Category Archives: 2016 updates

Ted Cruz Steals Colorado Delegates With No Votes. Secret Obama Yellen Meeting

FK – How ironic that the RINO party is being torn asunder by a demoncrat demagogue. I think the whole thing is a setup and I think those ‘at the top’ are completely capable of planning something like this out if for no other reason than the republicrat candidates have been forced to start talking openly about the Constitution and Bill of Rights regardless of whether they ever mean anything they say.

It’s hilarious only because the average apathetic cowardly dumbass fully deserves what’s coming. We’ve had the internet for 20 years now so there’s no excuses for the level of willful ignorance that still exists in this country today.

The deception has been going on for a long time:

FK – One wonders how many more books like those are floating around. So how was the original 13th Amendment removed?

The shysters of course deny its viability.

Has anyone went around to the states and researched the votes? Apparently some have and claim they have the real proof.

And of course the evil ones among us deny that it means anything.

And they show us just how evil they are(from the same article):

“But they could be playing with fire. “We’re in a constitutional silly season,” says Bernstein, “and whether you are of the left or the right, if you take the Constitution seriously, it’s very troubling.” The threat posed by the 13th Amendment is remote; as far as can be determined, no other state has followed the Iowa GOP in calling for ratification, and no bill of ratification has been introduced into the Iowa legislature. As far as their platform goes, we should all be willing to defer to Iowa Republicans on the definition of manure as natural fertilizer. So long as they keep it on the fields, where it belongs.

FK – What does ‘ratification’ mean in anyway? We’ve been forced to accept the 16th Amendment when it was never properly ratified.

Regardless of how ‘provable’ it is or was it’s not a bad idea, even if ‘esquire‘ doesn’t have the nefarious meaning some claim.

The American Bar Association even declares they exist to provide ‘ethical guidance’ to shysters, which is laughable and would of course automatically disbar all commie shysters and all shysters that prosecute obviously innocent people in the name of political or monetary gain.

I’m honestly not sure it makes that much difference if the 13th Amendment is ‘real’ or not. We won’t have the country we want until enough men that we don’t seem to have anymore decide to do what will be required and afterwards pass an amendment forbidding shysters to hold public office, which would also of course bar the occasional shyster with a real conscience. Those percentages are probably about the same as the generational politician population, i.e. tiny.

How White People Took Over America

FK – That’s genius.

I like how the native amerikans practiced ‘spear control.’ They obviously kept the weapons used by their soldiers locked up in a government armory so they couldn’t be used against the government or other domestic enemies. That’s the way to do it, right?

No. That’s why we keep our spears at home and must repeal the laws that say we can’t possess weapons equal to the common infantry soldier or Marine, because our greatest enemies in this time are here. They have white skin and call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ but those smarter than the average dumbass know they’re really communist/globalist trash that we’ll have to use our weapons on or they will dominate every thing we do, instead of almost everything as they do now.

This is what we’ll have to use them on:

FK – What’s paying this commie trash’s salary? Why isn’t it at the least being kicked out of our country?

Because we no longer have a nation of men.

A little more:

FK – We must dismantle communism in this country or what’s left of America will die and amerika will completely take it’s place.

Will this happen? I don’t see any men who are willing to do what will be required to make it happen.

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Is this what’s funding it, besides tax dollars?:

FK – So why is Soros still stealing our oxygen when it so clearly is waging war on this country and its Bill of Rights?

Because we no longer have a nation of men.

Can we convince them with reason?:

FK – Let me help you Julie: The commies infiltrated the schools and universities decades ago. Young adults’ brains are not fully developed yet and most of them haven’t had to pay many bills or take on any real responsibility yet they’re generationally convinced that they’ll accomplish ‘peace in their time.’ In other words, they’re stupid. I’ve watched this for 45 years or so…

You won’t defeat them with reason. Have the highly educated intelligent klintons that know they’re tools for the globalists developed anything resembling a conscience and started working for Liberty after all these years? You certainly won’t convince a lot of them, especially the working class, by bragging about capitalism when so many ‘capitalists’ are allowed to treat their employees like jackasses while making inferior sometimes poison-filled products.

