FK – If we lived in a free country we could go down to the hardware store and buy one like any other tool. No license, no tax, no forms, no ‘background checks’ no ‘waiting periods.’
But sadly we are no longer a nation of men.
FK – If we lived in a free country we could go down to the hardware store and buy one like any other tool. No license, no tax, no forms, no ‘background checks’ no ‘waiting periods.’
But sadly we are no longer a nation of men.
FK – The Libertarian candidate of the commie side. How funny.
The klintons didn’t create the system child, they are products of it, just like you.
White commies didn’t vote the Marxist mutt into office. That was done by your dupes, black and white, who were looking for a savior to wave its magic wand for them just like so many now hope Trump will wave his magic wand and ‘make amerika great again.’
But maybe you’re young and dumb enough to believe the scat that flows out of Bernie’s mouth. But then sometimes I think that old commie actually believes some of the crap it says.
The prezzes are tools that don’t answer to the voters. It’s time to grow up and put on the big boy pants.
What policies is your savior proposing? More communism no doubt? Ah yes, here’s her commie plan. – The ‘A’ list for political children.
Will it be voluntary? No. Will it ensure individual liberty? No. Does it mindlessly target ‘the rich’ without trying to understand the dynamics of how this world really works? Yes. Will your candidate of peace use drones against American patriots who will resist its tyranny? Yes. Will you commie trash that always falsely claims pacifism and civility use the armed police and military to kill those who refuse to participate in your evil commie system? Yes, of course, your kind killed 200 million in the 20th century alone. You have no compunction about killing those who refuse your evil and neither will you in the future.
And finally, shove your ‘democracy’ up your ass. We demand Liberty and we’re willing to kill you for it.
So what are our ‘choices?’
FK – As I’ve been writing for some time now:
I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.
So much for the ‘middle ground:’
FK – Trump will likely trounce hitlery this fall. He’s a demagogue, a faker or ringer or some such. At best he’ll be a Dubya light, throw a few bones to the Tea Partiers to ‘prove’ himself and concentrate on the ‘deals’ that keep him and his ilk rich.
No, I’m not a commie. Trump has no record of supporting or donating to groups that are fighting for our Liberty. He’s only proven he can make money and run his mouth which apparently is enough for the average mush head in the middle.
There are 340 or so million ‘humans'(loosely defined) in this country and a small percentage take any real part in the political process so some kind of con game is not impossible. Sanders and Trump could both be players though I think Sanders actually believes some or most of the crap he spews while Hitlery long ago abandoned any genuine interest in reality outside of what it takes to gain the power she so craves.
If the ‘greens’ and libertarians actually stuck to their beliefs and values they’d be polar opposites and could never ‘work together.’ Simple fact. The Libertarian party seems to have been infiltrated. The ‘greens’ of course are simply commies by other names.
The republicrat leadership needed to be decapitated/dissolved but Trump is likely not the right one to do this. He may be doing it as a favor to the elites. He’s a billionaire who can maybe afford to say what he thinks, or maybe it’s all an act. Or maybe not. Maybe he’ll do what will be required. But I’m not counting on it.
We need to stop looking for saviors and stop choosing from among the various versions of authoritarianism.
Paul has the sense to not trust the recordless Trump. A better goal would be to force the congress to take its power to wage war back from the now red house and find ways to limit the presidency’s power. If Trump keeps his promise to rescind the Marxist mutt’s executive orders, which I doubt, he’ll begin to prove one way or another how deceived we have been.
Elections other than the four year cycle of the quest for the idiot vote can be useful and profitable to those who want to restore the Bill of Rights:
The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.
What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’
As I wrote about the CFR witch:
FK – It will take much more than voting for the lessor of two evils to fix this mess if it can be fixed.
Or there are other options:
FK – How much if any ‘polling’ can be trusted?
The black-suited and otherwise Nazis exist to protect the money system. Their oaths mean nothing to them or they’d be arresting the klintons et al and providing them and their masters speedy treason trials and executions and working to expel their supporters from this country.
Putin in Russia. How funny. That could be exactly what we’re getting. Dangerous times indeed.
FK – And the ‘infinite’ mind could be someone else’s 14-year-old pimple faced hacker.
I thought someone’s alleged ‘scientist’ allegedly recently disproved the alleged ‘the universe is a hologram’ theory? It’s hard to keep up with all the versions, sub-versions and subversions…
What if under ‘god’ or whatever ultimate reality is there are many multiple layers of ‘reality’ and we just happen to be in the basement? When billions think it’s perfectly OK that their throne sitting god that was patterned after the ancient tyrannical kings will burn billions alive in fire forever we know we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.
FK – What if civilization does what it normally does and transitions into something people 100 years or 1000 years or 10,000 years back couldn’t have imagined?
