Category Archives: 2016 updates

The Sun and Storms: May 2, 2016

FK – I wasn’t aware all these records had been broken.

Of course it’s all being caused by our SUVs…

FK – No, wait, it’s the ‘end times’ and we should all sit around with our thumbs up our asses waiting to get beamed up.

Would there be any way to ‘prep’ for 7 billion who are fed mostly by modern agriculture going back to the horse and buggy days, or farther? Get ready to eat Possum, or worse.

FK – So at what point if any will our electronics cease to work?

And the deities so far remain silent while billions waste their time in this world waiting for it to end.

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Who Said It: Hillary or Trump?

FK – I don’t call it the quest for the idiot vote for nuthin’…

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

Center Mass Mythology

FK – As an OJT Combat MP Marine Reservist back in the late 80s or so I had to ‘qualify’ with an old .45. I’m only a ‘decent’ handgun shot but would’ve shot expert but for the gun’s tendency to hit high and to the right. I don’t think it was me so much because I had a good group up there and shot ‘sharpshooter.’ It would’ve been ‘expert’ if I had simply held the sights according to Kentucky windage, allowing for the weapon’s malfunction or mine, whichever, but I was too stubborn and ticked off that uncle sugar would give me such a device to ‘qualify’ with. We are talking about the Marines here but they could spend billions on the aircraft industry and give us grunts crap to work with.

I know this is geared toward simple street self defense but what about when they’re wearing body armor, a situation that is guaranteed to come? I’m asking only because I’ve seen various scenarios discussed over the years. I often think of that scene from ‘Black Hawk Down’ where the Ranger bleeds out from a wound to his groin area. From my years of hunting I know that’s usually what causes death. A hit to the spinal column or brain being more rare or not possible for various reasons.

Don’t Believe The Unattainable Lie

FK – The fed nazis take an oath to uphold the Constitution and thus the Bill of Rights and violate both daily by enforcing evil laws that have no place in a free society. End of discussion.

The FBI needs to be taken out of the Justice Department and out from under the executive branch and turned into a group that only investigates government corruption on all levels and that only answers to the militia. The BATF nazis need to be shut down and the laws they enforce repealed and their retirement plans distributed among their victims. The murderers of the Branch Davidians and the Weaver families need to be brought to justice.

The hitlery is a criminal because it’s a Marxist and has worked to shove Marxism of whatever flavor down our throats its entire adult life and should’ve been executed for waging war on the Bill of Rights decades ago.

But we don’t have a nation of men any more do we?

Will Trump do any of this? I’m not holding my breath.

And Kardashian is fat. End of story. Kendal is hot.

Different humans(loosely defined) have different addictions and different tastes. Some are addicted to the celebrity mags and some have simple minds that love to gossip and see who got killed or shot on the evening propaganda cast and some have unrealistic notions of what the Founding Fathers were or weren’t and on and on.

Everywhere I go I see fat people and many of them obviously don’t know they’re fat, or don’t care. I’m fat but I make some effort to do something about it while dealing with my lifelong addiction to sugar, ice cream, chocolate, soft drinks, whatever.

When our major religion even says prayer is more profitable than exercise you know we have a problem. But then the ancients were more worried about starving than buying more snack cakes than they needed.

Our ‘lifestyle’ choices as some claim are all screwed up. We need to stop waiting for the world to end and to stop allowing our employers to treat us like jackasses and require all our time just to earn enough money to exist, however one defines that, and to stop allowing the government to steal its money from our paychecks before it even reaches our hands.

No one with an income under 100 grand a year should even be in the withholding system so that people have a chance to get ahead financially and have something that approaches being a real life instead of a corporate/govt./fascist/commie/whatever slave.

But then all that is the last thing the elites want for us. They’ll replace us with robots programmed to work for them and buy their crap as soon as they can. Or maybe that’s what we’re already talking about…..


FK – Makes me wonder what percentage of these travelers come from planets whose governments have ‘black budgets’ and don’t allow their sheeple access to their high tech…

And more evidence of pre-modern times sightings:

FK – We’re someone’s farm, or resource, or petri dish or if we’re lucky nature preserve…

Are you asleep in the amerikan dream, or some other nightmare?:

FK – Most of those giant pix are obvious digital manipulations…

I Vote Against You

FK – You really need to study what your ‘progressives’ say about ‘democracy‘:

Screw democracy. Demand Liberty.

This is what ‘democracy’ gets you:

FK – They need to lay off the fried ice cream and the Modelo. They could float across the Rio Grande more safely though.

And more of what ‘democracy’ gets you:

FK – We can’t trust Trump or the ancient tribal propaganda. Why did god or whatever ‘create’ hermaphrodites?

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Hybrid Armies and Little Green Men! – Open Minds UFO Report

FK – Not likely he’d ‘disclose’ such in a public speech or maybe even know much about the reality of the watchers. More likely he’s getting off on using the lingo the military uses to feel cool and intelligent.

In any case billions aren’t ready to deal with such reality. They’re too busy waiting for the world to end right after they get beamed up.

Army Chief of Staff warns of “hybrid armies” and “little green men”

Darn It, Trump Will Not Make America Great!

FK – “Oh but hitlery will win!”

