Tag Archives: shooting

GUN GRIPES #121: “Gun Culture”

FK – I’m not crazy about the ‘gun culture’ thing. It makes it sound as if our Liberty teeth are about recreation and the Second Amendment is about fun and games. It’s about hunting men.

I’ve always hunted and owned guns, since I was a teenager or really a kid if bb guns and toy guns count. But my grandfather who really was the first one to teach me to shoot only owned one 36″ barrelled 12 gauge in all his life and probably wouldn’t understand our modern ‘gun culture’ because of the ignorance many in his generation were raised in. He was born in the horse and buggy days and raised by people who were born in the 19th century and had a grandfather that had fought in the war for Southern Independence but I’m not sure on which side though my ignorant relatives who think it was about slavery would probably prefer he’d been a Yankee even though his family owned slaves. Sigh.

I do have a Confederate cavalryman on my father’s side of the family. And the Kentucky Yankee officers almost mutinied when Lincoln issued his ’emancipation proclamation’ that only affected slaves held in Confederate territory. But I’m straying here, the point is that when the coming war is over there may be lies told about why it was really fought for generations to come. The victors write the history books as they say, and they run the schools and buy the newswhores.

The old folks here in the sticks would look askew at someone carrying a handgun because of the stories of the violence that permeated the countryside in the decades after the war. I’ve heard stories of gun fights and killers from those times. In short the older generations were afraid for whatever reason to own or carry a gun for self defense. As with many amerikans it would’ve been beyond the understanding of most of them. That doesn’t make them right, just ignorant, as I said. Sadly many are still this way.

But the short of all this is we don’t need a ‘gun culture’ so much as we need a ‘liberty culture.’ Many who own guns and even go to 3-gun shoots would look askew at anyone telling them they have a right, duty and responsibility to be involved in whatever way they are able in a local militia. They are both willfully ignorant, of the real situation we face, and simply afraid of the consequences of really publicly standing up for the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional whether they fear estrangement from so-called friends, lost business, career damage or even imprisonment and death at the hands of the empire’s black-suited Nazis.

If we had the govt.s and country and men and women we should have everyone would learn basic military skills from the earliest age and no one too afraid to serve the Bill of Rights in the military or militia would be allowed to vote.

This marketing of the ‘gun culture’ as a fun thing to do on weekends is not necessarily bad, it’s just a million miles from where we desperately need to be. The aftermath from next Tuesday’s quest for the idiot vote may well prove this.

And what will be the result?:

FK – So what does this mean exactly? Are we to have the Bill of Rights restored, the gun laws abolished, the IRS and Fed shut down and the BATF Nazis and leaders of the amerikan communist insurgency and its globalist masters the CFR/Bilderberg et al tried for war crimes?

Without those things there is no ‘coup’ at all.

GOA’s 2016 Congressional Voter Guide

FK – We need to prepare for what will be required.

GOA’s Congressional Rating: A Powerful Tool to Help You Promote Gun Rights this Election

Not a GOA member yet?  You can join Gun Owners of America today for only $20 — and start getting postcards to put heat on the government officials representing you!

Forward GOA’s Voter Guide to Everyone You Know!

Election Day is less than two weeks away, and early voting has begun in many states already.

So I want to hand you a powerful tool.

It is GOA’s Congressional Rating for 2016 — a tool we hope you will use to determine the best candidates on the Second Amendment.

FK – For the sake of the simple minded I will state: Voting in elections other than the prez, or what I call the four year quest for the idiot vote, can be profitable to those who seek to restore Liberty to this land.

GOA is far superior to the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group that has a very poor track record of scoring local and state legislative candidates.

Regardless WE ARE AT WAR and eventually blood, sweat and tears will be required for our white-skinned domestic blood enemies, the “Liberal” and ‘progressive(commie/globalist) trash will never throw up its hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you. We’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” Even if they do tell that lie they will be simply going off to some dark corner to re-group and re-arrange their lies to better affect the simple-minded among us.