This is all poking in the darkness. Our ‘science’ is only slightly more advanced than Aristotle’s when compared to the big picture. We need to stop waiting for the world to end and focus on making our world or dimension or universe or plane of existence or hard drive a place that’s worth children being born into. That’s not possible without human Liberty under which we have true ‘choice’ and true ‘free will’ where our options are not eternal slavery vs. eternal torture or slavery in this life to money, corporations, commie governments religious nutbars and on and on. Anything less is just another lie.
FK – I’m no Beck fan but what if he’s proven right on this? Or what if it’s the lessor of many evils?
FK – This is why they wanted your weapons. And you surrendered them without a fight.
When will you realize that ‘democracy’ is what got you in the mess you’re in? Democracy is always ‘all front and no substance.’ Allowing ignorant people who only want a check or benefit to vote is what’s killing western civilization. That’s how we got ‘the worst prez in U.S. history.’
The EU sounds like a trial run for the global govt. the elites want so badly.
When the income tax was passed here it was promised as only a one percent tax on the super rich. During WWII it was put on everyone and never removed even though the 16th Amendment was never ratified by enough states to become law.
“Not paying attention.” Now you’re beginning to catch on. And we let them vote.
Politics is human nature and vice versa. But the audience you’re addressing is too childish to understand that.
And peace is an illusion for children. Peace and love without Liberty is slavery. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
FK – Stop calling our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, by their cute names and stop treating the creatures with any more respect than you’d give a rattlesnake in a sleeping bag and get ready for what will be required.
I’m a vet and I can’t have respect for this ‘country’ anymore. It’s no longer a nation of men:
Memorial day was a Yankee holiday created to remember the Union dead, those who helped kill the republic by telling the southern states they couldn’t seek the same independence their forefathers did only a couple generations before. Simple fact.
Let’s get over the blind patriotism and blind faith and deal in reality. The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. That’s what we’re fighting for. We are supposed to have a secular government. Freedom of religion means freedom from religion, any religion, or any version, sub-version or subversion. It can’t mean anything but that.
Bless your heart sir but many Vietnam draftees may not have had any more ‘belief in America’ than the commies heckling you. Many of them came home to protest with the communist insurgency that was the anti-war movement. Lot’s of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars.
Our mistake in both Korea and Vietnam was in not keeping the troops home and helping them kill the commies here first. McCarthy was right. We need to bring back the committee on un-American activities and prosecute all these commie front groups for waging war on the Bill of Rights.
Commies in power practice blacklisting all the time and lie about it to our faces and tell us we ‘live in a free country’ while doing everything possible to destroy that freedom. It’s way past time to stop tolerating them.
FK – If Trump finds a way to force the arrest, trial for treason and execution of hitlery and its husband of convenience before the election maybe I’ll vote for him.
Otherwise my standard statement stands:
I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.
Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.
Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.
I’m afraid I have to agree with Dr. Paul:
FK – Trump has only proven that he can make money and be an entertainer. I’ve known or known of too many who can do that but are otherwise ignorant of the world around them.
I’m not smart or educated enough to pinpoint the ‘middle ground’ between ‘free trade and open borders’ that the human race is still way too culturally backwards to handle and some system that would keep the corporations and governments from treating us all like jackasses or replacing us with robots which they will happily do as soon as they can figure a way to program them to buy the crap they make for their masters.
I do know this: We must stop choosing from among the various versions of authoritarianism and stop looking for saviors and stop waiting for the world to end.
And we need to elect actual statesmen who understand what the problems are:
FK – And for every law they pass they should be required to repeal 100 laws, for the next 100 years…
Meanwhile let’s mindlessly focus on ‘making amerika great again’ with no clear idea or definition of what that would mean.
It doesn’t mean allowing open treason to continue:
FK – Will the CFR abandon its witch? I’ll believe it when I see it. Will it ever receive the justice it deserves? Only if we ever have a nation of men again.
Others think it may get some version of justice:
FK – The CFR will not likely abandon its witch.
Will justice, real justice, not the ‘just-us’ beast system, be served? Not unless we become a nation of men again and do what will be required.
Is the ‘system’ and are the parties being destroyed on purpose?:
FK – Do the country a huge favor and hand out sub-machine guns at the door. It’ll save us ammo farther down the road.
We are in a very dangerous time:
FK – It’s really very simple: Those who oppose any part of the Bill of Rights don’t belong here, regardless of which demagogue they claim to support.
I’ve been watching this too many years to entertain any fantasies of having anything in common with “Liberal”(Commie) trash other than basic physical needs. Many of these young commies will never change and will have to be eradicated or deported if we are to save our nation.
HItlery and Sanders both should’ve been executed for treason decades ago. If only we had a nation of men.
Trump may actually mean some of the things he’s saying in his campaign, as horrifying or gratifying as that may be. Amerika will likely survive him, four or eight years, or much less. Until enough of those who claim to love Liberty decide to develop the resolve to do what will be required little will really ‘change.’
