Category Archives: 2016 updates

Billionaire Expands Search For Alien Life! – Open Minds UFO Report

FK – This guy better hope the galactic eco cops don’t give him a ticket for littering. It might be out of his price range, and ours.

It’s amazing to me with all the ‘evidence’ here on YouTube alone how these ‘scientists’ can still with a straight face talk about the ‘alien’ life that ‘might be out there.’

Our entire existence is a lie. We’re here for some reason not answered by the global religions and ignored by most philosophies.

I fear the real reason would be of a malevolent nature so the governments or elites that do, maybe, ‘know’ whatever ‘the truth’ is realize the average dumbass couldn’t deal with it. It’s easier to imagine all those who don’t agree with your version of reality being burned alive in fire forever, including little kids and babies.

We are still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

Of course there’s a lot of crap on the net and precious little well-documented evidence:

FK – If there really are various groups either coming here or sending ‘probes’ or biological robots to check us out, manipulate us, harvest us, ‘save’ us or whatever else they likely recognize our species is not ready to deal with their reality yet. They could watch the current quest for the idiot vote going on in this country and figure that out pretty quickly.

FK – Could be one of those huge spotlights car dealers use to get attention…

Uh huh.

GOA Alert: Will Some Pro-gun Reps. Try to Kill Constitutional Carry?

‘Stockholm Syndrome’ Afflicts Capitol Hill, Jeopardizes Pro-gun Reforms

With your help, we are starting to get their attention on Capitol Hill.

There are now several dozen Congressmen who have cosponsored H.R. 923, which is Rep. Marlin Stutzman’s bill to enable concealed carry reciprocity from coast to coast.

Stutzman’s bill in the House — along with the companion bill in the Senate (S. 498, introduced by John Cornyn) — are the ONLY reciprocity bills in the Congress that will protect the ever-growing number of Constitutional Carry states.

Constitutional Carry enables law-abiding citizens to carry firearms concealed, without first getting a permit or being registered like sex offenders.

And while many concealed carry reciprocity bills in Congress would allow citizens to carry firearms outside of their home states, only the Stutzman-Cornyn bills enable people from permitless carry states to do so without a license.

Representatives Stutzman and Cornyn have truly captured the Second Amendment vision of the Founding Fathers.

Tell Your Representative Not To Go ‘Wobbly’

Click on the Take Action button to urge your Representative to cosponsor H.R. 923 — the Stutzman reciprocity bill that will protect Constitutional Carry and not force gun owners to get registered like sex offenders (as other reciprocity bills would).

FK – Why do we still beg our elected public SERVANTS for our natural born RIGHTS??!!!

The #1 Risk To Earth

FK – Should be re-titled the #1 risk to human so-called civilization. The earth will shrug us off again some day. It’s time for a massive die off anyway. So many in this country alone fully deserve it. Every presidential election cycle proves this by millions of morons spending all their time trying to control others instead of prepping for another inevitable cataclysm on this ancient planet in this ancient universe.

Or something else may get us first:

FK – Commiefornia sliding into the ocean would be a bad thing?

How can we arrange for hitlery, bernie and trump to be out there when it happens?

Another version of ‘the big one?’:

FK – The big shots never appreciate being made to look bad.

Or we could be doing it to ourselves:

FK – More likely they have something out there floating around now to help soothe the already pacified moronic mind. Western civilization has gone from being a too violent species to being so pacified as to not be a danger to anything but another slice of pizza.

Mindless pacifism is a far greater evil.

Lavoy Finicum’s Niece Speaks Out Against FBI Murderers

FK – Lots more wake up calls to come. Most will be too late.

John Kasich is Illuminati Choice for Republican Nominee at Contested Convention?

FK – That would not only dissolve the RINO party but pound it into dust.

Hitlery in the now red house will keep gun and ammo sales high, keep the dumbass ‘conservatives’ and ‘tea partiers’ off the golf course and if we’re exceedingly lucky result in 3-5 million real men going to the district of commie criminals not packin’ signs to do what must be done if this country is to be saved.

But where will we find such men? I don’t think they exist any more. They all love that teat too much, or nowadays that big govt. cock up their ass.

Or we can have this:

FK – Nothing will get better until enough decide to put their lead and hemp to work.

As far as his alleged billionaire ‘friends’ go all he had to do was tell them to donate to patriot groups that are actually doing some good. Not to mention all the local militias they could arm, train and supply. How pathetic.

See what we already tolerate?:

FK – Real Americans, if there are any left, need to learn to ‘stand in the gap’ for themselves.

The federal govt. is our enemy not our friend. So the last question on this vid is made that much more absurd.

Once again, my standard answer to all this:

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment.

