using monkeys are still a very primitive species and maybe they’re just not capable. I have to ask myself this all the time from observing those around me.

Many to most of them would vote for any king, from the Marxist mutt to Trump( based on voting the bible, laughably, as I saw one e-sign claim a couple years back), based on its charisma or fame or wealth or simply using the key words they’ve been programmed to respond to.

That’s far easier than taking on personal responsibility for the world around them, paying attention and preparing to do what must be done.

The Marxist mutt didn’t save anyone really except those who may benefit from commie care. Trump didn’t wave his magic wand while in office and fire the globalist generals and colonels that have for generations served the corporations and MIC, and their real god, money.

The Oath they take is perfunctory and meaningless to those creatures. They are the enemy. They are HERE.

How many of those hard working Ohioans have any real concept of that?

A guide to neopronouns, from ae to ze

Insanities most sheeple have never heard of:

Magicians of the Temple – ROBERT SEPEHR

FK – What a dark misty past we have. Likely we’ll never know our full history. Even if those who allegedly created/manipulated us showed up could we trust the history they kept?

How pathetic that the ignorant and the fearful still look for kings to rule over them so that they don’t have to think or act for themselves.

More inexplicable magic:

UFO Sightings at Nuclear Bases (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown

FK – So why so much effort to mainstream this now? We know NatGeo is globalist garbage and can’t be trusted. It pushes gun control and global warming propaganda.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Some not so final questions:

Where are the Children 👦 👧 LOST in the Lahaina FIRE!!? Update August 23, 2023

FK – The plandemic proved they are capable of any evil.

What about the children lost everywhere else?

Or amerika:

15 Reasons Appalachia Might Not Exist One Day

FK – The commie trash ‘believes’ science is real. That’s hilarious.

Have you been to the desolation caused by commie trash rule in the large cities? Have you seen Detroit or Chicago? What about all the homeless and human scat in the streets in commiefornia? Why hasn’t their commie govt. ran by wealthy elites saved them?

Why has communism failed to save all the homeless and drug addicted?

Those two young guys college students? Prime example of why the voting age should be raised back to at least 21 if not 25, when the human brain develops enough to allow for abstract thought, if indeed it ever does. 40 + years of watching all this tells me most don’t. Every election cycle, especially the prez, proves there are millions of 40 year olds that are incapable of making a logical rational decision beyond ‘I’m gonna vote for the feller who’s gonna do somethin’ fer me.”

Well gee, most of these areas were filled by ‘yellar dog democrats'(you know what that means right?) for generations until klinton the first shoved NAFTA through congress and bragged about it. So much for ‘the party of the little man’ huh?

Who or what has intentionally destroyed the demonscat party? Who or what really founded the republicrat party? Do you know?

Who or what really destroyed the fossil fuel industry that those hills relied on? Who or what really profits from this?

Call the electric cooperatives, created during the years when the demonscat party easily ran the rural areas, and ask them how important coal still is. What has replaced it? Nothing to speak of….

They are being slowly forced out of the rural areas. You do understand that right? Or are you hoping for it because big city existence destroys the independent mindset?

Religion is part of the control grid and one of the major reason’s we’re not hanging what should be hung. Blind faith and blind obedience is dangerous stupid behavior.

Yeah if we had any MEN and held war crimes trials and hung enough of the elites that fund the mainstream propaganda outlets and restarted the coal industry…..

Where are they going to move to? From looking at your vid headers most of the country is experiencing such in one way or another. It will only get worse. There are abandoned rural towns in the plains states and main streets that barely hang on everywhere. Did you make it to Cairo, Il.?

Red used to be the communist color. Who or what started calling the demonscat blue and the republicrat red? Those areas were for generations staunchly demonscat. Do you know why????? What did it get them in the long run?

WV was sliced off because of Union sentiment in that region, i.e. republican, the radicals of their time. After the war and during reconstruction many to most in the South and Kentucky and probably WV switched to the demonscat party because of how they were being treated by the radicals in the post war govt.

Getting the materials to run solar or whatever from coal is deep irony indeed.

Who blew Nordstream? Do you know? It wasn’t the Norwegian gnome brigade.

How much coal/oil/natural gas is still in the ground and where? Why have they been lying about this for decades now?

Our own govt. hates us all. Does he not get that?

A lot of the up and down in the coal market like a lot of others is probably about eliminating the small producers and thus competition for the big companies. Why do we go through these cycles of alleged recession and uh recession? Why do they always come up with an emergency of one kind or another to justify raising prices?

I personally couldn’t call 6 days a week in a coal mine sweet. Or in any ‘job'(just over broke).

When one says ‘covid’ instead of plandemic that tells me a lot. Does he not know that all is politics because politics is human nature?

If you help commies move to a place with less commies and they keep voting commie how long will it be safe?

Are there any safe places on this water soaked fire spitting rock that’s flying millions of miles an hour through space?




How bout we just hang them?:








For those who want a tour:



Most of them are obviously still morons or they’d be buying enough rope and ammo to do what should have been done two years ago:


A little basic but still basically true:





You are here:


And most of you fully deserve it:


The future:





For the cowards that missed this above:


Yep I fucking told you so:




They are NOT ‘we’

“When you speak in the senate or to any individual, be straightforward, not pedantic. Use language which rings true.” – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

How many morons are still waiting for the Marxist globalist u.S. military leadership to save them from the chinks and the russkies?

This shows you where we are.

When I joined the Marine reserves back in the 80s many still openly despised the military because of the stink of Vietnam.

Our ‘troops,’ as most Vietnam vets will tell you, didn’t lose the war on the ground. It was lost here. A COMMUNIST Vietnamese general allegedly admitted the same thing, in so many words:

”We were not strong enough to drive out a half-million American troops, that wasn’t our aim. Our intention was to break the will of the American government to continue the war. Westmoreland was wrong to expect that his superior firepower would grind us down. If we had focused on the balance of forces, we would have been defeated in two hours. We were waging a people’s war . . . America’s sophisticated arms, electronic devices and all the rest were to no avail in the end. In war there are two factors – human beings and weapons. Ultimately, though, human beings are the decisive factor.”

But then it was a UN declared police action, not an officially declared ‘war’ by our congress of whores that kept funding it for whatever insane reason.

Well, probably because most of them, like now, were whores to corporate or arms company or military industrial complex lobbyists.

But then if that UN police action, like the one in Korea, had been about defeating communism, the troops would’ve been sent after the communists, including the UN itself, on our own soil. Senator McCarthy was right.

Now after the ‘war on terror’ which was really a war on the amerikan mind many sheeple regularly tell ‘servicemen’ “Thank you for your service,” stupidly thinking it actually means something.

How many servicemen thanks to the govt. schools and govt. churches actually understood the Oath they took to uphold the Bill of Rights?

When I went through boot camp they told us we weren’t obliged to obey ‘illegal’ orders with no explanation of what that might actually be.

For many multiple generations now most of them have been illegal.

Both ‘world wars’ weren’t fought for liberty any more than the Vietnam or Korean conflicts were. Ditto for the invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq or whatever comes next.

My little picnic war really only freed a monarch to continue to rule his subjects.

War is not always voluntary

Why haven’t our more modern whores de-funded the BATF nazi trash and the Federal Bureau of Instigators?

Why did the Joint Chiefs openly declare they’d murder anyone who went to the district of commie criminals to stop the swearing in of the old demented Marxist that should have been executed for treason 30 years ago for its crime bill?

in the post 9/11 world so-called conservatives and probably many libertarians fell to the propaganda and focused on made up enemies hiding in caves on the other side of the world instead of our real enemies WHO HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE.

The republicrat whores passed the anti-Patriot Act, written before the ‘attacks,’ without even reading it while ignoring our greater domestic enemies.

They like those that vote them into power are delusional about the real situation we face here.

If you don’t understand the implications of these things you’re too stupid to breathe on your own much less vote. Maybe that’s why it’s an autonomic response. Our real makers wanted their livestock or lab rats to keep breeding for whatever real reason.

Those who bow to ignorance and fear deserve the outcomes.

Bad is trusting those who would destroy you:

🔴 This is VERY BAD: Would We EVEN Have A CHANCE

FK – I don’t identify with the fedgov or the NWO empire military as ‘we.’ Only fools and morons would do such.

The worse shape the u.S. military is in the better chance WE have. If any of it is even true. Read Sun Tzu?

Money is the true god of this world regardless of pretense. Ignorance and fear are it’s concubines or its generals, depending on the situation.

We passed the crazy marker a few generations back. The fact that most were too blind to see it means nothing.

What country produces most of the ‘raw materials’ now?

This empire HAS BEEN DESTROYED FROM WITHIN! The cliff is behind/above us. The only question is how far the fall and how many bones will litter the bottom.

WWIII if such a thing exists was the cold war. How many millions died because of the proxy wars between the two alleged empires?

Pence proved its loyalties in Jan. 21. Why even discuss it except at the war crimes trials? Oh I forgot, we have NO MEN to carry them out.

Military Dividing Up For And Against Trump

Military leadership so-called has already decided:


FK – No comments allowed on this vid. So much for free speech and the Oath they took.

But then they decided a long time ago.

This is why:

America’s ATOMIC Foundation Myth

FK – The average amerikan is a screaming moron that is allowed to vote in our non-democracy.

Democracy doesn’t equal liberty. It’s another form of manipulation.

They had already killed hundreds of thousands via firebombing, in Japan and Germany.

If that kind of theater appeals to western civ. then western civ. is dead.

Primo example:

BREAKING: ATF raiding homes based on search history?

FK – The problem is our enemies have been successful and we have NO MEN here to hang them.

You are flying millions of miles an hour through space on a water soaked fire spitting rock. There are NO safe spaces here.

If they don’t have a warrant show them the road. If they do immediately call your local genuine people’s militia to deal with them in the proper manner, a speedy treason trial and rope.

Oh wait, I forgot, we have NO MEN here to do what should be done.

Why weren’t millions of real AMERICANS not amerikans calling congress decades back, after the murder of the Branch Davidians, to defund, try and execute the BATF Nazi trash???? See above.

I’m around useless sheeple all the time that would be fine with a communist govt., which we have, a fascist govt., a dictator, a god-appointed king, or whatever as long as they still have steak and ice cream and a big screen and get to pay their bills on time and keep the banksters in business.

This country has been defeated. The fact that most ‘conservatives’ and libertarians so-called are delusional about the situation they are in and what should have been done about it generations ago proves this.

Most of them still have blind admiration for any and all ‘law enforcement’ and/or the military which hasn’t fought a war for liberty probably since 1812.

No, it should be the wrong community, kinda like that Jason Aldean or whatever song, but with the genuine people’s militia that he’s still too cowardly to mention and that most so-called pro-2A patriots are still too pathetic to form or join.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More dangerous word games:

Washington’s Last Stand to Stop Its Assault Weapon Ban and Why It Matters to All Of You

FK – We need MEN to hold the war crimes trials and hang our communist judges. But our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN left here.

What happens when the military switches to laser rifles and they’re not in ‘common use?’

The commie coast is ran by guess what: commies. There’s no right to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity. If they are allowed to secede as some ‘conservatives’ are wont to do then it’s only a matter of time until they invited the chicom military over to protect them from the rednecks in flyover country.

Any who think that’s not likely much less possible is naive beyond imagination. Our domestic enemies are capable of ANY EVIL. The plandemic proved this.