It will require an eradication.

The patriot newbie guidebook


GOA: Your Help Needed to Repeal “Mobile” Gun-Free Zones

Constitutional Carry Reciprocity Gaining Steam

Rep. Marlin Stutzman is the sponsor of H.R. 923, a national reciprocity bill that has more than 100 cosponsors.

This bill would protect the right of concealed carriers to bring firearms with them for self-defense as they travel.

And the bill is Constitutional Carry friendly, in that it does not force concealed carriers from permitless carry states to get licenses before they travel out of state.

More and more Representatives are cosponsoring H.R. 923.  The number has doubled over the past several weeks.

It’s imperative that we get even more cosponsors, however, because the House leadership may bring up a reciprocity bill in the Fall.

While there are other similar bills, only H.R. 923 protects citizens who live in Constitutional Carry states.

So please urge your Representative to insist that the leadership bring up H.R. 923.  Likewise, urge your Senators to bring up S. 498 for a vote.

Help GOA Make Carry Reciprocity a Reality — Everywhere!

Click on the Take Action button and urge your Representative and Senators to insist that House and Senate leaders bring up Constitutional Carry reciprocity legislation for votes (H.R. 923 and S. 498).

Not a GOA member yet?  You can join Gun Owners of America today for only $20!

FK – One would think the truck drivers, traveling salesmen, vacationers, et al would be all over this.

And the beat goes on:


FK – Has Academy Sports brought the ARs out again? I haven’t been back since the cowardly bastards hid them after the Orlando shootings.

The issue isn’t ‘full auto’ vs ‘semi-auto’ the issue is we have communist/globalist demon scat that we’re not hunting to extinction. That’s what’s killing our country and our Bill of Rights.

Oh for a nation of men.

Here’s more evil that needs to be repealed:

FK – If any of the demonscat that sponsored or promoted or voted for GCA ’68 are still breathing they should be held accountable at the war crimes trials and executed for waging war on the Bill of Rights. In fact any who have helped pass any negative ‘gun law’ should be treated the same way.

Serial numbers on any product are a good idea as long as the govt. doesn’t have a record of it unless said record is voluntarily submitted by an individual in the process of identifying stolen goods and is destroyed as soon as the govt. doesn’t need it anymore.

Oh for a nation of men.

Let’s make amerika free again!

Are we ready for the outcome of voting for the lesser of two evils, and eventually getting more evil than we can handle?

Is there a militia force in your county yet? Why not? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. A right applied for is a privilege.

Was the last ‘mass shooting’ site a ‘gun free zone?” Why are commiefornia and others still ‘may issue’ states? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

if only we had a nation of men:

FK – We tried in the 90s and early 2000s to put the militia force together to deal with this evil. The sheeple fully deserve what’s coming. The pathetic thing is they will accept their continued slavery as ‘normalcy.’

It will be up to that tiny minority as always.

Oh for a nation of men.

FN M240 Bravo

FK – If we lived in a free country we could go down to the hardware store and buy one like any other tool. No license, no tax, no forms, no ‘background checks’ no ‘waiting periods.’

But sadly we are no longer a nation of men.

NRA’s Chris W. Cox On Hannity


FK – The ‘political correctness’ of alleged lovers of Liberty and ‘gun rights’ who are too cowardly to openly name what our real enemies are and what must be done about them is what’s truly disgusting and amazing.

When is the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group going start helping organize, arm and train the militias to do what will be required? The word ‘militia’ is in the Second Amendment? Why do you allow our blood domestic enemies to cause you to fear it? Why do you still put money and profit over Liberty and the Bill of Rights?

Uh, “Little kids that are too young to be around guns…” Did he really just say that? Ok, it’s on television and he might have misspoke. Here’s how it should be: “Kids who are too young or un-educated to be around weapons unsupervised.” All children should be raised around weapons and taught that this is a dangerous world and that there are no truly ‘safe’ places in it. Ask Elizabeth Smart about that. All children should be taught to use whatever weapons are available to them to defend themselves and those they love from our greatest enemies, government criminals who have proven over and again they will kill anyone for a paycheck and a retirement plan.