Was the Inland Center a ‘gun free zone?” Why is commiefornia still a ‘may issue’ state? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

Call to force Bevin to veto Real I.D.

I knew there was a reason I couldn’t vote for him.

Our dear Kentucky crapislators voted for Real I.D. We’ll have to deal with them later. Right now it’s time to call the guv and tell him not to sign it but to veto it!

You can choose to be ‘civil’ or ‘nice’ and request that he disengage his head from his rear end and try to understand something that others have already failed to or you can tell him with this record he’s already guaranteeing he won’t be staying in the guv’s mansion past four years or so.

However you choose to do it call him on Monday at 502.564.2611.

Or send him a nice message via this form.

Real I.D. is evil in so many ways a three-legged box turtle with its head up the rear of its shell could see it.

Welcome to the USSA!


TBK Response to Bevin on REAL ID

Even the Commie Journal reported on this:

Want to fly? You may need new driver’s license

Kentucky Gov. Bevin Just Another Federal Supremacist Lying About REAL ID

Kentucky Oath Breakers Approve REAL ID; Gov. Bevin Will Break Oath and Sign

The Latest: House OK s bill to comply with the Real ID Act

FK – We have a nation of cowardly whores thus we have a legislature and apparently a governor’s mansion full of them.

A politician:

FK – I knew there was a reason I couldn’t vote for him. Now we’re seeing it. ‘Conservatism’ is not just ‘fiscal’ or ‘christian.’

Passports involve traveling to other nations that don’t operate under the pretense of Liberty as we do.

Oh, I didn’t know he ran as a ‘progressive.’

Veto it or many of us will actively work to defeat you next time around.

For the record the fedgov is evil and this is cooperating in their evil. Nothing they do is to benefit us.

A statesman:

FK – Oh, chuckie schemer and graham are behind it. That tells me all I need to know.

We do have to have a socialist security number to get a job so they can steal their money out of our paychecks before it even reaches our hands. That needs to change as well. Where do most keep their number? In their hands on a card on in their foreheads, their minds. That’s closer to a ‘mark’ than we need to get.

Anyone with a brain knows the fedgov is out to get us, control us. They consider us to be livestock.

Does Bevin understand the company he’s keeping now?

Are You A Boy Or Are You A Girl?

FK – The homo or whatever they’re calling it now agenda is about the commies/globalists dividing and conquering us via false issues and absurd laws, court cases, ‘rights’ and on and on. They always pick a minority to champion, the ‘PC’ minorities that is, usually commies as well, to create more division, confusion and frustration and most are falling for it.

These ‘trannies’ are mentally ill and maybe because they were born with a genetic or other birth defect. Calling it a ‘sin’ isn’t gonna fix it.

Should the govt. even be involved in marriage beyond noting it ‘legally’ for future ‘legal’ purposes? Should two clearly mentally ill or birth defected morons be able to force someone from a religion they don’t belong to to conduct a ceremony or bake them a cake? Is marrying people a public business? Are bakeries?

This is all an intentional convoluted mess designed to distract but it did get Kentucky a ‘Republican’ governor so I guess we should count our lucky stars such as they fall. And you can bet this birth defect has been with us a long time, since way before the ancient tribal propaganda was generated as a way to keep the simple minded and uneducated in check.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

What are the Panama Papers?

FK – Oh good grief. A globalist dragnet for bad actors, i.e. real criminals and/or not…

Just avoiding an income tax doesn’t make one a criminal since all income taxes are criminal, communistic, evil and those supporting/enforcing them should be hunted to extinction.

We do need real laws and an agency that enforces them against real corruption in government with the harshest penalties. No more playboy prisons but rock piles and a granite gallows in front of every govt. building planet wide.

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights

Pro Gun Socialist Claims Communism Is Evolved Capitalism

FK – One could spend hours analyzing this mal-educated twerp and it’s sources. But it can be summed up with this: “Oh look, here’s communism, why don’t we try it,” while ignoring its history over the past 150 years. Equal to “Oh look, here’s a campfire, let’s douse it with this five gallon bucket full of gasoline and see what happens.”

As far as ‘pro-gun’ commies go you can bet many amerikans have weapons and ammo and will have no problem killing in the name of their evil.

If only we had a nation of men, we’d be hunting them to extinction as we should be.

The Sun Valley Conference: Where Mainstream Media, Social Media, and CIA Meet to Coordinate Agendas

FKThere’s no such thing as an unbiased reporter

Only children think they can blindly believe any source, whether it’s the lying whore on the evening propagandacast or the ancient tribal propaganda that was designed to keep the slaves working while waiting for paradise in the next life, or punishment for not being good slaves and that also has the added benefit of always keeping them waiting for the world to end instead of working to make the world a better place through increasing Human Liberty.

How sad and pathetic the human species is. We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.