Tag Archives: democrats

BREAKING NEWS!! Trump to Drop Out of the Presidential Race


FK – Wouldn’t surprise me one bit at this point. But then I wouldn’t be surprised if an army of pink flying pigs descended from the stars and began to consume us all.

And civil war? Why I’ve never been capable of imaging such. The only real question is: Are we ready?

Could Trump actually drop out of the race? And what would happen if he did?

FK – You gotta love how commie propaganda always throws out a bone or two of reality to make it seem ‘unbiased’ or whatever:

“It’s important to note that Trump has said nothing indicating he’s considering leaving the race. And he may well still believe he’s going to win, since after all, he’s doing great with the Hispanics, the African-Americans love him, women are totally on his side, the middle class is completely in for Trump, it’s incredible, believe me. But it’s not as though his behavior has been all that predictable up until now.”

Trump is a demagogue and likely a plant that will probably trounce hitlery in November and then spend 4 years changing very little beyond throwing a bone or two to the ‘teapartiers’ or whatever to keep them on the golf course or the couch. Of course the “Liberal”(commie) trash will bemoan his every move, even when it benefits their agenda. In other words, the NWO’s long term goals will not be greatly affected.

But I could be wrong despite the fact Trump has no record of working for human Liberty. Regardless of which tool lies its way into the now red house the only question that matters is: Are we ready?

Desensitized to the Disgusting New “Normal”


FK – The key to all of it is to stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism and to stop trying to force our versions down everyone else’s throats. But I fear we’re still too primitive a species for that.

I don’t pretend to know much about DNA but I’ve seen/heard plenty of naturally biologically confused humans, mostly butch sounding/looking ‘females’ and effeminate ‘men.’ If the great asshole in the sky was so concerned about our sex lives he shouldn’t have put those possibilities in the mix nor made ugly people who can also be prone to be fat.

None of them will get the help they need by being used as political pawns or being told they’re ‘sinful’ when in reality it’s a birth defect or mental illness or some combination thereof.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women,’ They Become ‘Feminized Men,’ ‘Impersonators’

Reality Check: Democrats have a Super-Delegate Problem


FK – What you need to know is that the elites consider us to be livestock. Everything they do must be analyzed in that light.

Unfortunately after spending/wasting 20 years of trying to get the average dumbass to disengage its head from its ass I would have to agree on that point. They, the common sheeple, are herd animals mostly only concerned with grazing and breeding and finding a shepherd with a well-trainded sheepdog to ‘protect’ and shear them.

Oh for a nation of men.

This election cycle has done and will continue to do tremendous damage to their party structures. But a listing ship doesn’t always sink. Is this the beginning of the fracturing of amerika?

Or the fracturing of the two-party system?:


FK – Kristol is not a ‘leading voice on the right.’ It’s globalist CFR scat like it’s tool the CFR witch that should’ve been executed for treason decades ago, both of them, and the witch’s husband.

Trump has been dissolving the republicrat party, for better or for worse and will likely trounce hitlery in the fall. But it’s a long way to November.

Many ‘conservative’ republicrats still have their heads up their asses and have a very poor understanding of human Liberty which often stems from valuing ancient tribal propaganda over our Bill of Rights. The Trump vote is probably a stand against this.

But even King David, who was called a ‘man after god’s own heart’ or some such in the atp had his faults. But then that was after the Israelite prophets had tried to warn their people away from having kings for all the things they would do to them.

Oh such sweet irony all this is. If forced to with a gun to my head I’d vote Trump over Romney or any other NWO RINO hack. But we’re not there yet, we just have fed nazis that show up to break their oaths by enforcing evil laws that don’t belong in a free country.

The hitlery will keep ammo and gun sales high and keep building the militias and keep the dumbass ‘tea partiers’ and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course, the couch or their knees and maybe actually paying attention and doing something, like prepping for what will be required.

Whether we’re creating a monster or a mess that can’t or won’t be untangled is yet to be seen. With millions voting for blatant commies we have a lot of rats to run out of the barn, if it doesn’t burn down around us.