Profit should be great, when earned in an honest way while not taking advantage of others. The problem is that the ‘others’ are often desperate for a job, any job, and they’ll tolerate being treated like jackasses just to get a check, for decades on end. Don’t believe me? Go get a job in a factory for a while or deliver some freight.

To win this war, and it is a war, our domestic blood enemies view it as such despite all their false pacifism and false civility, that’s why they work to disarm us, we need to get all the isms to stop ignoring those aspects of human nature they find inconvenient and to kill off their sacred cows.

If it’s not OK for the government to treat us like jackasses it’s not OK for our employers or any other institution or entity to treat us so.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

MUST WATCH: Federal Reserve April Surprise

FK – The Saudi thing is likely just another front. What about involvement by other parties, domestic and otherwise among our alleged allies?

Layers Of Jewish Power

FK – We’re in an incredibly dangerous time. Who knows for sure what Trump really wants to do or is really about. He has no record of working for Liberty or the restoration of the Bill of Rights and no record of giving to organizations that do so.

Who knows for sure what the religious zealots behind Cruz really want. Yes, it would beat total communism, but it’s still not freedom. When someone is threatening to torture you they don’t love, like or even respect you. They consider us to be slaves or really, livestock.

If we make it through 2016 maybe the best we could hope for would be a hitlery presidency whereby gun and ammo sales would remain high, the militias would continue to grow and the republicrats and tea partiers stay off the couch and golf course because they’re not pretending the NWO RINO they were just allowed to vote for is going to wave its magic wand and save them.

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

The RINO party is killing itself:

FK – Maybe this is part of the reason we don’t have a ‘democracy.’ Trump can’t be trusted since he has no record of working for human Liberty or for donating to groups that do so. Did he really recently experience an awakening or change of heart? Who has ESP and can tell us what Trump really intends or what Cruz really intends. At least Cruz has an actual voting record we can look at. But he also has very questionable connections through his wife and his father.

The republicrat party prez candidates are sounding better than they used to but what does that mean? Will they restore the Bill of Rights or at least work toward that goal or are they just telling desperate conservatives and tea partiers what they want to hear?

I’ll stick with some of the ‘divide and conquer’ if you please. We don’t need a commie spring and we don’t need any of its participants writing future history books. If millions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or see you burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

This is what the “Liberal”(commie) trash and their globalist masters will bring here:

FK – The ‘welfare’ systems were designed to produce the results they are producing. What happens when you pay the stupid and lazy to breed? Any farmer knows you keep the best for breeding and sell the rest. The elites consider us to be livestock but they are only interested in compliant herd animals.

FK – Democracy is your problem. Look up what Marx had to say about it.

Demand Liberty.

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights

They’re not ‘left wing.’ They’re communists.

This is what they’ve brought here:

FK – Nothing will get better until amerika has men again that will make our domestic blood enemies answer for their evil in this world. Waiting for justice in the hereafter is a child’s quest.

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Trump Conspiracy: How Donald Trump Will Lose In 2016

FK – The only real problem I know of with Cruz is his wife’s Wall Street connections. He has a good voting record on guns and was endorsed by GOA.

Trump could be a 3 way straw man. He has no record of supporting or working for Liberty or the Bill of Rights and as far as I could find no record of even donating to ‘conservative’ or ‘libertarian’ organizations. He does have a record of playing games with demoncrats or republicrats in order to make money. He did succeed in getting rid of Rand Paul by distracting the morons with his rhetoric that appeals to the simple minded or politically inexperienced.

If Trump truly had a change of heart he should have at least attempted to prove it in other ways before running for Prez. All he’s doing is running his mouth and telling desperate people what they want to hear. They’re desperate because they’re such cowards they’d rather elect a possible demagogue than stand up and organize to do what will be required.

The amerikan sheeple are stupid and there are no men left here.

Trump erupts as Cruz sweeps Colorado without votes

FK – This cycle of the quest for the idiot vote may be the end of the republicrat party regardless of which of the NWO tools lies its way into the now red house.

