Monthly Archives: November 2015

How Federal Agents Can Get Away With Murder

FK – We need a new declaration of restoration. Guess what will be near the top.

How law enforcement officers can kill someone and avoid prosecution

Lawyer Adam S. Hoffinger, who represented Horiuchi and Tanella, said the defense amounts to a simple “two-prong test: “Prong one, was it in the scope of his federal duties? And prong two, were those actions necessary and proper?”

If the shooting passes those tests, the officer is immune, Hoffinger said.

He offered several scenarios to justify immunity. In one scenario, he said, imagine that a federal officer is ordered to protect a doctor who performs abortions in a state where the procedure is deeply unpopular. What if the doctor is attacked, and the officer shoots and kills an attacker — and a local prosecutor decides to charge the officer with murder?

“If we allowed state officials to prosecute federal officers, we could see all types of political prosecutions,” said Daphne Silverman, an Austin-based civil rights lawyer who closely follows police shootings. “What’s missing here is that we need the Department of Justice to bring federal charges” when a federal agent kills someone.

FK – Another reason we need a militia in every country of this country, as a stand alone agency, to investigate cases of government tyranny and mete out the appropriate justice with a granite gallows in front of every govt. building.

Shock Video: Cop Executes Man as He is Lying Face Down and Complying

NASA Study Showing Massive Ice Growth Debunks UN Claims

Apparently the science surrounding alleged anthropogenic (man-made) global warming (AGW) is not really so settled after all. In a barely noticed statement released last week, NASA dropped the equivalent of a nuclear bomb on the United Nations’ climate-alarmism machine, noting that ice across Antarctica has been growing at break-neck speed for decades. The surging ice growth, of course, directly contradicts the predictions of global-warming alarmists, including a 2013 report by the increasingly discredited UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claiming, falsely as it turns out, that Antarctica was losing ice at an accelerating rate and causing rising sea levels, all supposedly owing to humanity’s emissions of the “gas of life” CO2.  

NASA, an outfit that has been under fire for cranking out politicized and easily discredited warming alarmism in recent years, spoke very diplomatically in its press release. It said only that its new study on Antarctic ice “challenges” the conclusions of the UN IPCC and other outfits that have allegedly studied the issue. In fact, though, the UN warmists and their cheerleaders in the establishment press could not have been more wrong. Rather than melting ice in the southern hemisphere contributing to sea-level rise, as claimed by the UN and its pseudo-scientific climate body, ice in Antarctica is expanding fast and has been for decades — and the surging ice levels are actually causing declines in sea level.

FK – The important thing to remember about the global warming propaganda, and it’s ‘all’ propaganda, is that the “Liberal”(commie) trash who call themselves ‘environmentalists’ to hide their evil will use it as an excuse to control every aspect of our existences in this world. The ‘evil’ corporations love it too cause they can make money off carbon credits and the governments love it because it’s another way to control us all.

As I wrote:

EPA Boss Urges School Kids to “Bug” Parents on Green Agenda

The bizarre EPA climate propaganda in the classroom meshes well with Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s repeated pledges to transform American school children into “green” and “global” citizens ready for “green jobs” in the new, “sustainable” world order. Critics of McCarthy’s antics, however, were not amused, with one equating the EPA intrusion to Soviet dictator Vladimir Lenin’s tactics.

The man-made global-warming alarmism is extraordinarily controversial. Former NASA climatologist Roy Spencer famously referred to vicious climate alarmists as “global warming Nazis,” saying they threaten liberty and humanity. Other leading scientists in the field, such as MIT meteorology professor emeritus Richard Lindzen, have called climate alarmists a “cult” for refusing to adjust their faith despite the evidence. Even the United Nations’ top global-warming guru, forced out recently after being arrested for sex crimes, boasted that his mission was actually his “religion.” Just 40 percent of Americans, meanwhile, believe the man-made global-warming theory, according to a Pew poll released last year. And the evidence discrediting the theory keeps piling up by the day.

FKDictators, tyrants and religions through history have understood the importance of getting them young. Our domestic blood enemies will stop at nothing in their efforts to control all we do, say, and no longer own.

A Dissenting History of the World [PART I] – Nuclear War & UFOs

FK – Is this why they want to disarm us?

The watchers have been here since our beginning or before. Angels who looked like men in the Bible? All the stuff I watched/read on this over the past few years has almost convinced me we’re under someone’s protection. Else we would’ve been eaten a long time ago.

GOP Warmongers Shill For Israel

FK – Can you say ‘dupes’ boys and girls? No, not the politicians, the indoctrinated idiots who support them. Most ‘jews’ are secular Marxists. What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Wait, here’s another version:

FK – Most modern jews are secular Marxists. Simple fact. What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

All this crap is based in ancient Monarchy which our ancestors fought a bloody 8-year war to end. The human race will have peace and justice when they learn to value human liberty and grow out of all this ancient tribal propaganda.

Now catch this:

FK – So what does it all really mean? Are we really ready to kill millions over ancient tribal propaganda? Really?

Sam Youngman: Kentucky politics moves to a deep shade of red

For weeks, the people who are involved in politics on a daily basis talked about how bad a campaign Bevin had run, raising questions about his temperament, his honesty and his campaign strategy.