The real problem is the cowardice. Most who claim to love the 2A and certainly not the commie judges are not discussing the reason it was written: For the common folk to be able to destroy any domestic military sent against them by a tyrannical govt.

That would mean having a genuine people’s militia in every county with enough manpower and armament to deal with any armed force marched or sent against it to include at the very least anti-air and anti-tank and nowadays anti-drone or whatever ARMS.

The 2A reads ARMS, which can include ANYTHING from tactical nukes to butter knives.

But this country is inhabited by pacified cowards, proven by the fact that NOTHING WAS DONE about the blatantly stolen election of Nov. 2020 and the swearing in of a demented old Marxist globalist CRIMINAL that should have been executed for treason 30 years before for its crime bill.

COUNT DOWN: Battle RAGING as Court has until MONDAY to STRIKE DOWN age purchase requirements…

FK – Voting isn’t mentioned in the Bill of Rights for a reason. Any creature of any age has a right to defend itself against govt. or common criminals but may still not possess the knowledge, experience, wisdom required to pick a candidate that will protect and restore the Bill of Rights.

Every election cycle proves there are millions of 40 year olds that are incapable of making a logical rational decision and instead vote for a candidate “…that’s gonna do somethin’ fer me.”

Which of course means providing the ignorant creature with a check, job or some other benefit, or maybe even just making it feel better about itself. But then we allow the dead and imaginary sheeple to vote… early and often.

Can you tell I’ve lost all respect for most of the tool-using monkey population?

This is why I call it the ‘ancient tribal propaganda’:

This Sign Tells of a Nation’s Impending Doom. Have You Seen It?

FK – The romans almost wiped them out. Razed their temple and cleansed the ‘holy land’ of the special tribe. Their empire lasted another 400 years. Some claim it never really died.

The a word is just another way to control the simple minded.

Most of ‘them’ now vote communist. Most synagogues are probably reform judaism and focus on social justice, both euphemisims for marxism.

Some orthodox whatevers believe modern israel is an abomination. Apparently ‘they’ can’t all agree on what the ancient tribal propaganda means either.

Our ancestors fought a bloody 8 year war so we wouldn’t be ruled by god appointed kings or have blasphemy or heresy laws.

One cannot claim to love the Bill of Rights and also claim there’s a special group whose motives cannot be questioned.

If you value the atp over the Bills of Rights you are waiting for someone to dictate to you what both mean.

Another idiot:

FK – The a word is another word used as a control device like extremist, right winger, fascist, racist and on and on.

Hating someone because they are born a certain way is mindlessness as is blindly defending them for the same reason.

All this other crap is crumbs from the self written history of a single desert tribe that like most primitive cultures created a belief system that put them at the center of existence. That’s what was stuck into the ancient tribal propaganda.

One cannot blindly trust what was reported on the evening propagandacast about what happened at 10 am this morning but billions of uneducated ignorant morons think they can blindly trust what was ALLEGEDLY written, edited, transcribed, whatever thousands of years ago.

As for all this guy is going over it’s way too much thinking for the average believer. Most of them can’t explain why they attend the church they do and usually have never attended a church that follows a different version, sub-version or subversion.

If they wanted to think for themselves they’d read books that matter and not put blind faith in any source. But they are the children their religion tells them to be because grown children are easier to rule.

When you put any book or any insanity over the Bill of Rights you are waiting for someone to dictate to you what both mean.

If you’re only interpreting the ancient tribal propaganda via itself or proving it via itself without looking for outside evidence then you’re a moron.

It’s a collection, a mishmash, of scribblings by crazy ignorant desert monks and priests or whatever over a long span of time written along a general theme. Some of its history may be close to the mark, much of it obviously isn’t.

The biblical scholars, who can’t be blindly trusted either, have vastly different views of much of this.

One could waste several lifetimes sorting all this out. That’s the problem.

Part of the reason we’ve lost our country is all the braindead morons who waste their time here waiting for the world to end or for some savior that isn’t coming.

All they ever accomplish for the most part is they die and pass their slavery on to their children.

We should be hanging our Marxists and other assorted authoritarians of whatever race, ethnicity or version, sub-version or subversion.

Start with the white ones first if that makes you feel better. They are the most numerous and the most dangerous.

What percentage of modern whatevers by whatever version vote communist or make the pretense of ‘reform Judaism’ whose synagogues push ‘social justice,’ both euphemisms for Marxism?

They are part of the problem.

Why do so many channels on bitchute post vids without source urls?????? Who is this guy? Where did this come from????

This is basic stuff people!!!!!!

Don’t miss the comments on that one.

This is definitely not ‘we’ but it does make a few good points:

How Americans Got So Stupid

FK – Not that I disagree completely with the overall premise but amerika is surrounded by large oceans that it takes a lot of money for some to fly over. Europeans drive or ride a train a few miles and wala they’re in ‘another country.’

Even most amerikans, I included until a couple decades ago, really don’t think about the fact that ‘united states’ means ‘united nation states.’ But our not so civil war, the war to keep taxing the southern states, took care of that, and our republic.

Why don’t you show communists, past and present, practicing censorship? Huh? Why not show the entire Bills of Rights, of the federal constitution and of the several states, which far outshine anything written by the Marxist globalist UN.

The UN only allows the sheeple the rights, well, that they’re allowed. Actually read it. The American Bill of Rights, insisted upon by the Anti-Federalists, those who didn’t trust the new form of govt. for good reason, was created to ACKNOWLEDGE humanity’s NATURAL BORN rights, not grant them at the whim of whatever rulers lie their way into power.

But sadly our enemies have been successful and we have NO MEN left to enforce them. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

When propagandists default to showing the ‘Nattttzeees,’ the obvious historical lessor of the evils in that war, that tells us a lot about what side they’re on, the side of the greater evil, that won that war and still rules us all.

At least you acknowledge elite/govt. control of amerikan mainstream newswhores.

There’s nothing new about dominate empires spreading their culture to their vassal states, or trading partners.

We have plenty of commie propaganda created in house. No need to import it. It’s done in such a way the average dumbass doesn’t even know they’re a commie. Voting for lying scat so it can get them a check or a job is an old tradition here.

I’ve watched several French movies that definitely weren’t Americanized. Well maybe I tried to watch them. amerikan cinema has come a long way from John Wayne storming a beach to the first few minutes of ‘Saving Private Ryan.’ Both designed to keep the simple minded believing the military actually fights for them or their ‘freedum’ as some like to spell it.

If Lennon was working to enslave humanity he shouldn’t have been deported. He should have been tried and executed.

Plenty of low budget films are written/made well. Many big budget flicks are really little more than propaganda. Well, everything in truth is propaganda as well as this vid. Who owns and controls hollyweird for the most part anyway? Oops. can’t dare mention that.

If it makes you feel better one of my fav films is ‘Enemy at the Gates.’ The ‘heroes’ so-called, or protagonist/antagonist, both serve evil socialist systems and the movie does a decent job of showing how evil both those systems are, even up the point of how the Soviets put less value on their own soldiers than the evvvieelll natttzzzzzzzzziiieess.

You’re pretty stupid if you think one has to be a dumb redneck to vote for Trump. I didn’t vote for him either time. I’m still not convinced he’s the savior so many want him to be. But then it’s incredibly stupid to waste one’s time here looking for saviors when we should be hanging our Marxist globalists.

Here in podunk Kentucky, really most of the country, mainstream radio, like all mainstream news and entertainment media, is mostly crap that regurgitates msnm garbage as reality. We have redneck country, classic rock because allegedly young people don’t listen to radio stations anymore because of their smartphones, top 40 as always and of course National Propaganda Radio. The ‘christian’ stations vary and some play a mix of gospel or modern christian music and a few political talk show hosts that finally developed the courage to start calling their domestic enemies Marxists.

When the republic was founded only white male landowners, presumably educated and literate newspaper readers, could vote. But the newspapers then were often founded to push one agenda or another.

We need to require a test of history and the constitutions and our Bills of Rights and militia service, not military, militia, to vote. Only when the members of the standing army are forced to fully understand and uphold their oaths should they be allowed to vote.

How many of the demonscat or the republicrats for that matter remember it was the demonscat party, once ‘the party of the little man,’ that passed NAFTA, after Klinton the first said he was against it during his first campaign for the now red house, then shoved it through congress and bragged about it, sending millions of amerikan jobs over the border and to those foreign countries the average swing voter works so hard to ignore?

I’m well aware of what the EU is and how evil it is. Sen. McCarthy was right. Do you understand whose propaganda you’re regurgitating?

“The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.


Doom or doomed?:

This s*** is just weird…

FK – What percentage of physically grown alleged males can define ‘anarchy‘ or have trained with their local genuine people’s militia or even read a book that matters since high school if indeed they did then?

What percentage of alleged grown women have ‘careers’ or could even really define that? Most of them now work whatever job(just over broke) they can find to help pay the bills and keep two or more cars and all the other stuff we think we can’t exist without.

My mother divorced my abusive father when I was 5 and spent 20 years sewing t-shirt sleeves as a member of the blue-collar working class the result being her mother, born in 1914, basically raised me. She tried to instill in me the desire to find a biblical wife via Proverbs.

She only succeeded in grossly turning me off to the idea.

Children are better off in a two parent household, with the mother at home when young, with both parents attractive, intelligent and educated(not just indoctrinated). But that has always been a tiny indeed minuscule percentage of the population.

Humanity’s past was full of orphans and bad stepparents and high infant and child mortality. It’s also full of mindless willful ignorance and simple illiteracy. Now most can read their electric bills but would rather die than read anything that matters.

More children live to so-called adulthood but in reality have no business breeding much less voting.

I certainly don’t regret that I never settled for someone I’d have to grit my teeth to go home to so I could help her pop out more taxpayers or pawns for the kings or interest payers for the banksters or more souls for a sadistic bronze age god to threaten with eternal torture.

I’d never want to be found guilty of participating in that last one.

The elites of our time have lost their collective minds, or are putting on a show of such for whatever real reason. But my years of trying to get the average dumbass to pay attention and think for themselves have shown me why the elites of history always viewed us as the mob.

A few more ways the world might end:

Gulf Stream (AMOC) Could Collapse By 2025 According To A New Study – Catastrophic Climate Impacts

FK – It’s all propaganda. Maybe it’s way past due for a reset, of the tool-using monkeys that is. All they can manage to do anymore is lie to each other’s faces.

What does the primary religion here order it’s adherents to do?: Render unto Caesar, obey the magistrates, be a good servant(slave) you’ll have paradise in the next life, wait to get beamed up because it’s all prophesied and there’s nothing you can do about it.

The game hasn’t changed only the names. As always it’s one order replacing another. This empire will fall like all the rest. As always the sheeple are blind to what’s been done to them, what’s being done and what will be done to their descendants.

The govt. schools and govt. churches ensure they have NO CONCEPT of their right, duty and responsibility to fight back in whatever way necessary.

What will survive us?

The guardian is a globalist rag, probably always was. ANYTHING MAINSTREAM is NOT TO BE TRUSTED. They’re all lying, from the little local rag to the local radio station that pipes in corporate newswhore propaganda to of course the big city rags and radio stations and tv stations.

But again and again we’ve had the net for 25 years plus and millions are so incredibly STUPID and OBLIVIOUS that they wore the masks and took the vax and will die thinking they did the right thing.

The elites know what their livestock are, dumb animals, that only care about how well manicured their yards are or whether or not the cats will win or when they’ll get beamed up before things get too bad.