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Who Said It: Hillary or Trump?

FK – I don’t call it the quest for the idiot vote for nuthin’…

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

Darn It, Trump Will Not Make America Great!


FK – “Oh but hitlery will win!”

Good. The CFR witch will keep the dumbass tea partiers and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course and the couch. Ammo and gun sales will remain high and the militias will continue forming. The piece of scat is more arrogant than the Marxist mutt and it may very well try to force ‘australian style gun control’ which must bring blood civil war. If it doesn’t the pathetic cowardly average amerikan male, which is often a transvestite in work clothes, fully deserves whatever is done to it.

Without the will and resolve to do what will be required this country is dust.

The Trump Conspiracy: How Donald Trump Will Lose In 2016

FK – The only real problem I know of with Cruz is his wife’s Wall Street connections. He has a good voting record on guns and was endorsed by GOA.

Trump could be a 3 way straw man. He has no record of supporting or working for Liberty or the Bill of Rights and as far as I could find no record of even donating to ‘conservative’ or ‘libertarian’ organizations. He does have a record of playing games with demoncrats or republicrats in order to make money. He did succeed in getting rid of Rand Paul by distracting the morons with his rhetoric that appeals to the simple minded or politically inexperienced.

If Trump truly had a change of heart he should have at least attempted to prove it in other ways before running for Prez. All he’s doing is running his mouth and telling desperate people what they want to hear. They’re desperate because they’re such cowards they’d rather elect a possible demagogue than stand up and organize to do what will be required.

The amerikan sheeple are stupid and there are no men left here.

Trump erupts as Cruz sweeps Colorado without votes

FK – This cycle of the quest for the idiot vote may be the end of the republicrat party regardless of which of the NWO tools lies its way into the now red house.

Trump beats Cruz by 30% in VA district — but Cruz gets the delegates…

FK – Could this become a popular activity?:


FK – Here’s why:



FK – So does he ever come out and say why he wants Trump or thinks Trump can be trusted?

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

How Trump Could Be Blocked at a Contested Republican Convention

2016 Delegate Tracker

Do we have an alternative in Cruz?:

FK – So what does this leave, hitlery or civil war or both?

Trump if cheated of the nomination will likely run as an independent, if he was supposed to be serious as a ‘conservative’ to begin with. If not then he’s done his job well as a lot of ‘republicans’ may sit this one out next fall and let the CFR witch into the now red house. If Ventura runs as an independent he’ll likely take votes from both parties. The ‘libertarians’ as usual will barely register as a raindrop in the ocean.

All because this is no longer a nation of men but of pathetic cowardly whores.

Phyllis Schlafly: My board plotting to fire me over Trump

FK – There are so many flavors of ‘conservative’ nowadays. It’s all starting to remind me of what happened with the Whig Party.

MUST-SEE: Police Captain’s Warning to ‘Heathen’ Gang Members Goes Viral

A Louisiana police captain’s extremely blunt message to local gang members is quickly going viral.

Capt. Clay Higgins directed his warning at the Gremlins gang, explaining that ten suspected members have been arrested, but seven remain at-large.

The fugitives are accused of committing murders, thefts and drug-related crimes. In many cases, however, victims declined to cooperate with police.

Higgins warned the wanted gang members that they will be brought to justice.

“If you raise your weapon to a man like me, we’ll return fire with superior fire. … I’ll meet you on solid ground anytime, anywhere, light or heavy, makes no difference to me. You won’t walk away,” he said.

FK – One version/edit of what I assume is the original vid in question:


FK – Another maybe well-intentioned LEO that still has some waking up to do.

More on this:

Acadiana law enforcement unites to find Gremlins Gang

ACLU issues statement about Higgins’ segment; Captain Higgins requests a debate

FK – The amerikan commie lawyers union is sometimes right about certain issues they point out but mostly they’re part of the problem. Does this LEO understand they are a far more dangerous enemy than a few mush headed victims of the commie indoctrination system that were created by the welfare state to be parasites and thus reliable constituents for the amerikan commie insurgency?