On Tuesday night, he certainly had the last laugh, and to his credit, he declined to take it, calling instead for unity in addressing the challenges facing Kentucky.

Bevin’s win can also be seen as a warning sign for national Democrats.

Conway was an experienced public servant who ran a gaffe-free campaign while raising significantly more money than Bevin did.

Bevin was an outsider, a Tea Party favorite with limited knowledge about state government and a habit of unnecessary confrontation.

None of those things mattered in the end.

Ultimately, the political environment was exactly what we thought it would be when Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis went to jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

And it’s difficult to imagine that President Barack Obama didn’t loom large over this race as he did last year.


At least one Democrat was still optimistic Tuesday night.

House Speaker Greg Stumbo acknowledged that “it was a night that some of us didn’t see coming.”

“But there is a dawn tomorrow,” Stumbo said.

He’s right about that in the literal sense. But after Tuesday night, it certainly looks like a red dawn.

FK – Did you actually watch Dumbo’s speech?

I couldn’t vote for Bevin, for various reasons.

And this talk of ‘unity’ with our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, is worrying. Is he a faker? Is he stupid enough to not understand that ‘compromising’ with “Liberal”(commie) trash always means moving in their direction?

When you dance with the devil…

And this ‘red state’ crap is disgusting propaganda created by commie newswhores to hide their evil. The commie states should be red. I have an old clipping from the Liberalville commie journal from the 50s that calls the Chinese army ‘reds.’ How strange that now ‘conservative’ republicans are labeled such. It’s not strange, but expected. The evil trash in the mainstream news media always lie about what they are and always pretend to be opposite of what they are. Free speech is only useful to the trash as long as it furthers their agenda.

And this is ‘Red Dawn’:

FK – Only there was probably never any real chance of a military invasion. Our commie enemies were here from the 19th century and infiltrated every segment of our society. Rooting them out may involve a similar scenario…

Michigan city elects America’s first Muslim-majority city council

FK – So will they respect real ‘freedom of religion’ which of course means ‘freedom from religion?’ That’s the question that matters. A lot of ‘christians’ don’t get that.

The minute they disrespect the Bill of Rights they should be escorted to the granite gallows in front of city hall. But then we already have millions of white skinned authoritarians of various stripes who should’ve been given a speedy treason trial and execution, going back multiple decades. Who are our real enemies?

This is why we need a militia in every county in this country to make sure our elected, hired and appointed public servants keep their oaths.

Hamtramck is 1st American city to elect majority Muslim council

Bloomberg Wastes Millions in Pushing Gun Control … Once Again

The Bluegrass State fared no better for anti-gun Democrats, as GOA-endorsed Matt Bevin won his race for Governor.

This was quite a feat, given that he is only the second Republican in four decades to win the governorship of Kentucky.

Bevin’s opponent advocated so-called “Universal Background Checks” at gun shows, which would bring government regulation to private firearms sales.

GOA had proudly endorsed Matt Bevin and his running mate, Jenean Hampton — both of whom are veterans of the U.S. military and understand the importance of the Second Amendment.

FK – We still  have to flip the house or get the demoncrats to vote for the Firearms Freedom Act.

As always, we still have a long way to go:

FK – Now if only we had a nation of men who would stand up and use it to restore Liberty to this land.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

FK – We need to concentrate on organizing the militias and bringing the troops home and focusing on our greatest enemies, who aren’t mass shooters or hiding in a hole on the other side of the world, but have white skin and were likely born here.

Gun rights group seeks to shift liability in mass shootings

Kentucky House Speaker Greg Stumbo’s Bizarre Election Night Sermon

FK – Dumbo is a long recognized moron here in Kentucky. Let’s hope the election really means something and the sheeple didn’t just hire a bunch of RINOs.

Watch The Top Democrat In Kentucky’s Epic Meltdown After Matt Bevin’s Win

Analysis: Bevin Win in Kentucky Underscores Decimated Democratic Party Under Obama

The Rape of Sweden

FK – The commie newswhores know exactly what they do, there and here. They are our enemies and should be treated as such. Not doing so is a deadly mistake.

He included several story links with this vid.

Why I couldn’t vote

Why I couldn’t vote
Barry Bright Nov. 4, 2015

(This was written yesterday afternoon before the election results were known. That doesn’t really change anything. Let’s hope our new republican elected public servants work to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights here. In the meantime history shows we should prepare for business as usual.)

Earlier today I actually stopped at the entrance to the church parking lot where two local precincts share a polling place.

I had to sit there, in the two-lane highway, for a few seconds before I finally decided I was hungrier for lunch than for democracy. Another excuse is that my eyes were dilated from a visit to an optometrist.

But those weren’t the reasons.

I’ll plead guilty to not being informed enough about some of the candidates. But unless you can find out their voting records, all their affiliations and donors, then strap them down and administer truth serum and a lie detector test what do we really know about any of them anyway? Their campaign ads, speeches and so-called debates don’t prove anything, never have, never will.

A crystal ball won’t cut it. No magic can discern the depths of a politician’s twisted heart, nor that of any so-called human.