Trump didn’t wave his magic wand and save anyone in 4 years. If he’s ‘allowed’ back into the now red house he won’t again.

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Or anything else?:

Richard Dolan – What is Missing in the UAP/UFO Discussion of 2023?


Unimaginable apathy and cowardice:

Breaking! 20 Million People Killed Globally By Covid Vaccines & 2.2 Billion Seriously Hurt

I’ve been claiming since 2020 the bioweapon was almost certainly intentionally released. What will be done about it by this nation of anatomically physically grown pussy so-called males? Probably nothing:

– Well gee, that would be an act of biowar, just as I called it in 2020. When will the globalist generals step in to round up those responsible and hold the war crimes trials?

They won’t. They ARE THE ENEMY.

They just keep proving me right. Who’s funding them?:

The Marxist Takeover of America

Even a dull-witted person should be able to understand the hold which the Marxists now have on our military. Thirty years ago, to speak out against Marxism on a college campus was career-ending. And now the infection has reached the armed forces. To speak out against Marxism in the military is also career-ending. Does everyone see this? Are we watching with eyes wide shut?

FK – Don’t worry, this country is full of dull witted morons who fully deserve what’s being done to them.



Bombshell! Senator Ron Johnson Says COVID Intentionally Released By ‘Elite Group Of People Who Want To Take Total Control Of Our Lives’

Covid-19 Was A Globalist Plot To Conquer The World, Warns Top German Leader

Nurse reveals that the COVID vaccine killed nearly 20% of patients at her facility

Biden FDA admits that doctors have authority to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19

Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It’s a Manufactured Consensus”

Dr. Francis Boyle Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon

I’m not sure what the point is to posting any more of the headers I’ve seen since, whenever, more than I can keep track of, all the vile evil the so-called ‘good people’ are allowing to be done to their own children and country.

I told you fucking so. May you ignorant apathetic sheeple suffer horribly in this world for your cowardice:

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

An ongoing act of biowar



Democracy is what got us into this situation:


What the Watchers hide

This is an asylum and the inmates think they run it. Or it’s a cosmic teenager’s gameboy.

The summer between the 6th and 7th grade I developed an interest in UFOs. I had bought a magazine or two on the topic in the main street drugstore and had probably seen movies or maybe a doc or two on the subject even though all we had then was three channels on the weaponvision.

That summer I’d spend about an hour in the back yard most evenings staring up at the starlit sky. I think I had a pair of cheapie folding opera glasses if that.

I was eleven and knew the difference between an airplane/helicopter and it’s safety lights and a true ‘ufo,’ that’s the acronym not the flying saucer.

I even kept a log or journal of my sightings. It’s in a box somewhere maybe so it’s findings are probably lost to science. But I do remember I saw a few things I couldn’t explain, one being a very large football shaped craft with flashing lights that flew only a few hundred yards almost directly over my house.

It looked liked a dirigible or whatever they used back then to film sporting events and that’s the I.D. I assigned to it though I’m still not sure.

At the end of the summer I gave up my search and went back to getting up before daylight to catch the school bus that I was often the first to board.

Standing on my front porch one probably August morning I glanced to my right and about 100 meters away over what was then my grandparent’s garden I saw a silver missile shaped object just below treetop level. It was probably between 10 and 20 feet long.

It scared me so I glanced away and looked back and it was gone.

Even then I attributed it to an overactive imagination and probably tried not to think about it anymore. But I’ve always kept an eye peeled to the topic of intelligent life from other places.

As a teenager I got far more hope from Star Trek than I ever had from the ancient tribal propaganda. How one gets ‘hope’ from burning billions of tool-using monkeys alive in fire forever, the majority of all that ever existed, is beyond my comprehension.

But then after a lifetime of trying to pay attention it’s remains beyond my comprehension how so many can be so in love with their own natural born ignorance.

There’s nothing new about the topic/propaganda of space aliens/visitors/watchers/angels/demons or whatever. Those who pay attention know the topic existed in pre-history.

But as I note below and in many other places, as many others have, disclosure so-called will have implications humanity so-called probably isn’t ready for. The watchers probably know this, if they care.

What is ‘international relations’ to the average inhabitant of the largest most powerful empire in known human history? What will ‘intergalactic or universal or inter-dimensional relations’ be to them?

I constantly berate the obvious here because so few seem to get it. When I was young I told myself I’d never forget what it was like to be so.

Now than I’m ‘old’ it’s beyond me how so many in my age range are still so willfully ignorant and fearful when we’ve had the internet for over a quarter century.

The majority of them, as through human history, are basically physically grown children. There’s nothing new about this. The religions and those who created them realized this long ago along with the elites who run the world from throne rooms or banking houses or temples.

This post was started before I knew the recent U.S. House committee hearings on UAPs or whatever would take place.

I don’t expect it to change a lot. If it does it may be change the average sheeple is not ready for.

When so few even understand that in the representative republic we’re supposed to have here, and lost in the 1860s, that they are born responsible for all their governments do to them and to others, where ever they are, then we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

When billions planet wide still wait for a temporal or spiritual or inter-dimensional savior to show up and solve their problems for them then we are still a very primitive species.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

When children are taught blind mindless pacifism from whatever source, an ancient tribal propaganda or institutional Marxist globalism, or whatever, then they will likely be as useless as their parents are, as enslaved as their parents are, and as ignorant as their parents are.

What to teach your kids

When we allow morons to vote who couldn’t pass a basic test on our history or what the Bill of Rights, the basis of our constitution, actually means – possessing the will and the physical prowess and the tools and the trained force to fight back against and destroy any tyrannical authority or force it sends against them – then we are doomed.

Who deserves to vote?

When we allow our ‘leaders,’ incredibly loosely defined, to run for political office or hold any position of authority over us without proving they have always put the concept of natural rights first, the concept our nation so-called was founded upon, without providing a resume detailing their past activities, beliefs, affiliations, donors, employers, whatever, then we deny what our country is supposed to be about.

When millions put some ancient tribal propaganda or modern collectivist screed over the Bill of Rights they are waiting for someone to dictate to them what both mean.

When money is the true god of all. It takes a nation of whores to elect a congress of whores.

When ‘conservatives’ and communists by whatever cute name pretend the police or military exist to protect them when their job is to herd them and when many to most of our major cities are ran by communist criminals and a demented old Marxist globalist criminal that should have been executed 30 years ago for its crime bill dangles from the strings of its masters after being installed in a blatantly stolen election….

When we all put our personal comfort before the kind of world we will pass on to future generations, free as it should be or more enslaved than ever before, then we are all collectively insane.

Most sheeple put no more thought into the kind of world their own descendants will inherit than an alley cat.

None are sane, no not one.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Cowboys and Aliens

FK – As I keep noting over and over again: When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

This guy really has no idea what he’s writing about, at least concerning this subject, as we shall see.

Only a screaming moron would trust chuckie schemer to do anything approaching ‘the right thing.’ This is all about getting ahead of the info flow.

The republicrats are for the most part little better.

Quantum computer built by Google can instantly execute a task that would normally take 47 years

FK – Should the evil goolag be allowed to posses such? What about our marxist globalist military/govt.?

After reading the comments I wonder what big deal it really is but still must ask “Is this how in some way the ‘god’ or whatever did all this spoke it into existence?”

Are the watchers far more concerned about some future tech the tool-using monkeys, or their lab rats, may develop that would cause them to have to hit the reset button?

From the same rag:

New state of matter exists as solid and liquid at the same time

FK – We’ve known about such an element for all of recorded history: the human brain.

It’s capable of exhibiting the characteristics of both mush and concrete.

The mush makes it susceptible to believing in or waiting for whatever savior to come and wave a magic wand and solve its problems while the concrete often hardens at an early age, even after a so-called ‘education,’ and prohibiting any new or seemingly dangerous ideas from entering.

I’ve certainly witnessed this all my time here.

He’s right about it being a deception:

The Next Deception Is About To Start And It Could Cost You Your Life

FK – Calling them demons and angels is a simple explanation for simple minds.

If the ancient bronze age tribal propaganda is our only reality then there’s no point in being here at all.

Without knowing which version, sub-version or subversion you make the pretense of aligning with I’ll guess you’re of the majority that claims your sadistic bronze age god created billions of humans knowing they’d have this blink of an existence then be burned alive in fire forever….

We’ve had a Bill of Rights for over 200 years that reads ‘…no cruel and unusual punishment…’

That means our rulers don’t torture people anymore unlike the bronze age kings the Israelite or whatever god was patterned after who told their subjects “Obey me or I’ll torture and murder you.”

But the tool-using monkey lifespan is so short and their memories far shorter and their understanding of the world they’re really in practically non existent because most of them spend their time here grazing and breeding and wasting their time in exchange for money, their real god, and never put any real thought into their existence at all.

I’ve seen this all my life and now that this empire is dying, western civ. is being intentionally collapsed, for whatever real reason and billions of morons use their insane religion as an excuse to sit on their asses and wait for some savior, temporal or spiritual, instead of standing up and taking on personal responsibility for the world we exist in as being born in what is supposed to be a representational republic is supposed to mean then I fully understand why the ancients came up with the hell story, which far predates monotheism, and that is this:

The vast majority of them aren’t worth the bullet it would take to put them into a ditch. As much as I despise the Marxist globalist elites who have clearly lost their minds I fully understand their frustration in dealing with ‘the mob’ or the ‘unwashed masses’ or peasants or subjects or whatever because I discovered only after a short time in the patriot movement most of them would rather die than think much less act on the kind of world they will pass on to their own children.

In fact I think most of them have NO CONCEPT at all of their responsibility to do so.

This is not only due to the various insane belief systems they conjure up or had created for them by the elites but maybe we as a species aren’t evolved enough as a whole to understand what the Founders, particularity the anti-Federalists who insisted on a Bill of Rights had in mind.

That was done in order to force the govts. to ACKNOWLEDGE rights we are born with, and rid us of the concept of god appointed kings who along with their popes or whatever dictate what version, sub-version or subversion is the official version.

This only proves we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

The catholic hierarchy has probably always known their religion is a scam. It’s always been a control device. They want you to have the mind of a grown child because children are easier to rule.

From the Black Sabbath drummer’s Wikipedia page(not that I blindly trust Wikipedia or any other source):

“Fenholt’s 1994 autobiography, From Darkness to Light, reveals that he was abused and mistreated as a youth and subjected to frequent beatings. In 1996, Fenholt’s parents sued him, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), and the publisher of his autobiography for $12 million each for defamation of character. Fenholt’s siblings claimed he made up the stories of abuse, but the lawsuit subsequently was dropped after Fenholt produced court documents from the superior court of Franklin County, Ohio, confirming his claims. Fenholt later said that he had a “warm relationship” with his mother and family.”

The guy ended up on TBN for years, not a good sign of respectability. They make millions off the simple minded.

Where’s the account of what Satan looked like at the signing?

You’ve been watching way too much of Hal Turner and other ‘christian’ propagandists whose stock in trade is always ‘the world is ending soon.’

You actually need to spend TIME looking into this and read books by real UFO researchers. Watch vids even here on goolagtube. Start with Richard Dolan. The UFO community is like the religious one, full of hucksters. The genuine ones are not always salient to the masses. Think History channel.

Belief is the problem. Learn to look at what evidence you can find, not just the ancient tribal propaganda or some huckster selling the end of the world.

