Monthly Archives: November 2015

Christina A Medieval Life

FK – The Brits turned their guns over to their govt. so they have no Liberty now.

The research in this vid is largely based on old tax records. It’s interesting because a lot of the words we use now had slightly different meanings back then. Who’s your Lord? In those days the church controlled both death and taxes.


Hillary Voters Love Sharia Law

FK – So who or what are our real enemies? Are they hiding in a hole on the other side of the world?

It’s way past time to require something to vote besides just showing up with half a brain:

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Swedish Politician says the Country is ‘Facing Collapse’ Due to Mass Influx of Muslim Refugees

FK – This is news? In what way?

Our real enemies were born here, have white skin and vote to kill all those who think this is supposed to be a ‘free country.’ We’ve had the internet for 20 years. There’s no excuse for the willful ignorance any more.

The UGLY truth about the Social Security scam!

FK – I’ve long wondered why they pay out to old wealthy(financially secure) people who don’t need the money. It’s simple. They need their votes to keep the system in place. Think about that one.

Scientific UFO Data Collection – Open Minds UFO Report

FK – It’s not good that the commies(Huffington Post and others) are becoming so involved in this issue. They will see it as another opportunity to use/twist the info, good or bad, real or fake, to further their own evil agendas as they always do. It’s a matter of time until they claim the ‘aliens’ have communicated to us that communism by whatever cute name is the way to go.

But then the religionists would rather die than admit there might be more intelligent life out there and that we’re not the center of the universe, or they’d happily send ‘missionaries’ to save them the way the European explorers ‘saved’ the Amerindians.

Group of scientists plan to crowd fund UFO data collection stations