Good. The CFR witch will keep the dumbass tea partiers and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course and the couch. Ammo and gun sales will remain high and the militias will continue forming. The piece of scat is more arrogant than the Marxist mutt and it may very well try to force ‘australian style gun control’ which must bring blood civil war. If it doesn’t the pathetic cowardly average amerikan male, which is often a transvestite in work clothes, fully deserves whatever is done to it.

Without the will and resolve to do what will be required this country is dust.

The KILLER In a Grid Down Situation!

FK – We went through this back in the 90s. We were told to use collodial silver and go to the farm store and buy the antibiotics for animals as they worked as well on us. All fine and dandy. But here we are 20 years later and the world didn’t end. Here we are in a post Y2K, 9/11, planet x(sorry, that one’s still out there, somewhere, maybe) Mayan calendar, earth changes, and on and on world.

There are probably dozens of ways we could be sent back to the horse and buggy days. If it’s a ‘stone age’ scenario, guess what, no prepper can prep for that, except maybe by being young, healthy, in fighting form, willing to kill anything and anyone in any way and learning to flint knap and make moccasins from possum hide. If any significant portion of the population is forced to survive like a country boy for any significant amount of time they’ll soon be eating each other, simple fact.

So in reality we need to focus on the things we can change that might be ‘human caused’ uh, ‘grid down’ situations. Is the black hole(s) that is/are our government(s) prepped to re-establish the grid and the interstates, which are this country’s lifelines, and whatever else and doing it in a manner that wouldn’t involve martial law? Would ‘we the people’ be served properly in such a situation or ‘they the commie/globalist elites?’

These are the questions that matter.

The most important thing to store is a copy of the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional. Without that no human has a future worth considering. Currently a re-established Bill of Rights is what it will take to ‘make America great again.’ And for the record, if it’s not OK for our governments to treat us like jackasses then it’s not OK for our employers to treat us so. But too many are too stupid to see this.

Prepping for slavery

“Addiction Rewires Your Brain Like Falling in Love Does”

FK – So we’re self-re-programmable biological robots and we’re too dumb to see it.

‘Racism’ is the cause for the drug war? At last this creature’s commie bias comes shining through. Money is the reason for the drug war. It’s continued for so long because all the ‘right’ people on all sides are making billions from it. LEOs are just as guilty as the dealers.

They simply use the minorities and poor whites in the same way this “Liberal”(commie) trash does, as tools to further their objectives, one being profit the other control. You can decide whether I’m discussing the dealers, the cops, the judges, the banksters, the politicians, the preachers, the amerikan communist insurgency, the ‘educated’ rich elite or whatever.

The human animal or biological robot, whichever you prefer to ‘believe,’ is programmed to go from one extreme to another, either as an evolutionary tool or as a means of control. That’s why we have one group of morons whining about ‘sin’ and another whining about ‘racism’ and social inequity and calling obvious birth defects and mental illnesses ‘happy, healthy and normal’ while indoctrinating children in the love of one Big Brother or another, either an Earth bound one or one that sits on a throne or judgement seat and is ‘king of kings.’

It’s all different versions of the same crap, same human behavior, inclinations, whatever.

As my M.D. pointed out to me as I was telling her about some snake oil I take “It’s all chemistry.”

I can go out in my yard or along the roadside and pick dandelion blooms and eat them raw, pick poke and cook it twice to make it safe or pick water hemlock and die in about 15 minutes or eat some hog weed seed and go on a trip I may never recover from.

We have stupid people among us and unfortunately we pay them to breed and allow them to vote. Society has to have bars of some kind and figuring our how high they should be and who should set them will always be a matter of contention.

I’ve seen morons who get addicted to their jobs, whether it’s some ‘professional’ position or putting screw A in hole B or delivering freight all while destroying their health and families and doing it in the name of their families.

We are very curious creatures and we’re still growing up with no guarantee of maturity and certainly no guarantee of getting beamed up before ‘things get too bad.’

Now if our esteemed physicians could only come up with a cure, prevention or vaccine for natural born ugly and a way to keep broken brains from voting.

On the other hand, or someone’s hand:

FK – When I was 12 I weighed 168 lbs and was a lot shorter. That was before fat kids were common. It was mostly from garden raised food and white sugar infested home made deserts. I’ve fought it all my life. Too many middle-aged folk can’t grasp that they can’t eat like they did when they were 25, nor do they need to.

Metabolism varies among humans, simple fact. Our bodies evolved to get fat easily because of periods of famine and old man winter when food was scarce, until our ancestors learned to store it, can it and make twinkies.

Capitalism can be good and a little greed can be good but when I knowingly sell poison to someone and work to addict them to that poison in the name of my personal profit I need to be sent to prison. I grew up in a culture that prized tobacco, raised it and provided it to the cigarette manufacturers. We should know better now but economic necessity under ‘capitalism’ often creates strange bedfellows and lacquered consciences.

We need to learn to ‘love our neighbors’ and ourselves and take the time to think about the world we’re really in and get out and actually enjoy it and in the process get our heart rates up and burn a few calories, if we can afford to. Many can’t, or think they can’t, simple fact. Exercise isn’t enough. It’s about portion size and finding out what your body responds to in positive or negative ways as we all vary.

As far as the commies using another minority in the quest for ultimate control over all of us who’s surprised? Until we develop the resolve to conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season and hunt them to extinction all this crap will continue.