Here’s my version of ‘gun safety.’

Good grief. The ‘war on terror’ is part of the problem like the ‘drug war.’ Neither would exist if the ‘right’ people weren’t making money from them on all sides. ISIS and alciada were both creations of the U.S. government and/or the elites that run it.

I fear the NRA is ran by the same elites that are just playing some kind of game until they can ‘negotiate’ our rights away instead of actually doing what will be required. Cowards.

If you don’t have the backbone to openly say it’s time to repeal ‘all’ the ‘gun laws’ and expel our real enemies the white-skinned “Liberal”(commie/globalist) trash from our country then you need to be in another business.

Another mushy ‘gun rights’ guy:


FK – So people who’ve not ‘made a lot of money’ have automatically failed in life? No, that’s not exactly what you said but it’s what you meant. How sad that so many put profit over our Liberty and our Bill of Rights. How many Founders lost all they had in fighting the Brits?

OK City was likely a govt. op. Read “The Third Terrorist.’ You still have a lot of waking up to do. And it’s a matter of time until they include your ‘way of life’ on their list. In fact they already have. Good grief. How long have you been at this now?

And the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group is part of the problem. Join GOA, the ‘no compromise’ gun lobby. We need to destroy gun control and those who forward it not play political games with them while pretending they’re just ‘misled Americans.’ They’re amerikans and they know full well the evil they do. It’s way past time to treat them as they deserve to be treated.

“We don’t want evilness…” in the now red house. It’s a little late for that. Look to the 1860s.

What’s really behind all this?:


FK – So the Brits finally got off their cowardly asses and started “Liberal”(commie) trash season before us? I’m insanely jealous and shamed.

So the Orlando shooter was also likely an eco-commie activist, or posing as one?

We really need to take our country back so we can hold the treason/war crimes trials and figure out who the real ‘conspirators’ are… if that’s even possible.

DHS Chief Announces Plans To Nullify Second Amendment

Orlando Killer Worked For Company Transporting Illegal Immigrants Inside US; Was Interviewed By FBI 3 Times

Hostage in Orlando Attack May Have Revealed the Motive Behind the Shooting

5 Reasons To Question The Official Story Of The Orlando Shooting

Here’s What the FBI Was Doing Instead of Catching the Orlando Shooter

Mitch McConnell Says He May Be ‘Open’ to Post-Orlando Gun Control

GOA alert: Immediate Phone Calls Needed to Your Senators Against Gun Control

United Nations Meet To Disarm American Citizens; Population Focused on “ISIS Murderer”

FK – We’ve been watching all this kind of crap for decades now and still don’t have the militia force in place to do what will be required. History will look upon us as the lowest form of cowards in human history.

At least one Brit may have finally come to grips with what will have to be done:


FK – One of you Brits finally did what should’ve been done when the “Liberal”(commie) trash told you to surrender your weapons and you call it ‘tragic?’ Really? Do you not understand what this trash is doing to you? Every time it votes it votes to kill you and your country. The witch would readily send her black-suited Nazis to your or my door and kill any ‘loved ones’ that are in the way to enforce it’s evil laws. It’s time to wake up and grow up and put on the big boy pants Kevin and come to grips with what you’re up against.

These evil creatures have been telling us the same lies for decades upon decades and arrogantly expecting us to pretend they’re not lying to us. DOES THAT FUCKING TELL YOU ANYTHING??????!!!!!!!!!!

If the ‘Britain First’ thing is propaganda then you’re still not out much as far as I can tell. A dead commie is always a good thing. You need “Liberal”(commie) trash season shirts.

Brexit, global governance, is why they took your guns. They don’t want sheeple with the desire, ability, or resolve to fight back.