News(so-called) and entertainment media propaganda about the aliens has been a thing for over a century. Most sheeple don’t really think about it because their brains aren’t ready. Try to talk to the avg. dumbass about anything that matters that hasn’t been spoonfed to them and you’ll get that stupid schoolboy grin from 8th grade history class when they didn’t know the answer and will probably always be too stupid to know why it matters.

It’s easier to do what the authorities of the church or the govt. tell you and go along to get along.

If the demented in chief told me aliens were real of course I wouldn’t ‘believe’ it. I would wonder whether it was working with the good ones or the bad ones(very loosely defined) and whether its handlers might be some of those who look like us and thus walk among us like the alleged angels of old.

What does the average dumbass know about international relations? Now extrapolate that vacuum of anti-knowledge to ‘intergalactic relations.’

Our primate ancestors’ DNA probably was monkeyed with by the watchers or some other species or civilization, that may have colonized this planet/system long ago.

What happens to primitive civilizations when they meet more advanced ones? They usually fade into history. All they knew, their culture, religions, whatever, turn to dust.

The watchers, if they are even mildly benevolent, know we’re not ready. Just look around. Or we’re their lab rats or livestock and when our tech gets to a certain point they’ll hit the reset button because they can’t have these dangerous greedy shortsighted monkeys zooming around in space exporting their constant wars for resources and religions.

But then religion is usually an excuse to make the simple minded go along with sending their children to die in another war for power or profit.

The word is ‘plandemic.’ If you don’t know that you don’t know anything. Millions already stupidly wore the masks and took the vax which probably was meant to have some effect on human evolution.

The conditioning has been generational and will probably continue for a long time. They may have done this many times before. They know it’s not easy for primitive species to grow up.

Or they’ll just decide it’s time for the harvest and show up and herd the cattle onto the space trucks. Have you read/watched ‘Childhood’s End‘ or ‘Colony.’

Just because the govts. lie about aliens doesn’t mean there’s no aliens. A researcher/reporter a few years back was claiming the Pentagon had $20 Trillion in missing or black budget funds.

How would ancient ignorant desert dwellers have interpreted your sighting? They had no concept of air travel or of other planets. Like their descendants they were shortsighted and saw only the ‘world’ immediately around them and made up stories to try to make sense of it and in order to better rule their inferiors and their tribes.

The watchers themselves probably interjected in subtle ways as they do now. The great deception has always been with us. They always present themselves as the opposite of what they are.

I experience religionists all the time that have no more discernment than my 16 year old dog. He would make a better prez than what the cowardly population of this country allowed to be sworn in after a blatantly stolen election.

But that doesn’t matter to millions because they’re gonna get beamed up soon. All they’ll accomplish with that ignorance is die and pass their slavery onto another generation. The same thing that’s happened for millennia except for that time about 200 years ago when a ‘god appointed king’ was cast off and during the reformation when they at least decided it was time to read the book for themselves instead of depending on priests to read it to them in a language they didn’t even speak.

Welcome to the asylum that the inmates think they run.

Please grow up and try to prepare for what is really coming. Stop interpreting everything via the ancient tribal propaganda. It’s not the only book that’s ever been published. Read a few others.

What happened to that rich man and the eye of the needle thing? Oh I forgot, you’re worshiping/serving your true god as most of them do.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Part of whose plan?:

FK – We’ve been marked since the 1930s. What can the avg. dumbass do without a socialist security no.?

They already track and monitor us. What is a drivers license or a license plate or a property deed? What does the county tax assessor do?

No one is coming to save you. We must DEMAND at the point of a gun if necessary, that our governments ban the corporations and governments from tracking us in any way and ban biometrics and implantable chips and on and on.

Telling the religionists to sit on their asses and let his crap happen because ‘it’s all been foretold/prophesied’ whatever is what will allow it to happen. So guess who came up with that propaganda. The churches were infiltrated long ago. Religion is usually created as a control device.

When/if they try this with all stores is when we show up and kill the scat telling us this and take what we want. They’re doing it in San Fran and other large cities, why not in the small towns?????

Those who go along with this evil for a paycheck and a retirement plan deserve whatever is done to them.

If you didn’t make the pretense of following the ancient tribal propaganda or thought you’d get beamed up before things get too bad would all this globalist crap then be OK?

The churches are full of morons that will happily go along to get along. Money is their real god regardless of pretense. It’s what they truly worship(serve) 7 days a week.

For over 200 years now we’ve had a Bill of Rights that reads ‘…no cruel and unusual punishment…” Does that mean anything to you moron? A portion of humanity has evolved past the idea of torturing those who don’t go along with the program.

Yes, you do want the vast majority of humankind that ever existed to ‘go there’ if you’re pushing that evil. Doing so is condoning it. That’s how that works.

Your god was obviously patterned after ancient tyrannical kings that looked down their noses at their subjects/slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll torture/murder you.”

Time to wake up and grow up.

A Brief History of Shape-Shifting Reptilians

More of the same:

The Secret Nephilim Giants Pentagon Files Exposed

FK – So the ancient aliens are religious nuts too? Not surprising. Read ‘Dune.’

Why would these alleged spiritual beings need physical transportation or use physical force to fight off a species far inferior to them?

Calling them ‘angels and demons’ alleviates the average dumbass believer of having to actually think. It’s a nice simple explanation for simple minds.

Who or what is funding the propaganda stream or the NWO? They are the enemy. Does ideology mean anything to them or is it just another tool to help keep the slaves working?

Will they need their slaves or lab rats much longer? Or will they hit the reset button when we get too close to actually posing a threat to them?

Who funded Hitler in the beginning? Who funded the Bolsheviks that overthrew the Czar and almost took over Germany? They were the greater of the evils. The communists were murdering tens of millions before the Nazis got warmed up and were still murdering after the Nazis were put down.

I’ve been watching the X Files because I didn’t get to see all of them back in the 90s. It’s nostalgic but also a reminder that entertainment/fiction contains elements of truth or reality but is often/usually twisted to the propaganda goals of those who run and fund the propaganda stream.

Just like the ancient tribal propaganda that so many pretend is literal and inerrant when it’s impossible for it to be so. It’s full of contradictions and themes borrowed from earlier traditions but the average believer refuses to see this because that might require independent thought and gods forbid real action on their part.

I do agree that the vax’s real purpose may very well be to further affect the evolution/management of the tool-using monkeys, or lab rats, or livestock, or slaves or whatever we really are.

All propaganda contains elements of truth/reality to make it seem credible. That’s how they get the mob to swallow the big lie. It’s always worked that way and probably always will.

The ufo community is full of hucksters just like the religions and the governments. Where is this guy’s documentation?

We’re already in a mental institution. This planet is an asylum and the inmates think they run it. Both/all sides in the culture war are equally insane only in different ways.

If these beings announce themselves in such a way that the average dumbass is forced to acknowledge something outside of its pathetic existence then they will be worshiped(served) as gods by billions.

We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

Some level of truth?

Shocking documents claim Luis Elizondo is NOT who you think “DEEP DIVE” disinformation Agent Or….

FK – And Greer probably is as well. Don’t know what’s so surprising about this. Anyone who really gets much attention should be looked at via a microscope.

Once a spook always a spook. The globalists have agents everywhere. If he had a clue he wouldn’t have given anything to mainstream newswhores that are owned/controlled by the globalists. The fact they published it tells the story.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur C. Clarke

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

Ex-DoD Intelligence Officer’s UFO Claims Spark Security Concerns And Confusion, Pentagon Memos Reveal

As I keep writing over and over again, so sad that so many don’t get it, blindly trust NO SOURCE:

Alien Artifacts on Mars: What NASA doesn’t want you to know

FK – The face is actually Hoagland’s in an earlier incarnation. Look at that helmet head at 13:56. The ozone layer really took a hit that day.

The watchers told the never a straight answer group to claim the craft was dead because they weren’t/aren’t ready for their lab rats to find out we’re all in a cage.

So two Marsgyptian kids were throwing uranium rocks at each other one day and ‘ooops?’

All I see and hear on a regular basis tells me the tool-using monkeys are a very primitive species. High tech is no guarantor of advanced cultural thought/ideology/whatever. The watchers themselves may be a bunch of religious nuts led by some transalien bio/mech whatever that have wasted millions to billions of years looking for their version of enlightenment/god.

‘We the people’ so-called fail to exercise their/our authority much less their brains so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

Do we ‘deserve to know?’ Really? What would the avg. dumbass do with this knowledge? Keep on picking his nose and reaching for another beer while watching the galactic playoffs probably.

Had a conversation a while back with some ‘activists’ about more or less the relationship of religion to current events. I asked them what would happen if we could push a button and all our Marxists dropped dead.

One of them said we’d probably be arguing over which religion is right, more or less.

That’s the reason for the first few words in the First Amendment of the national Bill of Rights. The Founders had actually studied history and knew the danger of letting any ideology having full control.

Our Bills of Rights MUST trump all the ancient tribal insanity and modern insanity of whatever source.

Some claim we were designed to be slaves to some ancient astronauts or whatever. I certainly see that propensity. Some evangelicals celebrate their slavery to their bronze age god and have no problem with ‘gaining hope’ from the concept of it burning all those they don’t like/agree with alive in fire forever.

That’s why the Bill of Rights also reads ‘no cruel and unusual punishment.’

We still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

All because there are NO MEN here to do what must be done.

The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another strand in the web:

UFO Whistleblowers: Crash Retrievals, and Reverse Engineering Programs are going mainstream!

FK – The msnm is populated by Marxist trash and whores thus the term ‘newswhore.’

When the govt.s/mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

They’re promoting what a good servant of the MIC this guy was/probably still is. It’s targeted towards morons that still think the military fights for them and for their limited idea of ‘freedom’ when it hasn’t for 160 years.

Is it a psyop? Do bears screw in the woods?

I’ve been in this for about a quarter century, the patriot movement that is. There are some good actors out there. This guy doesn’t seem to be one of them. The arrogance/hubris in his expression is telltale.

I don’t pretend to know beans about physics. I know the tool-using monkeys regardless of their true origins lie as easily as fish breathe water, often to themselves, because it’s easier than thinking much less taking a stand on principle that they really have no concept of at all.

What is a layman? Most of the population hasn’t read a book of any kind that matters since high school if they did then. We stupidly let them vote.

Real disclosure will probably destroy our civilization as we know it. The tool-using monkeys are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. Two insanities are battling it out for the control of the largest empire in known human history.

The cliff is behind/above us and the only question is how far the fall and how many bones will litter the bottom.

None of our problems will be property solved without war crimes trials. But the sheeple and people(conservatives and libertarians) are too stupid grasp a war has been waged on them all their time here.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

Don’t blindly trust this guy either:

Save the Date: June 12, 2023! Dr. Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Club Event! FREE to Watch!”

The actual event:

Monday, June 12, 2023! Dr. Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Club Event! FREE to Watch!

FK – He’s seriously expecting ‘justice’ from the dept. of just-us? Really?

Good luck finding sane ‘folks’ on this asylum world.

Maybe they’re the ones looking for an excuse. High tech is no guarantor of high civilization.

For the simple minded that haven’t looked into this at all:

What’s behind all this technology? | UFOs / UAPs and how tiny we all are in this universe

FK – The tool-using monkeys, whether genetically altered or naturally evolved, are still a very primitive species that exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

If anything they fear their lab rats will acquire tech that could cause our insanity to endanger them.

Stanford Medical Professor: ‘Aliens 100% Live Among Us’

FK – If it’s saying “covid” and not “plandemic” then it’s likely part of the problem.

