FK – Haven’t paid much attention to the ‘Q’ thing. Seen stuff like that before. Distraction and fakers are a constant in the patriot movement. It’s an old game.
The commie news network drawing attention to them could mean they’re for real, or not. It’s ‘all’ propaganda.
If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.
Sandy Hook ‘crisis actors’ makes no sense to me. It would be far cheaper for them to hire a couple extra shooters to ensure a high body count. NO Fed Nazis or the trash that commanded them has been made to personally answer/pay for the murders of the Branch Davidians or Randy Weaver’s family members.
Until enough understand the immensity of the evil we face nothing will improve.
If we ever FOCUS ON WHAT MUST BE DONE which will lead to the war crimes trials they’ll begin to have real problems.
We do outnumber them, vastly. If enough ever figure that out…
Historically money is whatever the market decides it is. The early settlers on this continent used wampum, glass beads, because it worked with the Indians.
As long as we let morons vote here we’d better damn well worry about who we let in. We have enough natural born ignorant morons as it is without bringing in more to vote commie for the demonscat party, or the republicrat party for that matter.
All this is decided by those who use the necessary force to enforce their will on others. Simple fact that you’re not gonna escape any time soon.
Until we use the force necessary to restore our Bill of Rights and put the governments in their proper place with a militia force in every county to keep them in their proper place as our SERVANTS then nothing will get better.
Anarchy will mean you’ll have to decide who you need to kill first.
Shooting him in the head might result in his family/friends coming after you. That’s why we’re supposed to have courts in a justice system not the ‘just-us’ system we have now.
The problem is not the concept of government but the lack of personal responsibility on the part of those we allow to vote.
How will the Acapulco govt. deal with a fundie raghead showing up and claiming the ‘nude pools’ interfere with her freedom not to be naked and not to see a bunch of ugly fat naked anarchists?
FK – The elites love it when morons riot and protest burning their own cars and businesses while the elites themselves sit and watch from the comfort of their living rooms and offices.
The ‘protesters’ are probably a mix of anti-tax/pro more socialism/black bloc/globalist paid rioters whatever. That’s often how it works.
The French sheeple are so enamored of communism by whatever cute name that they will likely never fully establish human liberty there. The same could likely be said of the average amerikan.
They fought the lessor of two evils in World War II. The iron curtain/Berlin Wall was part of the facade.
What our white-skinned enemies will eventually bring here:
FK – ‘Democracy‘ means the brain dead pigs who are your neighbors get to vote for you to loose everything and be enslaved because it makes them feel better/safer/superior.
Liberty means we kill them in sufficient numbers to restore Liberty to western civ. But our domestic enemies have already emasculated all the males and turned them into cowardly pacifists.
FK – That wasn’t a fight you pathetic creature. Fights involve blood and pain and victory or death.
They love it when morons protest and get arrested, proving.solving, accomplishing nothing.
Western civ. is dead because the western male is dead. It was de-nutted, de-brained, de-backboned generations back.
If there were any men left here the garbage behind such would be tried for treason and executed or hunted down.
But instead our morons suck in the propaganda that tells them our real enemies are hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. How pathetic and disgusting. They fully deserve what’s coming.
FK – The problem isn’t diversity or the lack thereof. The problem is the lack of understanding of human liberty and our Bills of Rights.
There are 300 million plus white skinned dumbasses in this country or in western civ., take your pick, that have no clue and don’t want one. If they had a clue we’d have videos of George Soros’ execution floating around the net instead of Saddam’s.
It would also be shown to every government school student who by the age of 18 would be required to possess the skills necessary to kill a running commie at 300 meters or 3 inches before receiving a high school diploma.
As far as Star Trek goes I found it far preferable to the ignorance I was raised in. How billions can prefer a sadistic bronze age god that was clearly patterned after ancient tyrants which may decide to burn their own children, spouses, parents or themselves alive in fire forever on a whim over a future for a space-faring humanity is beyond my comprehension.
But then I realize after 20+ years in this movement and after actually reading a few books and who knows how many characters of web based propaganda of one sort or another that most tool using monkeys are basically children, all their lives.
Really it took me about 6 months to learn this from the ‘deer in the headlights look’ sheeple gave me back in the 90s when I was simply expecting them to actually read something themselves and pull their heads out of the darkness between their butt cheeks.
But they’d rather die than think and would rather sell their children into slavery than act. Money is this country’s god. Always has been and will remain so until its last gasp and millions of morons finally realize they ain’t gonna get beamed up.
Marxism is a product of western civ. The migrants of whatever color or culture are simply acting out the age old inclination to seek a better situation and to consume whatever they run across, like the amoebas in the petri dish we saw in those biology films. Our republic was murdered in 1865 by the effort to continue taxing the Southern States and now the empire will run its natural course and the mob of whatever source will once again help decide its fate.
The elites and the educated are in reality slaves to the ignorant mob as much as the mob is a slave to them.
The ancient tribal propaganda edited version mentions ‘wars in high places’ or some such. We may be pawns in something we may never be allowed to understand. They may very well hit the reset button before we get anywhere near building a holodeck.
FK – It would be preferable to take the entire country back and not have to cross into another country as if going into Canada and Mexico, where self defense is not allowed. The commie trash North and South and West would certainly ban such.
The difference being their Nazis would stop us at their ‘nation state’ lines and check our cars/trucks for weapons.
It would be better to hunt them to extinction but I fear we lack the men for such a necessary venture.
FK – They won’t fix a damn thing and you know it. The republicrats and their ignorant constituents are no more interested in real free speech than the demonscat are.
If they were sincere in the slightest Jones would’ve been invited to testify.
FK – The vast majority couldn’t care less, never have and never will. Caring involves action…
The ‘truth’ is that without an extensive and thorough commie globalist season whereby we exterminate enough of the trash to live in a free country again western civ. is doomed. Most would rather die than think about that reality. Probably including you.
FK – Getting banned/suspended/expelled/hated/listed/calling DHS etc. are all badges of honor. I know I have several.
If yer a takin’ flak that means yer over the target!
Now if we could only get Trump to bring the troops home and hunt our real enemies to extinction. But we lack the men to create the county militias we should’ve had decades ago so I’m not holding my breath.
Our domestic blood enemies know they’re waging war. Do you?
Ask your fav commie by whatever cute name what it wants to happen to those who refuse to obey its commie laws.
They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.
If the troops were fighting for our freedom, they’d all be here.