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights

British Labour MP Jo Cox dies after being shot and stabbed near Leeds

Murdered British politician Jo Cox celebrated immigration and diversity in first speech

Channel 5 News Editor: “Eye witness quoted did NOT hear anyone shouting Britain First”

Now some propaganda generated by our blood domestic enemies:

FK – You fucking trash. That’s a bolt action .22 rifle. I owned my first .22 at 13 and because of the ’68 Gun Control Act had to get an adult to sign for it. We need to repeal GCA ’68 and ‘all’ gun laws.

We need to train all 13-year-olds in how to hunt and exterminate “Liberal”(commie) trash so they can have a future in a free country.

Just got this off Tea Party Community:

Hillary Thinks JUST LIKE This Idiot

GOA Alert: Hillary Won’t Stop at Just Disarming Veterans

Over 257,000 Veterans Lost Their Gun Rights Because of the Clintons

To date, over 257,000 military veterans have lost their gun rights because of the precedent that began under the Clinton administration.

And there is no doubt that this antipathy for our veterans’ gun rights continues with Hillary — and that she wants to take away guns from far more Americans than simply veterans.

Our Legislative Counsel has outlined why Hillary Clinton’s desire to reverse the Heller decision — which recognized that gun ownership was a God-given individual right — would, as far as the corrupt Obama-packed courts are concerned, wipe the Second Amendment from the Constitution.

Hillary’s well-known affinity for Australia’s massive gun ban could well presage a national confiscation scheme for us — perhaps, by executive fiat and rubber-stamped by the Democrat-packed courts.

Hillary’s support for a proposal to strip gun rights from anyone she chose to place on a “secret list” (with no standards or due process) could potentially allow Clinton to place “dangerous gun owners” like you and me on a secret gun-ban list.

Hillary’s support for a universal gun registry would funnel virtually every gun owner into a NICS system that has an almost 95% “false positive” rate for initial denials, and an inability to appeal a false positive because the Obama administration has illegally shut down the appeals process for those erroneous denials.

Hillary’s plan to allow Leftist jurisdictions to use taxpayer money to bring frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers and dealers is a transparent attempt to sue gun ownership out of business.

If Hillary has had one complaint about Obama, it’s that he hasn’t gone far enough on gun control. As Breitbart reported:

Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton [has been] looking toward the general election and planning to use executive action “go further than Obama” on gun control.

So, no, no one thinks that Hillary Clinton would be anything other than a disaster for veterans and guns — and for our gun rights in general.

That’s why, on November 8, gun owners will hopefully let her know what they think of her hatred for the Second Amendment.

FK – If we had a nation of men the CFR witch would’ve already been executed for treason, along with all the commie judges and the commie politicians and the leadership and donors of the commie front groups.

GOA Alert: House Leaders Trying to Kill Constitutional Carry

Tell Your Rep. to Stand Up for 2nd Amendment Rights!

Dear Friend:

I rarely ask this of you.

But I need you to drop what you’re doing and call your Congressman right now.

You can reach your Representative at 202-225-3121.

Why the urgency?

The House leadership is pressuring Representatives to oppose Constitutional Carry reciprocity.

To combat this, I personally communicated with House offices yesterday.

I told them that the only acceptable concealed carry reciprocity bill is one that protects the over 20% of states which have enacted Constitutional Carry.

And so now, I need you to communicate the same message to your Congressman:

1. If concealed carry reciprocity comes to a vote, it MUST contain protection for Constitutional Carry.

2. More and more states are recognizing Constitutional Carry.  It is now the law in more than one-fifth of the country (11 states) — and more states are expected to enact it by year’s end.

This is not a fleeting issue. More and more Americans are demanding that their state honor the Second Amendment.

FK – If we had a nation of men we wouldn’t be constantly begging the trash for our rights. They’d be begging us for mercy.

Hillary Clinton Vows New Gun Grab in Secret Recording

FK – And my standard response to such:

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment.