Well this is rather alarming:

The Day After Roswell:The Moon Base-Chapter 11 in its entirety….

FK – So this is what he felt safe in publishing or was allowed/told to publish?

What level of tech did the ‘aliens’ have that made the army think they could even come close to challenging them? It took the Apollo rockets two days to get to the moon while the aliens can do it in minutes or seconds or less. This is all painted in absurdity.

We hear all the time that real Americans could never take on our globalist military while at the same time hear how the empire lost its wars in Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, etc.

There is a much larger game afoot. I don’t expect to breathe long enough to learn what it’s really all about.

Deception is the first rule in warfare and the truth is the first causality.

They are as always waging war on those whom they would RULE.

That’s what all this is about, who or what will RULE.

May 17 – Are High Civilization E. T.s Blocking Nuclear War On Earth?

FK – He thinks he’s being abducted, presumably against his will, and thinks these creatures are on our side?

We allow the greatest empire in human history to be allegedly ran by an old demented Marxist that was placed in the now red house via blatant massive voter fraud and the aliens are waiting for us to ‘evolve to a higher consciousnesses?’ Billions wore the masks and took the bioweapons into their bodies willingly and went along with the plandemic and the aliens think the tool-using monkeys are worth saving????


How absurd.

If they intervene it will be only to save a few choice lab rats.

A species that is still looking for saviors isn’t worth saving.

This guy is a huckster.

Another alt. explanation:

Michael Armstrong: UFO ≈ Plasma Phenomena | Thunderbolts

FK – This may very well account for a percentage of sightings but too many are clearly not plasma. You need to spend more time looking into this.

The watchers have tools/tech that are as far beyond us as an Apache attack helicopter would be to the knights of King Arthur’s court. But that doesn’t mean one would never crash or be shot down.

They’ve been here a long time and may never allow us to perceive their true reality.

LIZARD MAN on a PLANE?! Vaseline is GAY?! + More!

FK – Too many of those little bottles or too little Xanax. The reptilians fly coach to better fit in with the sheeple, their lab rats, or livestock.

They know better than us even when they don’t. But then in my own experience most of the sheeple deserve to be treated as livestock because that’s how they act.

If a guy that rich still has to get a Russian bride I guess I’m screwed.

The sheeple in those large cities of dead western civ., again, fully deserve what’s happening to them, as will the rural sheeple when the madness of globalist chaos finally becomes apparent even to the most remote and sheltered.

I cannot and will not feel sorry for them. They have been warned and warned over the last several decades. Their grandparents and before should have been hanging our Marxist globalists, starting at the top, but they were and are oblivious to what’s happening and what their responsibilities are.

You don’t have a thing to worry about, the western male has been fully emasculated. If all beauty contests had a nude category instead of bikini as I’ve long thought they should the travesty would be obvious to all but few to none would actually do anything about it.

Or maybe it’s tally whacker has already been whacked.

The tool using monkeys were insane in their own way before gods and devils were invented or before the watchers, custodians or whatever convinced the ancient ignorant sheeple or people their magic tech made them such. They long ago proved they don’t need them.

As someone once said those whom the gods would destroy they first drive insane. Part of that insanity is taking literally what the priests or preachers or imams or whatever tell them…

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

Lizards in the govt.:

WATCH: House Oversight Lawmakers Detail Upcoming Hearing On Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena | Full

FK – Exposing the ‘truth’ so-called of this issue would/will probably destroy our civilization as we perceive it. But then western civ. has already been destroyed.

When I hear the word or phrase ‘conspiracy’ or ‘conspiracy theory’ I know I’m listening to an intellectual coward or a liar.

I would never call myself an ‘expert’ on much of anything much less this but my own reading and watching of numerous programs/docs over time has convinced me we are someone’s lab rats or livestock or at best lower life forms in a nature preserve.

The average sheeple especially the religionists will not accept this reality until they encounter an obvious alien shopping at the redneck mecca. Then they’ll either try to kill it or offer it a beer or try to save its soul.

They did nothing when a presidential election was obviously blatantly stolen and a demented old Marxist globalist that shouldn’t be a dog catcher and should’ve been executed for treason decades ago was sworn in to arguably the highest office on the planet and in known human history.

But if they have to accept the fact that we’re nothing more than amoeba in a petri dish to these beings and no one is coming to save them, yeah, that might cause some issues.

He admits China pretty much controls us now. That was worth the whole vid because I expect nothing of real value to come from their efforts otherwise. Too many big money people either don’t want the sheeple to know the reality of our situation or know better than to let them.

One wonders how many constituents are really contacting them about this issue.

The actual hearing:

Live: Congress holds hearing on UFOs after whistleblowers claim government kept information secret

FK – “The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler.

Propaganda has always been truths, half-truths, partial truths and blatant lies. In the internet age it’s like that pink goo they used to make into mcnuggets.

Only a political child blindly trusts any source. That’s the ‘any’ that’s in the dictionary.

We can only hope that some of these witnesses and congressmen and the superior beings, civilizations, whatever they are discussing are at least partly benevolent.

Unless the claims that humanity is undergoing an alien hybridization program are true, and on and on.

Are farmers a danger to their own livestock or scientists to their lab rats?

This could be a prep for a ‘project blue beam’ that so many fear or an ongoing attempt to simply drag humanity kicking and screaming out of the dark ages.

Blind faith in anything is dangerous stupid behavior.

“Vulnerabilities…” he says. Is a fly vulnerable to a fly swatter? A bug vulnerable to a windshield?

Grusch certainly seems to ‘know’ a lot about an issue that those who pay attention have been hearing for decades is ‘highly compartmentalized.’

The bottom may be somewhere you don’t want to go.

And we get a bonus 20 min. or so about a diff. kind of alien. Is there some connection?

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

The Police and military are trained to go home at night. Watch some channels that focus on their activities. Their job is to protect the state, enforce its laws and enhance revenue and protect corporate ‘interests.’ All the make-believe crap about protecting the public or our freedom, which we don’t have, is mythology.

See ‘Dial 911 and Die.’

‘They,’ or whatever runs this world, whose real god is money, consider you to be livestock or at best a lab rat. The ultimate historical purpose of the sheepdogs is to guard the herd so the shepherds can shear and eat them.

What are biologics?

What is the Holman rule?

What is an ‘unknown unknown?”

Internal Research & Development Program (IRAD)

Was he talking about these kinds of biologics?:

China-linked Bio Lab Discovered in Fresno Co, California – Had Over 900 Mice “Genetically Engineered to Catch and Carry the Covid-19 Virus”

Learn How Trump Used Space Force to Access UFO Files

FK – Yeah it’s a crazy world alright.

More response:

The UAP Hearing – What Has Happened Since

FK – Distortion and confusion is the name of the game. Keep the sheeple scared and ignorant and confused, along with your political enemies, and you control them. The religionists have known this for millennia.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur C. Clarke

The Police and military are trained to go home at night. Watch some channels that focus on their activities. Their job is to protect the state, enforce its laws and enhance revenue and protect corporate ‘interests.’ All the make-believe crap about protecting the public or our freedom, which we don’t have, is mythology.

Search ‘Dial 911 and Die(not on goolag).’ Read ‘War is a Racket’ by Marine General Smedley Butler.

‘They,’ or whatever runs this world, whose real god is money, consider you to be livestock or at best a lab rat. The ultimate historical purpose of the sheepdogs is to guard the herd so the shepherds can shear and eat them.

“The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

July 26, 2023, House UAP Hearing Archive – Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency

FK – Don’t miss George Knapp‘s statement to congress(He was sitting behind the military personnel questioned by the committee but wasn’t queried for whatever real reason.)

Wikiwand page on the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office

Prime examples why:

‘Go be equal’: Anti-feminist clashes with journalist over women’s rights

FK – There are billions of emasculated males including the one she’s conversing with that probably have no business voting.

Every election cycle proves there are millions of 40-year-olds that are incapable of making a logical rational decision because they were never taught how to make one. The govt. schools, churches and mainstream newswhores make sure of this.

When the United (nation)States was founded only wealthy classically educated property owners could vote. Not all of them were good guys. Read ‘Hamilton’s Curse‘ for starters.

I once saw a truck driver pull into a small lot and whip the trailer around and back into a tight dock as if she were born to do it, far better than I ever could. I was mildly surprised to see what I then thought of as an Amazon(masculine looking female) walk into the building to watch her trailer be unloaded.

All three here and most of society are lying to themselves as usual. There have been women, a tiny minority, who fought on the front lines and did numerous other ‘manly’ jobs, some of which I’d want no part of or probably not be as good at. But they are the exception not the rule.

I’ve seen or heard ‘gay’ men who weren’t and big burly guys who are basically crybabies for whatever real reason. Our DNA, genetics whatever run the gamut and always has for whatever real reason, whether by evolutionary chance or manipulation by a superior species or intentional creation by an obviously callous god or gods.

This ‘experiment’ of freedom, liberty, whatever, is a new thing and will likely die once more before it takes hold if it ever does. This is mostly because most of the population, descendants of the submissive who survived to breed, for only a tiny percentage ever really fight back, will likely continue to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end or for a savior that’s not coming to wave a magic wand and solve their problems for them, if they’re even aware they have problems. And most of them really aren’t.

Besides instituting the death penalty for any and all involved in voter fraud, which has probably been a consistent thing since voting began, we desperately need to stop allowing any moron of whatever political side to go vote. In the beginning this would mean 80 to 90 percent of the population would lose ‘the franchise’ as the communists like to call it.

The communists want morons to vote. That’s one of their biggest tools for gaining and keeping power. Their base has historically been those who think the govt. exists to provide them a check or a job based on political connections. These are the lowest creatures among the tool-using monkeys.

But then ‘the christian right’ or whatever also wants morons to vote. Simple sad fact. I’ve seen a sign that read ‘vote the bible’ when the ancient tribal propaganda only represents a small portion of human history and law. Moses isn’t the only one on the Supreme Court building.

All potential voters should also be instructed in basic military(militia) skills from youth upward in order to learn reality and not the mythologies often taught in the govt. schools and govt. churches such as ‘the police are there to protect you’ and ‘the military fights for our freedom(usually grossly poorly defined)’ and ‘turn the other cheek’ when the one who allegedly said that also told his disciples to buy a sword in case they needed it.

But then he was likely educated(indoctrinated) by a group of monks, ascetics, priests, whatever who the average person, especially now, would consider to be simply nuts.

All young voters should also have to prove they served at least two years full time with their genuine people’s militia or underwent training in a military force that exists to uphold its oath to the Bills of Rights of the Federal and several states’ constitutions and not to globalism or corporate profit.

The biggest problem with marriage is the basic biological male and female drives are nearly incompatible. The avg. young tool-using monkey male is inclined to sew as many seeds as possible in as short a time as possible while the avg. female will put up with most anything to have a baby(ies). I’ve seen this too many times to deny it.

Watch the docs on chimpanzees and gorillas. They are our cousins like it or not.

All the rules regarding ‘marriage’ so-called go back into prehistory. Divorce was often forbidden because this led to destabilization of primitive tribes or cultures and because women and children were basically property even up to and including the parents having the right to decide who they marry. This continues now in many cultures.

A well-known radio preacher has declared that dating should be replaced with ‘courting’ whereby a young man has to get the permission of his new girlfriend’s male relatives to take her out.

Who knows what will happen with this and all the fatherless children created by the welfare state in modern times and the callous gods of the past. Not all parents and brothers have the best interests of their female relatives at hearts. Watch the Bundys.