Trump beats Cruz by 30% in VA district — but Cruz gets the delegates…

FK – Could this become a popular activity?:

FK – Here’s why:

FK – So does he ever come out and say why he wants Trump or thinks Trump can be trusted?

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

How Trump Could Be Blocked at a Contested Republican Convention

2016 Delegate Tracker

Do we have an alternative in Cruz?:

FK – So what does this leave, hitlery or civil war or both?

Trump if cheated of the nomination will likely run as an independent, if he was supposed to be serious as a ‘conservative’ to begin with. If not then he’s done his job well as a lot of ‘republicans’ may sit this one out next fall and let the CFR witch into the now red house. If Ventura runs as an independent he’ll likely take votes from both parties. The ‘libertarians’ as usual will barely register as a raindrop in the ocean.

All because this is no longer a nation of men but of pathetic cowardly whores.

Phyllis Schlafly: My board plotting to fire me over Trump

FK – There are so many flavors of ‘conservative’ nowadays. It’s all starting to remind me of what happened with the Whig Party.

Hillary Clinton Mocks FBI Investigation – Me In Handcuffs Will Never Happen

FK – In reality the CFR witch is probably right. It’s a tool of the modern royalty and would probably have to kill a baby in public in front of several camera phones before facing criminal charges.

If we had a nation of men both pieces of trash in that booth would’ve been executed for treason decades ago and the FBI’s only job would be investigating government corruption and they wouldn’t have to answer to whatever piece of breathing scat lies its way into the now red house as a NWO tool.

We see how the witch operates:

FK – I doubt those are bulletproof even if the Nazimobile is.

Find out where they keep it and who has the keys.

Another blow to political transparency as Clinton campaign blasts reporters with white noise machine so they can’t hear her speech at outdoor campaign fundraiser

FK – Can’t have the plebes hearing what is planned for them can we?

Influential Conservative Just Revealed The GOP Dream Ticket That Would ‘Set The Country On Fire’

FK – The ‘right thing’ would be for them all to get off their mental and physical asses and form up local militias so that the Fed Nazi trash can’t enforce its evil in any county in this country.

Is there a candidate the CFR won’t have its claws in?

The quest for the idiot vote is reaching new heights of insanity. It’s way past time to limit who gets to vote in this country.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

I rest my case:

Former LAPD Deputy Chief destroys civil forfeiture

FK – If I had 8 grand or so that would likely mean I’m saving to buy my next vehicle. If some Nazi stole it I wouldn’t let that ride. No way no how.

Any and all participating in this kind of evil fully deserve whatever is done to them.

If we had a nation of men this evil wouldn’t be tolerated.

More on this:

FK – Another reason we should’ve had a militia in every county in this country decades ago.

No piece of trash that participates in such deserves to breathe our oxygen.

And more:

FK – Sounds more like communism to me.

Why do we tolerate the trash that enforces this evil? When they willingly do so what are they? What Oath did they take?

All these things should amount to and bring blood restoration. But this is not a nation of men anymore. It’s a nation of pathetic cowardly whores.

The feds have resumed a controversial program that lets cops take stuff and keep it

Law Enforcement Seizes $11,000 From 24-Year-Old at Airport Without Charging Him With a Crime

‘$1.2 billion slush fund’: Justice Dept. resumes controversial asset forfeiture ‘equitable sharing’

FK – Only garbage participates in such.

Arrest of Jake Ryan

FK – All this simply re-enforces the fact that any fed Nazis working to enforce these evil laws and support the beast system in the name of a paycheck and a retirement plan fully deserve whatever is done to them.

It seems to me that millions who have found ‘god’ and go to church every Sunday are sitting on their fat lazy apathetic cowardly asses waiting for the world to end. The religions are simply another control device, another way to keep the slaves working.

When the big beam up doesn’t happen they’ll happily kiss, fondle and suck whatever the govt. or other authority sticks in their faces. True ‘Christian patriots’ are a tiny minority of the mainstream religious population. The rest would rather die than think or act or stand up like real human beings and fight back.

Amerika is not a nation of men any more.

Nothing will happen as long as the ‘smart people,’ upper middle class with money, still have corn in the trough.

I hope they suffer horribly in this world for their apathy.