Was the Inland Center a ‘gun free zone?” Why is commiefornia still a ‘may issue’ state? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

GOA Alert: Will Some Pro-gun Reps. Try to Kill Constitutional Carry?

‘Stockholm Syndrome’ Afflicts Capitol Hill, Jeopardizes Pro-gun Reforms

With your help, we are starting to get their attention on Capitol Hill.

There are now several dozen Congressmen who have cosponsored H.R. 923, which is Rep. Marlin Stutzman’s bill to enable concealed carry reciprocity from coast to coast.

Stutzman’s bill in the House — along with the companion bill in the Senate (S. 498, introduced by John Cornyn) — are the ONLY reciprocity bills in the Congress that will protect the ever-growing number of Constitutional Carry states.

Constitutional Carry enables law-abiding citizens to carry firearms concealed, without first getting a permit or being registered like sex offenders.

And while many concealed carry reciprocity bills in Congress would allow citizens to carry firearms outside of their home states, only the Stutzman-Cornyn bills enable people from permitless carry states to do so without a license.

Representatives Stutzman and Cornyn have truly captured the Second Amendment vision of the Founding Fathers.

Tell Your Representative Not To Go ‘Wobbly’

Click on the Take Action button to urge your Representative to cosponsor H.R. 923 — the Stutzman reciprocity bill that will protect Constitutional Carry and not force gun owners to get registered like sex offenders (as other reciprocity bills would).

FK – Why do we still beg our elected public SERVANTS for our natural born RIGHTS??!!!

GOA Alert: Should Your Right to Carry End at the State Border?

Stutzman & Cornyn Bills Treat the 2nd Amendment as Your Concealed Carry Permit

Sources inside Congress have told GOA that they may soon be taking up a concealed carry reciprocity bill.

If enacted, this legislation would mean that your right to carry would no longer end at your state border.

It would mean we would be one step closer to enjoying the full protections of the Second Amendment, which says the right to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed.”

To this end, Gun Owners of America is supporting H.R. 923 and S. 498 — legislation introduced by Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-IN) and Senator John Cornyn (R-TX).

H.R. 923 and S. 498 are the best reciprocity bills in the Congress.  Yes, there are similar bills, but they don’t protect citizens who travel from Constitutional Carry states.

As we reported last week, there are now ten Constitutional Carry states in the union — states that have passed laws which don’t require gun owners to get permission to exercise their constitutionally-protected rights or to be registered like sex offenders.

Reciprocity Bills Will Protect the Rights of Concealed Carriers

Click on the TAKE ACTION button and urge your Representative and Senators to cosponsor the Stutzman-Cornyn bills (H.R. 923 and S. 498) — legislation that will protect your right to carry concealed firearms across the country.

FK – How pathetic that our elected, hired and appointed public servants do not know their place and we have to beg them for our rights. How pathetic is the amerikan male.

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights

I shot my Truck!


FK – The plane of the sights intersect the plane of the round a little farther out, or something like that.

I learned this lesson many years ago on an old flat-roofed dog house. I was shooting my first deer rifle, a .243 Winchester Mod. 70 at a cow pie and instead of seeing dried fecal matter fly into the air it was roofing shingles 3 feet or so from my face.

A few years later I rode around with an older cousin in his Chevy Luv pickup during deer season for a day. This was in the day when ‘road hunting’ was not so frowned upon. We didn’t see anything but a day or so later he threw his .700 magnum across the cab of the truck and put a hole through the roof and out the passenger window or just above it. If I had been sitting there I might not be sitting here.

And please don’t lean a loaded weapon up against a truck or any smooth surface. At least catch it on something so it won’t fall over. I did see him flip the safety on.

It’s always best to try to think before one engages one’s mouth, keyboard or trigger, and probably a few other things

Oh, and here’s my version of ‘gun safety.’

Sootch took this vid down with no explanation as far as I can find. Ask him why.