If the children are indeed all that matter then we’re here only as breeding stock like the peasants for the ancient kings who wanted good hardworking slaves, soldiers, taxpayers, whatever then there’s really no reason to be here.

Or for the bronze age god that tells all “Be my mindless braindead slave(for that’s what most of them are) or I’ll torture you alive in fire forever.”

What a pointless existence.

This is all distraction from the fact we are losing the right to choose which insanity we participate in, or none at all.

They both look a little ‘fleshy,’ as my grandmother used to call it, for my taste.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

is this the reset button?:

Earth Disaster is Coming | ALL The Evidence


They just keep proving me right:

Top 10 Bizarre Government Agencies And Departments


They’re not what they pretend to be

How does one know one is listening to trash(the very short list)?

If they tell you they have a corner on what reality is – And they are almost without exception blind to the fact that they don’t. Their little minds can’t handle uncertainty or fear of death or fear of the unknown…

When they speak of ‘freedom and democracy.’ – We aren’t free in this country or this world because of garbage like this and democracy NEVER equals liberty. Democracy as always is one group of numbskulls beating another over the head and forcing their version, sub-version or subversion of reality on them.

The word ‘democracy’ IS NOT FOUND in the u.S. Constitution for a reason. – Actually READ IT.

When it’s obvious they value money over, well, every damn thing. – Money is the true god of this world regardless of pretense.

When they constantly harp about the end of the world. – Lots of money and fear in that. Fear and ignorance are the generals or concubines of the real god of this world, depending on the situation.

If they tell you the govt. or corporations exist to make you ‘safe’ or even care about your safety. – Both sides of the culture war are guilty of this evil, one says “…disarm yourselves the police will keep you safe…” which is of course impossible. The other side claims the military which they happily throw money at is fighting for our freedom which is an absurd claim on its face. If they are why aren’t we free and why do our greatest enemies, our domestic enemies, authoritarians of every stripe walk about freely and work tirelessly to enslave us all? We’re flying millions of miles an hour through space on a water soaked fire spitting rock. There are no safe spaces here.

If they tell you not to listen to/read/watch other sources. – Only political children blindly trust any source. That’s the ‘any’ that’s in the dictionary.

When they claim you have no right to hunt and exterminate them or try and hang them for treason. – That’s what the Bills of Rights of the Federal and several states governments are ALL ABOUT!

When all they do proves they view the larger tool-using monkey population as livestock or at best lab rats. – See the plandemic and the alien issue…

They tell you the police and military exist to protect us when all they do proves this to be false. – Read ‘War is a Racket‘ and watch this goolagtube channel.

They claim this country was founded on their particular religion – In reality most of the settlers came here for financial or economic freedom, or to get rich. Our ancestors were a greedy nasty bunch for the most part, just like now. Money is their true god regardless of pretense.

This empire will collapse like all the rest for there are no men left to hold it up.

Primo example:

The Next Global Superpower Isn’t Who You Think | Ian Bremmer | TED

FK – Why do they never talk about the banksters? It used the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ and whines about ‘riots'(meaning Jan. 6) on the capitol. That explains it. This creature is globalist scat. Just search it, not on goolag.

When it says “…our society.” It means global communism under which there will be no freedom. But then it just admitted in so many words these creatures plan to kill most of us off after it destroys free speech.

Democracy doesn’t equal liberty you lying sack of crap.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

Goolagtube just asked me to keep comments respectful, posted anyway of course(and of course the evil scat that runs goolagtube took it down). WE NEED WAR CRIMES TRIALS AND HANGINGS OF SCAT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!

Are these our real enemies?

What corporations own what

Which Corporations Control the World?

Vanguard and Blackrock — have gobbled up most companies in the world

The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

There’s no such thing as an unbiased reporter(or Why Free Kentucky?)

A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy

I took two COVID jabs while studying to be a Catholic priest. Now I’m in a wheelchair

FK – So why didn’t Yashua tell him not to take the vax?

The other side of the spectrum, sort of:

How DEEP is the swamp in DC w/ Senator Josh Hawley | JLS EP012

FK – The ‘bad folks’ are working to enslave humanity totally and forever. He doesn’t grasp this?

They are not ‘colleagues.’ They are enemies.

Then he says “They detest me.”

No secret there’s a tiny percentage in any legislative body that’s worth the rope it would take to hang them.

It takes a nation of whores to elect a parliament of whores.

If all able bodied are members of the militia then it’s an individual member of the militia so they can grab their weapon out of their car/closet whatever and go kill their real enemies, their domestic enemies.

All the other stuff is secondary and not mentioned because the Founders had no conception of telling someone they can’t defend themselves from common criminals much less government or corporate criminals.

Someone needs to tell him the SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE.


This is a collapsing empire. Western civilization is being intentionally collapsed. See France. See most of Europe. See our large cities.



Our enemies have been successful. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them. Jan. 2021 proved this.

If any state were to take the fullest view possible it’s people would be training with their genuine people’s militia and any fed nazi trash that crossed the state line would be provided a speedy treason trial and execution and any garbage caught up in the running or funding of the mainstream propaganda flow would be treated the same.

That’s where we ARE.

The cliff is behind, above us. The only question is how many bones will litter the bottom. The system is not broken, it’s totally illegitimate. The fedgov lost what dust of legitimacy it had left when it certified the stolen election and made a demented old Marxist globalist criminal commander in chief.

The NFA was a runaround of ‘shall not be infringed.’ All the gun law after that was certainly EVIL.


Political action is great until it doesn’t work anymore. See Venezuela and Brazil and China and countless regimes from history.

We need to stop allowing morons to vote, which is the majority of the population. A test where prospective voters are required to at least show some understanding of the Bills of Rights of the u.S. and state constitutions and the history of civilizations and politics, which is human nature should be created along with a requirement of militia training/service so they are introduced to REALITY not the mythologies that are fed to the victims of the govt. schools, churches and mainstream news/entertainment media.

Ignorant fathers raise ignorant children. Now most are literate enough to read their electric bills. Do you think most of them, the morons we allow to vote, read books like that to their kids? I never read those books. Never heard of them until the movies came out I think. Never heard of Lewis until I went to college, maybe.

His version of ‘christianity’ wouldn’t be understood by the average unthinking believer. Simple fact.

Want to fix this mess? Start with hanging the garbage that runs the govt. schools and writes the textbooks then require the kids to learn history, warts and all, its meaning not just dates and names, and human psychology and basic militia(reality) skills along with the ‘three Rs’ that really only qualified them to be slaves to their govt. and corporate masters.

Liberal arts wasn’t supposed to mean communism. Raise classical liberals not morons who waste their time here waiting on temporal or spiritual whatever saviors to solve their problems for them.

They need to hold real hearings on the chemical and plastics industry and the food industry to find out what’s causing a lot of these birth defects that are also helping to kill ‘masculinity.’

The average dumbass thinks ‘masculinity’ means showing up on time, doing what they’re told, never asking inappropriate questions and paying their bills on time, spending their time here in debt until they die just as ignorant as their ancestors were.

The ancient tribal propaganda has some useful points but it has plenty of bad characters and the worst one threatens to burn the vast majority of humanity that ever existed alive in fire forever for not going along with the program. whatever that once really was.

We have a Bill of Rights that reads ‘no cruel and unusual punishment.’ We allegedly don’t allow our governments or churches to torture dissidents anymore. The Founders fought a bloody 8-year war so we wouldn’t be ruled by whatever version, sub-version or subversion had the audacity to murder the most believers.

They ACKNOWLEDGED our free speech and press so that we don’t have blasphemy or heresy laws anymore. ‘Freedom of religion’ by necessity means freedom from the religion of the nut down the road who’s utterly convinced that ‘god’ told him to force his version on everyone else.

But one cannot tell them this. Most of them cannot see it. They are blinded by their blind faith which a very dangerous thing.

What would real character be? Didn’t someone allegedly say the he is the greatest who will lay down his life for another? Whatever that really means.

We have a nation of cowardly whores who have no concept of fighting back much less why they should be, for whatever real reason. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. A tiny percentage fought in the American revolution and many fought for their god appointed king.

It’s time for those who understand what we are supposed to be here to start doing what will be required and stop playing political games and compromising with creatures that seek to destroy them.

By 2030 You Will Not Eat Meat & You Will be Allowed Only Three Items of New Clothing a Year, Report Says


Family-friendly pride festival in Minneapolis hosts “Adult Diaper Enthusiasts” booth

Chemical Castration”: White Genocide and Male Extinction in Rhetoric of Endocrine Disruption

Autism is MONSTROUS BRAIN DAMAGE. Brought to you by your terminally corrupt federal government

Brazilian Court Rules Ex-President Bolsonaro Must Wait Eight Years To Run For Office Again

FK – Of course the election here in amerika wasn’t stolen either. it was only borrowed.


FK – Did the commie infiltration assoc. poison him so he got that disease? So funny that the CIA was originally founded to allegedly fight communism, which was basically created by the elites as a form of control or controlled opposition, now something millions to billions firmly believe in, just like the ancient tribal propaganda which was written for the same reasons.

The left/right paradigm is very real when millions are willing to kill you in the name of it.

There was never a ‘golden age’ of journalism much less of amerikan journalism or American whatever. Thomas Jefferson hated them. Look up what he wrote about them.

Historically most newspapers were either founded to push one viewpoint or another or they later transitioned to that. Then we have ‘yellow journalism’ or recently grocery store tabloids, brain bubble gum for the mindless masses, which often take real issues and blow them up into absurdities in order to keep the sheeple confused and entertained and distracted.

Of course the powers that always want to be will try to control the info flow. Even if by some miracle they really had our best interests at heart, and they never have, they’d still have to deal with the fact that the average moron will never learn to think for themselves and will never be literate enough to read books that matter or alt. pubs online or off that ask the hard questions so-called.

In other words the elites always know most of the population are idiots and would rather die than be anything else. It’s just easier to let the authorities from the govts., schools, churches, msnm, whatever do their thinking for them. I see this every day. It’s a heartbreaking reality.

That’s why millions wore the masks and took the vax and will die, from the vax or not, or the next bioweapon, thinking they did the right thing.

There’s also a lot of money in corn and farm machinery. As always profit, money, the real god of this world, comes before human health, safety, life, sanity, and on and on.

These birth defects/mental illnesses have always existed on some level. Even the ancient tribal propaganda documents this fact. They won’t get the help they need from the culture war as neither side is really interested in getting them the help they really need.

The Marxist globalists use them as political tools and when they are no longer useful they will be shot into the same ditch as the poor white working class, the minorities and on and on.

The religionists pretend their version, subversion or subversion will provide the gays/trannies/sodomites whatever the willpower to go back into the closet or whatever so the average dumbass won’t have to really think about the world they’re really in which is what religion is really about to most of them. It really, really, really is…

There can be no unity with those who wish to enslave humanity unless one is a willing slave. The tool-using monkeys were probably designed to be such as one can easily see most of them fit into that category and the religions have been helping to shore that up for millennia.

Maybe he’s truly a globalist at his core, like a lot of republicrats, and he’s simply playing a role, like the magical non-savior Trump may very well be.

What was it one of the banksters said about not caring who makes the laws as long as they control the money?


Col. Douglas MacGregor warns the US ‘may not make it’ to the 2024 presidential election

With his customary reach, Macgregor mentions the projected impact of artificial intelligence, which is said to be set to replace most low-skilled jobs within twenty years.