I’m not looking for a yallar dawg so I didn’t really have a reason to vote in the governor’s race though I did heavily consider writing in Blackie Effing Whyte just for fun. I talked with Bevin for 45 minutes one day and have heard him speak publicly 2 or 3 times and have read about some of his ‘stands’ that I can agree with. He’d be better than his opponent but then so would a mangy rabid skunk.

Bevin has never said anything that really impresses me, not that he’d probably care to. He’s too busy pandering to the average dumbass which is admittedly a little less of a dumbass than 20 years ago when I was still struggling to leave those ranks.

Claiming to be ‘pro Second Amendment’ because of an NRA membership and a CCW doesn’t cut it anymore. Too many realize now the NRA is part of the problem and a right applied for is a privilege. Wanting to ‘reform’ an income tax system that doesn’t belong in a free country is uselessness.

(Bevin did get an endorsement from Gun Owners of America. But so did Ted Cruz. I usually greatly admire GOA but I guestion them on these decisions. As they and others often say about the NRA, “It’s not just about guns.” We could win the gun battle and lose the war.)

Bevin’s statement last summer that he would agree to removing the Jefferson Davis statue from the capital rotunda was the last straw for me. It’s not about what the War for Southern Independence was really about or if we’d be any better off if the South had won or why we have so many yallar dawg voters but about not having the backbone to stand up against the communist propaganda stream and calling it out for what it is.

If they really want to prove they can or will attempt to change anything they must begin openly calling out our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies and stop kowtowing to their propaganda streams and stop using their key terms and phrases as if they actually mean something.

They are our blood enemies. They are the blood enemies of the Bill of Rights and human Liberty and every time they vote they vote to kill us. Simple fact. Treating them with anything approaching respect is a deadly mistake.

To be clear there are different kinds of respect. There is the respect one shows for a good parent that one loves and there is the respect one gives a rattlesnake in a sleeping bag. The latter is what our domestic blood enemies deserve.

For the benefit of pacified patriots I’ll have to state: “I’m not saying one should never vote or voting never does any good.” I’ve never advocated not being politically involved though I have been accused of such many times simply because I do constantly advocate being prepared for what will be required when the ‘system’ finally completely fails those who value human Liberty.

I am sick of and done voting for milquetoast pea brain RINOs and fake NWO hack conservatives and assorted authoritarians of whatever stripe. We don’t have a Ron or Rand Paul or a Thomas Massie in every election cycle, sad sickening fact. If Bevin wins and proves himself to be worthy by pushing a Kentucky version of the Firearm Freedoms act or refusing to enforce Kentucky’s income tax and refusing to allow the IRS or the BATF Nazis to enforce their evil laws here that’ll be a great thing. I’m not holding my breath and he should’ve started out in the legislature so he’d have a real record we could analyze.

If our would-be elected public servants are putting their religion or their ancient tribal propaganda before the Bill of Rights or individual human Liberty or true free will, which doesn’t involve eternal slavery vs. eternal torture, under some form of a ‘Lord,’ then they don’t need to be in the ring much less taking an oath to uphold the aforementioned document.

Yes, many ‘christian’ candidates might do a good job on some issues. But if they want to continue the drug war or control what others do in their private lives because of some ancient interpretation of ‘sin’ or morality then they’re on the wrong boat and in the wrong country.

Yes, almost any ‘christian’ candidate of whatever version, sub-version or subversion, real or fake or fooled would be better than the mangy rabid skunk mentioned above but that’s not the issue.

After watching this for 30 years I’ve finally reached the point of thinking the system will have to collapse completely for anything good to come of it. Recent actions or inaction by the republicrats in the U.S. Congress bear me out.

We’re gonna have to go up there, not packin’ signs. We won’t have enough numbers to make a difference unless the average dumbass ‘conservative’ or ‘libertarian’ finally sees there’s no other way. That probably means a lot of pain for the average American and amerikan. Don’t worry, the pain will come either way, either farther down the road with the NWO hack RINOs or more immediately with a hitlery or a bernie or some other such trash with it’s hands on the wheel.

This is historically a ‘christian’ country. But I like to think we’re transitioning to something better, where all our natural born rights will be acknowledged and not compromised by some primitive version of morality though I don’t expect to be in this realm long enough to see that happen.

Neither do I wish to see it ruled by a mindset that turns any governmental body into our gods, our angels, our saviors or our superiors. It’s not a completely communist country, yet. If it is someone needs to tell me so I can walk out my front door and start killing the trash.


Let’s link to one of our major commie rags for once just to rub it in their faces, not that it may mean that much in the long run…

Matt Bevin shocks Jack Conway to become next governor of Kentucky

FK – Yes, I ‘feel’ a little better after yesterday’s unexpected for me results, whatever the real reasons for the outcomes are. Maybe the sheeple really are waking up. Maybe this is just another bump in the road for the New World Order and our domestic blood enemies. Some of our horses won the short race. Now it’s time to really ride them.

What’s your duty?

FK – I feel your pain. If only we had a nation of men…

Something we should all learn for we will need it:

FK – Yep, we’re definitely going to need that. That is if we ever have a nation of men again.