Does he realize the ‘drug war’ is as much a part of the problem as the drugs and that he looks as if he’s about to go to war, a posture that’s a direct result of the ‘drug war’ and the police state atmosphere it was created to foster?

FK – Who or what are our real enemies? What color is their skin?

Once again too many are distracted by the outcomes of the amerikan communist insurgency instead of focusing on the insurgency itself:


FK – White men? What white men? I haven’t seen any in quite a while. They’re too busy being whores for the banksters or sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end.

More on distraction:

How Trump Won SC: Proposals on Illegal Immigration, Muslim Ban

SC Primary Exit Polls Show Terrorism Is Top Concern

FK – They’re still too stupid to see where our real enemies are.

So they will vote for a demagogue that promises them safety, the same process that put the current tool in now red house.


FK – Trump will likely prove to be a monster, even if he does manage to drive a stake into the heart of the beast, which isn’t likely.

The average mush head sheeple fully deserves what’s coming. 

Penn Jillette – Freedom is Freedom

FK – This won’t change until the human race evolves enough to let go of its various versions of authoritarianism and sheds the ‘must control others’ gene.

The ‘gay rights’ thing is the result of two generations of orchestrated propaganda, simple fact. The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie.

Most ‘stars’ nowadays are made by the music/radio industry. Miley Cyrus proves this.

The ‘collective’ turns out in higher numbers to choose the occupants of the now red house and is now pushing an obvious demagogue as frontrunner in the GOP primary race.

Waking up is hard to do

Establishment to Trump: You Can’t Afford to Run For President

Also, the many political assets the Republican Party would bring to the table for most other nominees won’t be there for Trump if the Establishment makes good on its threats to sit out in 2016, dumping the nation into Clinton’s claws, if Trump is the standard-bearer. The old fear was that a frustrated Trump would run third-party and dynamite the race after failing to secure the nomination; now we’ve got Trump cheerfully assuring Republican voters in the last debate that he’ll keep his promise to stay with the party no matter what, and it’s Jeb Bush talking about signing up with Team Clinton as an unofficial junior partner if Trump’s the GOP nominee.

The enormous national polling success Trump has achieved through earned media – summoning a swarm of microphones and cameras every time he feels like making a statement – will go down in the political history books, but once primary voting begins in earnest, targeted paid advertising will matter more than the kind of media pandemonium that keeps Trump on top of national polls.

Of course, the conventional wisdom about the limits of earned media could be wrong, just as every other confident prediction about Trump has been wrong so far.

FK – This entire article is an admission that the average amerikan voter is a moron and every prez race is a quest for the idiot vote.

That won’t change until we force these ‘candidates’ to run on their records instead of the scat that spews out of their mouths and until we stop letting idiots and benefit chasers vote.

These things are true no matter which of the establishment approved candidates are allowed to win.

Trump may not be a ringer or a faker that’s playing to the fears of ‘conservatives’ but I wouldn’t bet a moldy sandwich on it. Hitlery will do what the Marxist mutt has done: keep gun and ammo sales high, keep waking sheeple up and pissing people off and with luck, if the Marxist mutt doesn’t beat it to it, do something so arrogant that even the average dumbass will finally see what will be required. That’s the only fix that will fix this mess if it can be fixed.

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter:

Questions for your candidate


Why Are People Worshiping Hillary?


FK – As always the prez race is the quest for the idiot vote, no matter what ‘side’ wins.


FK – The trash is a danger to national security because it’s Marxist scat and hates human Liberty and is openly calling for laws that will bring about civil war.


FK – Will it make any difference to millions of parasites? Of course not.

And from the other ‘side’:


FK – That’s OK. He’ll hold a prayer vigil and repent and say hey zeus a few times and millions will still mindlessly vote for him.

Exclusive: Carson claimed West Point ‘scholarship’ but never applied