“What are we bringing most of these people in to do?”

It makes no sense, says Macgregor, as he shows that both foreign and domestic policy is driven without regard to their impact.

“Who is thinking about the United States – [about] American society?” observes MacGregor. Who indeed?

FK – We need to restore the Bills of Rights of the U.S. Constitution and of the several states that have one like that based on an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of our natural rights.

EPA Official ADMITS Norfolk Southern Blew Up Derailed East Palestine Trains For PROFIT

FK – So the kids can be poisoned at home and the schools not held responsible? Pardon my cynicism. I’ve been paying attention for a long time.

Nothing will be done until we find the MEN and ADULT WOMEN to force by force of arms the war crimes trials we so desperately need for garbage like this and those who conducted the plandemic and those who seek to disarm us and those who steal the elections on a regular basis.

Bur our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN here.

Steve Kirsch Testifies About Why Amish Communities Suffered Such Low Covid Death Rates

They hate America:

ATF mocks America – trolls social media after Hunter Biden plea deal announcement

FK – If you don’t understand they view us as livestock or at best lab rats you don’t know anything.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

Pfizer Virus Mutations Aren’t the Only Inconvenient Truth About Project Veritas’s Latest Scoop

In a more sane world, it would be so obvious it wouldn’t have to be said: People who score better on the MCAT do better in medical school, score better on later exams, and ultimately make better doctors. As such, if we want better medical professionals, we should elevate those with better MCAT scores.

But America does the opposite, because as a nation we have decided that competency in the practice of medicine — the preservation and extension of human lives — is a feeble matter compared to the Great Cause of diversity.

It’s all a situation that is perfectly engineered to produce people like Jordon Walker. Use racial preferences to get into Yale, use racial preferences to get into med school, and then (as America’s “racial reckoning obsession is hitting its absolute peak) use racial preferences to land a rapid sequence of elite jobs that he’s not actually very good at doing. And right now, left unchecked, it’s all getting worse.

They are NOT our protectors and they DO NOT uphold their oaths:

Police Hand Picks Media That Can Cover Their Department

FK – Went through this over 20 years ago. Was refused access to a meeting on whether the Land Between the Lakes should be declared a UN biosphere reserve or whatever.

The sheriff deputies told me I had to have a ‘press pass.’ I had one before that when I worked for a small town weekly. Now I had my own website as I still do and my business card reads on the front bottom: ‘See reverse for press pass.’ On the back are the First and Second Amendments.

Many to most of these badged whores will do whatever they are ordered for a paycheck and a retirement plan up to and including shooting dissidents into ditches.

Would be OK if the ‘dissidents’ were authoritarians of whatever stripe that pass this kind of ‘law’ or ‘that’s just what my boss told me to do.’

But as usual the authoritarians run the show. They’ll call themselves ‘good people’ and go to church every Sunday because they’re too mentally lazy to examine their own actions and so-called beliefs.

The govt. schools and cop schools aren’t teaching the Bills of Rights because the authoritarians of whatever stripe don’t want them to. Their power or their insane ancient bronze age tribal propaganda has to take precedence because that makes things easier to just go along to get along.

This is the evil they serve:

BREAKING: Vermont Orders Man To Jail So Town Can Destroy His Ranges (Private Property)

FK – Only political children think we’re free here or that there are ANY BRAVE MEN to do a damn thing about it.

The genuine people’s militia should already be in place to stop this and hang the perpetrators but you’re all scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment so many claim to love.

This country is full of ugly indifferent sheeple and cowards that claim to love freedom but have no understanding of what that is or what it takes to keep it or will take to reestablish it.

Another fine example:


FK – Does it really mean it? I clearly remember klinton the first saying “I’m against NAFTA,” during its first campaign for the red house then shoving it through congress during its first year in office, signing it and bragging about it.

What these assholes say during a campaign cycle MEANS NOTHING!!!!

You don’t seem to understand that you are dealing with creatures that will be selling gasoline in hell.

What real ’emergency powers’ do the prezzes or their handlers in this case possess? What happened after Katrina?

The Constitution is an inconvenient piece of paper to these creatures. They will burn it at the first opportunity. They and those who claim to love it have been ignoring it for many multiple generations.

I would happily lie to my domestic enemies by telling them the rope is the proper length to hang them quickly. But there are NO MEN here to help me do this.

The biggest health threat is whatever is causing the pandemic of obesity and young adults who couldn’t even quality for boot camp.

Most of the ‘mass shootings'(only requires 4 victims) are done by fatherless gang bangers in large cities ran by criminal communists who depend on inter-generational parasites and voter fraud to steal elections.

The Swiss changed their law a few years back concerning the ‘militia,’ or whatever they call them, weapons. Most adult males are required or were to do so much military service then keep their weapon in their homes in case of invasion by a foreign force, not for domestic enemies as our Second Amendment is primarily about.


Bye Bye Black Privilege!

FK – The definition is very simple. The Marxist globalists are using the minorities and the trannies or whatever just like they once used the poor white working class. But since they threw the latter under the bus with NAFTA and ‘gun control’ and abortion they must depend on the inner city parasites, and rural parasites, black and white, for votes.

They will all be shot into the same ditch when they’re no longer useful.

Stop lying about the war to keep taxing the southern states. Read some actual history not mainstream crap. Lincoln worked for years to move all the freed slaves out of the country because he didn’t believe they were equal or that the races should exist together.

Of course relaying those simple facts makes me ‘racist’ right?


Slavery goes back to the beginning of human history. Females and children were basically property. Neighboring tribes raided each other for slaves and plunder or territory.

We should all be getting a check right? Wait, why do the elites want a UBI for all? CONTROL.

This is ALL distraction. They, who or whatever rules this world whose true god is money, view us as livestock or lab rats or both.

What was feudalism? What is wage slavery or debt slavery? Why do most spend their time here in constant debt? Why when sheeple go to buy a car now do they not ask “How much is it?” but “How much are the payments?”

They never really own anything, including themselves.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

More fakers:

The Viewers Have Spoken About the NRA … and it’s Not Good

FK – In the mid 90s I attended a gun rights training session put on by the 2nd Amend. Foundation. One of the speakers was Tanya Metaksa then a v.p. or whatever of the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group.

She explained how they gave money to their fav candidates, and their record on choosing the ‘best’ candidates is extremely poor, and if that candidate lost they’d offer money to the winner.

This immediately soured me on them. Several years later I attended their annual convention in Louisville, KY, the year they went along with commie globalist McCain(D rating from GOA) not allowing guns in his presence, and saw all the African safari and 5 grand shotgun booths and saw the org. is mostly about the money.

Recent revelations about what’s his face shore this up.

They’ve been too involved in playing the game for years, helped to pass gun law in the name of political expediency when they should be like GOA and others who’ve openly said we need to repeal ALL gun laws for years.

They should have been working openly to restore the genuine people’s militia that was intentionally destroyed after the war to keep taxing the southern states but then the NRA was founded by Yankee generals who thought their conscripts in that war of empire couldn’t shoot well enough.

Search the Dick Act. The National Guard IS NOT the militia contrary to their claims because their weapons are kept locked in govt. vaults.

The commie newswhores always publicly focus on fake conservatives or globalists posing as such. They do all they can to ignore real patriots. See Ron Paul.

As the old saying goes all publicity is good publicity. The newswhores don’t want the sheeple to even know who the good guys really are.

The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this war.

The NRA’s foundation sits on quicksand

And still more:

Should Being a Coward Be a Crime?

FK – The Police are trained to go home at night. Watch some channels that focus on their activities. Their job is to protect the state, enforce its laws and enhance revenue. All the make-believe crap about protecting the public is mythology.

See ‘Dial 911 and Die.’

‘They,’ or whatever runs this world, whose real god is money, consider you to be livestock or at best a lab rat. The ultimate historical purpose of the sheepdogs is to guard the herd so the shepherds can shear and eat them.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

An oldie but a goodie:

Dial 911 and Die


All these years and so many morons still have no clue:

Just Dial 911? The Myth of Police Protection

Yet does dialing 911 actually protect crime victims? Researchers found that less than 5 percent of all calls dispatched to police are made quickly enough for officers to stop a crime or arrest a suspect.3 The 911 bottom line: “cases in which 911 technology makes a substantial difference in the outcome of criminal events are extraordinarily rare.”4


Government lulls the public into trusting it to provide everything, takes away the people’s means of providing for themselves, and then claims it has no duty to provide after all. Noting the fatal irony in the “gun control” context, James Bovard has written that “government has a specific, concrete obligation to disarm each citizen, but only an abstract obligation to defend the citizen.” “Gun control;” Bovard notes, “is one of the best examples of laws that corner private citizens—forcing them either to put themselves into danger or to be a lawbreaker.”12


Federal Judge Rules Felon-In-Possession Law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

FK – Why are we releasing convicted violent felons that can’t be trusted with weapons back into society?

So those who want to disarm us all have ‘dangerous criminals who might get guns’ to point to.


What else might be?:

Everything You’re NOT Supposed to Know About Suppressors

FK – Sorry I missed this. I was expecting more on the technical side but this is one all sheeple should be required to learn from.

Why aren’t govt. and cop schools teaching the Bills of Rights?

I was under the impression that suppressed subsonic ammo was basically silent.


Maybe the ultimate pretense:

The Lost Years of Jesus Christ: Evidence in Japan, Britain, and India

FK – If yashua or whatever was already the ruler of all why did Satan or whatever bother to offer him rule of Earth?

Decoding Gnosticism: Secrets of a Heretical Christian Belief


Christian head covering

FK – So why don’t most modern ‘christian’ females cover their heads like many Muslim females?

Another version, sub-version or subversion, take your pick:


List of Christian denominations by number of members

Why can’t they all just grow up?

When the crash comes it will be sudden and violent…Last 36 hours the debt went up 144 billion.

FK – This empire will collapse like all the rest. NO ONE Is coming to save you. There are NO MEN left here to do what must be done.

The county tax assessor knows where your outhouse is. They will sell you out just as quickly as a hungry neighbor.


Ignorant sheeple call them angels and demons:


FK – I don’t think those are highly stylized humans. Their art portrayed what they had seen.

The watchers either evolved here or colonized this planet/system long ago.

The tool-using monkeys are their project or their lab rats or livestock or all the above.

They probably use mythology as a guide in societal/cultural/civilizational whatever development. They may even have myths or religions of their own.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.












Why would anyone be surprised by this and why does it have to be the demented in chief’s son who’s the perp? It’s a govt. of a criminal class. Any to all of them could be cokeheads:


If only:




But they’re all here:


Because now they consider themselves to no longer be the underdogs but the rulers:





In a free country with free speech and a free press there’s no such thing as a special little group whose motives can’t be questioned:


But that’s OK, they’re not planning on burning the vast majority of tool-using monkeys that ever existed alive in fire forever, are they?


We share nearly 100 percent of their DNA yet some claim we’re not animals:




It’s not kidding:


Klinton the first was impeached. Now it’s making millions from book deals and speeches. We need war crimes trials and hangings. But we have NO MEN to do what must be done.


Does he not know that’s why the UN was founded as a globalist Marxist front group in the first place?:


How many teachers are radicals?





The dust of a dead empire already swirls around us. Because there are NO MEN to do what must be done.

What if it’s exactly as planned?????

Learn from history or deserve what it does to you:

So much to say/write and so little time to do so and so few with the brains to care. I’m way behind posting. Can’t possibly keep up with all the content providers out there or with all that’s happening.