Oh, but the commies can’t be ‘violent’ can they?:
FK – So sad when they’re so pretty and so brain dead at the same time. But she’s a victim of the govt. indoctrination centers and mainstream newswhores. Do these kids deserve the world they are bringing on themselves and their parents are too cowardly to stop?
Death threats are not OK? Really? What is the IRS or any other agency enforcing commie laws doing when it sends out its black-suited Nazis to enforce the evil laws you and Sanders espouse? Will your socialist system be truly voluntary? Never has before. Your kind killed 200 million in the 20th century alone and is not likely finished.
Anything to do with ‘democracy’ is a shit show. The word ‘democracy’ is not in our constitution. We have a Bill of Rights that is supposed to protect us from such but the reality is it’s our responsibility to protect ourselves from our blood domestic enemies. When will we?
FK – The biggest problem is the sin committed by the author of this column: calling the commies by their cute names and thus allowing them to hide behind them.
The numbers sound about normal to me, many to most young humans(loosely defined) are more ‘liberal’ and become more ‘conservative’ as they age. The problem is we let them vote before they’ve reached mental maturity and we also allow ‘adults’ who’ve never learned to think abstractly or about anything but their own miserable existences to vote.
On top of that the commies/globalists created the welfare state whereby they’ve paid generations of stupid lazy ‘humans’ to breed and then allowed their offspring to vote with full knowledge and understanding of the situation that would create from the beginning.
Nothing will get better until those who claim to love Liberty put on their big boy pants and come to grips with what will be required.
But we are no longer a nation of men are we?
If we were we wouldn’t tolerate this for a heartbeat:
FK – Distraction or an issue of importance or some of both? You decide.
We need to stop chasing all the distractions and focus on re-establishing the Bill of Rights:
FK – So, what are we do? What will be required? Do we have a nation of men to do that? Not yet.
Don’t be deceived and get ready cause no one is gonna get beamed up:
FK – And it still may not be clear after all the dust settles. What matters is whose and how many dead bodies it may settle on.
FK – The commie/globalists are doing what they always do, finding some minority with a real grievance to exploit.
The problem with ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ et al is they have been and still are adept at ignoring real issues and damn near useless at fighting the imagined ones because often their answers are childish, based in ancient tribal propaganda, or just as ‘knee jerk’ as those of the commie dupes.
The human race is still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age and several wars are probably yet to be fought over our idiocy. If anyone gets beamed up it’s probably not gonna be what they expect or want.
For if we were truly created to be slaves to some asshole of a god that was patterned after the ancient tyrannical kings that told their subjects/slaves “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or kill you,” then there’s no reason to be in this world and certainly no reason to bring a child into it.
I’d rather look forward to a future where we overcome all this insanity and live in Liberty, but too many idiots are wasting their time here waiting for the world to end while trying to keep us all in an ancient slavery and pretending to fight the new slavery which they are consistently adept at lying to themselves about.
The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.
More insanity with a different spin, as in who or what is behind all this:
FK – So have these insane inclinations always been with us or is there more of it or is our society simply more ‘open’ about certain topics?
What’s the real reason our ‘jewish masters’ need to do all this? Why do we allow their ancient tribal propaganda to control our minds when it wasn’t even written for us?
Does it make you feel better to imagine those who live up to your moral standards being burned alive forever? Is that what it’s about? Believing in it is condoning it. That’s how that works.
Do they really think they deserve to ‘rule’ all of us?:
For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
Why do we in our modern society with a Bill of Rights and a constitution that did away with god appointed kings and controlling religions even allow this mentality to continue?
And why are most modern ‘jews’ secular Marxists and don’t even believe in their ancient tribal propaganda anymore?:
FK – Israel was founded by European socialists. Read the wiki page on David Ben Gurion.
Most modern jews are secular Marxists. They’re commies, not leftists. Has he done any vids on Bolshevik Jews?
I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.
FK – Weirdos and psychos and pieces of scat that will enforce any law they’re told for a paycheck and a retirement plan need to be kept away from any evil like this… especially the scat with badges and guns that will enforce the NWO no matter what it tells them to do to whom.
It’s time for a global Bill of Rights:
FK – The key to all of it is to stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism and to stop trying to force our versions down everyone else’s throats. But I fear we’re still too primitive a species for that.
I don’t pretend to know much about DNA but I’ve seen/heard plenty of naturally biologically confused humans, mostly butch sounding/looking ‘females’ and effeminate ‘men.’ If the great asshole in the sky was so concerned about our sex lives he shouldn’t have put those possibilities in the mix nor made ugly people who can also be prone to be fat.
None of them will get the help they need by being used as political pawns or being told they’re ‘sinful’ when in reality it’s a birth defect or mental illness or some combination thereof.
The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.