This will only get worse, and better. The average dumbass sheeple will still be oblivious and still graze on.

When so few have any understanding of what their duty and responsibilities are in times like these, in fact no conception at all of their right, duty and responsibility to be properly trained and organized to fight back against our biggest enemies, our DOMESTIC ENEMIES, then there is no surer sign of a dead nation.

Especially when this country was established as a representative republic(READ THE DAMN CONSTITUTION, THE WORD DEMOCRACY ISN’T THERE) which means:

WE ARE ALL BORN RESPONSIBLE for what our governments do to us and to others where ever they are.

How many young dumbasses have no clue who that guy was?

War is not always voluntary

Democracy means the willfully ignorant jackasses(from both parties) around you can vote your natural rights away.

Maybe distraction is the plan:

Things Aren’t Going As Planned After Trump Indicted (Again) – CNN Most Affected! 😂

FK – The demented in chief isn’t losing if the voter fraud hasn’t been dealt with.

And trump is calling what is supposed to be a republic a democracy and millions still think it’s gonna wave a magic wand and save them.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Now to something that matters:

Follow up to the fear of US troops taking over the US…What will you do when SHTF really hits?

FK – Hal Turner and many others continually harp on the end of the world which is always coming. Those who focus on the ancient tribal propaganda as a barometer are not to be trusted.

There have always been wars and rumors of wars. There’s nothing new about global governance. The ancients had ‘international law’ of a sort.

Back in the 90s we in the patriot movement continually heard about such. Stickers on the back of stop signs were allegedly there to guide military drivers to concentration camps for patriots.

Every year for a while we heard “This October the tanks are gonna roll.”

This was likely all CIA/military/whatever ops. They ALWAYS infiltrate and create controlled opposition. They know the religious are more susceptible to mind control. They’ve heard in their churches all their lives about the apocalypse(greek for revelation, a revealing) or about the big beam up or about the return when yashua or whoever is quoted in the atp that he would return in his disciples’ lifetime. He also allegedly said this to one of the Sanhedrin.

The Basics

He didn’t make it unless those who claim he lived to father children are right. He was called a ‘rabbi(teacher)’ and most of those were married.

Oh well. The willfully ignorant will always be with us. And they fully deserve what’s been done to them, what’s being done to them and what will be done to their offspring most of which will be just as mindless and useless as they are.

The banksters know this and love it. Their debt slaves are very predictable.

There are 320 million amerikans give or take. The military and govt. forces are probably less than 5 mil.


They would stand NO LONG TERM CHANCE against a properly formed and trained genuine people’s militia led by true patriots dedicated to the RESTORATION OF THE BILLS OF RIGHTS of the national and several states govts.

But it’s easier to prep so-called or waste time on the net as a news or apocalypse junkie than to commit to what will be required. There will be no where to hide. The county tax assessor knows where your outhouse is. Goolag Earth has pix of it probably.

Prepping for slavery

The military sats have much higher resolution.

‘We’ aren’t on the verge of war with the Russians or the Chinese. That’s the NWO and the empire doing that.

Real parents will no longer let their kids join the empire’s military. They will make sure their kids are training with the genuine people’s militia from now on.

But we have no real parents any more do we? Or did we ever? The elites always know the sheeple fear attack from the outside more than they fear the actions of the shepherds that shear and eat them on a regular basis.

Real patriots that don’t go along with the great deception that has always been going on are/will be called traitors and the average dumbass sheeple will STUPIDLY go along with it as they always do.

How many willingly wore the masks and took the bioweapons into their bodies?

We already have bad times. An old demented Marxist not qualified to be dog catcher that should’ve been executed for treason decades ago was allowed to be sworn in as ‘commander in chief,’ after a blatantly stolen election, of the largest empire in known human history and NO MEN lifted a finger to stop it.

We still haven’t started war crimes trials for the globalist garbage that conducted the plandemic or biowar as it obviously was from the beginning.

More than a million COVID vaccine injuries in one database

Horowitz: Confidential Pfizer document shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ system

I don’t feel the least damn bit bad about it. I’ve been yelling my head off on here for almost as long as the net has existed, over a quarter century now.

There’s simply no excuse any more for so many being so incredibly blind and stupid.

FAUCI LIED: Scientists Discover First Victims in COVID19 Pandemic Were Researchers from Fauci-Funded Wuhan Lab

Landmark Case in Germany: BioNTech Faces Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

And the morons that took the vax may be spreading the bioweapon to others:

Top Doctor: ‘There Is No Question That Shedding Is a Real Thing’

The deer and the real horror

Signs stop nothing:

FK – Why don’t thousands of them descend on Sacramento and hang their communist government?

Are the globalists behind this propaganda stream ultimately working toward starting some kind of religious war?

The Muslims want them in hell just as badly or more as the ‘Christians’ of whatever flavor so it is a true conundrum.

The Founders prayed then they went outside in their militia uniforms and did what needed to be done and ended up stuffing their songbooks into their cannon because they ran out of wadding.

But we have NO MEN left here with any understanding of that process.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’



FK – Our enemies ARE HERE and they always have been.

All ‘education’ is indoctrination by default. What do you think the fear-based religions have been doing for millennia?

The military leadership is full of Marxists. Miley told xi or whatever it would warn it if Trump planned to attack.

That’s called treason by any historical definition.

This is all happening because the average amerikan sheeple and ‘conservative’ or ‘libertarian’ is a cowardly whore that worships money as its true god and would rather die than pay attention.

What was it Sun Tzu said, something about truth being the first casualty of war?

What about how the Marine Corps is being restructured now?

In WWII our young sheeple fought the lessor of the evils. The greater evil won and still rules us.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

amerika has already been defeated:

Report: The Pentagon Created A ‘Pride’ Coloring Book For Kids

The Marine Corps Is Waging ‘Civil War’ With A Secretive Group Of Retired Officers Over The Service’s Future

Former Marine Generals: ‘Our Concerns With Force Design 2030’


As an old Indian chief once said “White man speaketh with forked tongue.”:


Or is this all just more psyop?


Legal Experts Call Hunter Biden Plea Deal A ‘Joke,’ ‘Sweetheart Deal’

All because there are NO MEN left in this country and we’re not hanging our domestic enemies.







Nothing surprising about this:


Especially since the Nazis were the lessor of the evils.











Communists concede nothing

They haven’t proven me wrong yet:


FK – Commie trash concedes nothing. It only angles for a better position in this WAR.

They are waging war on humanity and too many are too blindly stupid to even know why they should pay attention.

Mao said that all power(authority) comes from the barrel of a gun. He murdered 70 million or so of his ‘own people’ to bring about his commie vision.

How many here are so stupid they don’t realize that those criminals that run the commie coast would happily invite the chicom military over to protect them from the rednecks in flyover country?

In reality they have nothing to fear. Jan. 21 proved this once again.

Govt. power is only squelched by MEN who have an understanding of what liberty/natural rights is/are and are committed to SPILLING THE BLOOD NECESSARY to do so.

Western civ. has NO SUCH MEN LEFT.

The fact that Newsom, Soros, Schwabb, the scat the funds national propaganda radio and the mainstream Marxist globalist newswhores and the globalist foundations, NGOs, front groups and the elected, hired and appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS that break their oaths on a daily basis, are all still drawing breath shows there are NO MEN LEFT HERE.

Let them prove me wrong.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war.

Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

All because there are NO MEN here to do what must be done.

The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Most of the dumbasses we allow to vote never knew in the first place:

Remember you CAN’T comply your way out of Tyranny

FK – The word is RESTORATION. But our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN left here. We have 400 mil. guns an NO MEN to use them.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

Holocaust & Concentration Camp Survivor Demands New Nuremberg Trials For All Covid Conspirators

Succession: George Soros Hands Son Alex Control of His $25 Billion Empire

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing




















Who can marry what?

We’re all sick of it, but for different reasons:

Elon Musk is Sick of LGBT Pride Month 😂


FK – As a ‘vet‘ of one of our empire’s wars for money, oil, empire, control, Israel: If the military fights for our freedom why aren’t we free?

Why are there still cities and states that will arrest and imprison any real Americans that choose to be able to defend themselves? Why did the new yawk slimey police get a warrant to search the home of a man just because he chose to not be a victim to a mugger?

Why do our masters steal their money out of our paychecks before it even reaches our hands/bank accounts?

Why are corporations allowed to track and surveil our activities, credit history, internet preferences whatever?

That’s the extremely short list.

Why isn’t April liberty month? April 19, 1775 was the day our ancestors shot back and began exterminating govt. employees which was necessary for establishing liberty here.

If we’re supposed to exist in a ‘free country’ with ‘pursuit of happiness’ then if the ‘gays’ or whatever define their ‘lifestyle’ as such then they do have a ‘right’ to it.

They don’t have a right to shove it down everyone else’s throat any more than the religionists do.

Would castrating boys to turn them into falsettos or trannies or cutting the clitorises off little girls so they don’t enjoy sex so much and thus remain faithful to their older husbands or circumcising boys because culture or some bronze age tribal propaganda commands it or ‘surgically correcting’ young hermaphrodites so they look more normal or telling little kids they deserve to be burned alive in fire forever as most churches do be child abuse?

Through most of history in many to most cultures marriage so-called was basically slavery as often the female and even the male had little say in who their spouse would be.

For centuries the church controlled the process of marriage and issued something called bans of marriage. Now it’s mostly the state that regulates the process.

Politicians speak to their audience, or constituents, telling them what they want to hear or are used to hearing, like the ancient priests and modern preachers. What they say in a public forum means little to nothing. What they’ve done or not done, and their real affiliations/values, is what matters.

Most of them like most sheeple and many people worship(serve) their true god, money, 6-7 days a week.

The point of all this distraction, propaganda, by the Marxist globalists, is to continue the emasculation of western society. But then their work was pretty much done before this as proven in Jan. 2021 when 5-20 million militiamen, armed, trained, properly supplied and led, should have shown up in the district of commie criminals to prevent the swearing in of the demented in chief after its blatantly stolen election.

But then we have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them. If we weren’t such a nation of cowardly whores the demented in chief would’ve been tried and executed 30 years ago for its crime bill.

The joint chiefs said they’d murder anyone who showed up to challenge the blatantly stolen election: They are guilty of treason.

Miley said it would call China if Trump decided to attack them. It’s guilty of treason by any historical definition.

But then if trump is the savior so many wanted him to be why didn’t he fire/arrest all the Marxist globalist military hierarchy during his first week to month in office?

Religion does evolve along with humanity so-called. We went from human sacrifice to animal sacrifice to the sacrifice(many examples, look it up) of a god in order to attain salvation or whatever.

That old time religion is never what it once was. What would the Victorians think of most modern churches, well, those that don’t have gay/female preachers?

These birth defects/mental illness have always been with us. They probably caused fear in ancient tribal societies whose rulers wanted strong families producing strong young men to help support and fight for their empires of whatever size.

That’s why they focused so much on sex being ‘sinful,’ they knew too much not only produced disease and unwanted un-parented(fatherless) children but caused other societal ills.

What about the studies that show the chemicals so prevalent in our food systems can be a factor in these birth defects? What’s really causing those ‘gay frogs?’

Monkey see monkey do isn’t a new thing. Why does our culture see a need for $10,000 lawn mowers and manicured lawns when our time and money could be so much better spent worrying about how we’ll survive the end of this cliff fall?

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war.

Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

All because there are NO MEN here to do what must be done.

The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!