Monthly Archives: September 2014

Study Finds Cops Less Hesitant to Use Guns Against Whites Than Blacks

Participants in an innovative Washington State University study of deadly force were more likely to feel threatened in scenarios involving black people. But when it came time to shoot, participants were biased in favor of black suspects, taking longer to pull the trigger against them than against armed white or Hispanic suspects.

The findings, published in the recent Journal of Experimental Criminology, grow out of dozens of simulations aimed at explaining the disproportionate number of ethnic and racial minorities shot by police. The studies use the most advanced technology available, as participants with laser-equipped guns react to potentially threatening scenarios displayed in full-size, high-definition video.

FK – With visions of lawsuits and riots dancing in their heads… The commie propaganda has its affect after all, which is what they want. Going along with it, worrying about ‘racism’ or ‘antisemitism’ or calling the evil creatures by the cute names they tagged themselves with to  conceal their war against Human Liberty is playing into their hands. Don’t play into their hands, cut them off.

Border Patrol Says No to Militias, Yes to Surveillance Blimps

Picking up the federal government’s slack, various militia groups have assembled along the banks of the Rio Bravo River in deep south Texas in an effort to supplement border security.

Prompted to action by reports that illegals are overrunning the country, and by fears that the influx in its current form will further destroy the country’s infrastructure and, indeed, aid in the dismantling of national sovereignty, militia groups ultimately desire people entering the country illegally to follow the proper channels to gain citizenship.

To this end, they have lent their assistance, free of charge, to federal and state agencies that evidently have their hands full.

But those supposedly in charge of securing the border say militia members, who lack the traditional law enforcement attire, are confusing police officers and border agents.

FK – What a bullshit excuse. Most militiamen have some kind of uniform. How can they tell one set of Nazis from another anyway at a distance?

“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials.” – George Mason, in Debates in Virginia Convention on Ratification of the Constitution, Elliot, Vol. 3, June 16, 1788

Tie-Dyed Tyranny

FK – This stuff has been going on for a long time. Why do we tolerate it?

From the mouths of the beasts:

“I think if we don’t overthrow capitalism, we don’t have a chance of saving the world ecologically. I think it is possible to have an ecological society under socialism. I don’t think it’s possible under capitalism.” – Judi Barri of Earth First! Quoted by Walter Williams, columnist with Heritage Features Syndicate, State Journal Register, June 25 1992.   

“I think all private property should be in the public domain. We should get it all. Be unreasonable. You can do it. Yesterday’s heresy is today’s common wisdom. So, I say, let’s take it all back.”  – Brock Evans, VP, National Audubon Society

“We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects… We must reclaim the roads, and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers, and return to wilderness, millions of tens of millions of acres of presently settled land.”  —  Dave Foreman, Earth First!

“We reject the idea of private property.”  — Peter Berle, (former) president, National Audubon Society, Board member, Sierra Club


Barry Bright: Scottish non-Liberty

While earning my last three credit hours from Western Kentucky University in the late 80s I spent five weeks in their study abroad program which took me to London, England. Even with 130 plus credit hours I was still very ignorant of the ways of the world.

While there I read a newspaper article, which I’ve recounted before on the original version of this website, that detailed a robbery. Some Londoners were having a party and some other Brits decided to crash it which might have been bearable until the crashers started carrying the host’s stereo and other valuables out the door. What is so memorable to me is that according to the newspaper report no one lifted a finger to stop them.

Now I’ve never been much of a physical fighter, but I can’t imagine allowing someone to carry my stuff right out my own door in front of me without putting up some kind of resistance, armed with fists, a gun, or whatever was handy.

Here in Amerika, the land of the not-so-free and rarely brave, we have our own records to be ashamed about. But at least in recent years we have tried to make amends for our cowardly ways.

Now we have, and I’m ashamed to admit it though I’m not in the least surprised, a Kentuckian, native or immigrant I’m not sure, posting a partly tongue in cheek column on the commie news network’s website suggesting we should take Scotland’s place under the crown if it’s ‘sovereign people’ vote to declare their non-independence.

I hadn’t paid a great deal of attention to this movement, other than to surmise a few months back that it’s leadership is probably another bunch of socialist scum who just want to run their own little police state the way they see fit. After a little research this morning I see I was right.

Their ‘independence’ is to be nothing like ours, unless one ascribes to the theory that the United States never really surrendered its subservience to the English throne. On the proposed Scottish Independence Bill they really gain much of nothing:

Under ‘Head of State’ –

(1) Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is to be Head of State, as Queen.

(2) Her Majesty is to be succeeded as Head of State (and as Queen or, as the cas e may be, King) by Her heirs and successors to the Crown according to law.

(3) Her Majesty, and Her successors to the Crown, continue to enjoy all the rights, powers and privileges which, according to law, attached to the Crown in Scotland immediately before Independence Day.

Under ‘Rights’:

Respect for human rights

(1) Every person has the rights and fundamental freedoms set out in the European Convention on Human Rights.

(2) Scots law is of no effect so far as it is incompatible with those rights and fundamental freedoms.

(3) The Scottish Government and public authorities must, in carrying out their functions, respect and comply with those rights and freedoms.

And way farther down there’s more:



Section 24 maintains the position of European Union law in an independent Scotland. It provides that directly effective EU law forms part of Scots law which, in turn, must not be inconsistent with EU law. This is the same as the position of Scotland at present as part of the UK and as part of the EU, and reflects the effect of the European Communities Act 1972. This section ensures that when Scotland, for Independence Day, changes its status within the EU from being part of a Member State to being a distinct Member State, the effect of EU law and all the rights, powers and obligations flowing from the EU Treaties will seamlessly carry on from Scotland as part of the UK to Scotland as a Member State of the EU.

So much for ‘independence.’ But maybe it’ll be sort of like Brit independence.

This after a cursory scan of the huge document, which we can be sure most Scottish voters, for or against, won’t bother to read. I did check out the official European Convention on ‘human rights’ page and without wasting years analyzing decades of socialist legal patina that amounts to another form of human bondage I can declare they seem to care about ‘democracy’ and the ‘rule of law.’ How nice.

Democracy is of course just another form of manipulation. It is the opposite of Liberty. The rule of law is a myth, until those who make the rules send their black-suited Nazis to your door.

I saw no sign of a real Bill of Rights such as we have here, as ignored as it often is. But it’s ignored because the people and the sheeple ignore it. One has to be seeking an awakening, often a lifelong experience, to be a ‘people’ in my not always so humble estimation.

Of course they won’t allow their people or their sheeple to arm themselves against possible tyranny or to protect their ‘human rights’:


Section 26 is the first of three sections dealing with human rights and equality. Most modern constitutions contain human rights and equality provisions which set out the fundamental rights and freedoms enjoyed by everyone in society. These provisions reflect universal principles established by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 (UDHR) and further developed in subsequent treaties and conventions.

The UDHR proceeds from the fundamental principle that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Sections 26 to 28 of the Bill safeguard and guarantee Scotland’s existing progressive approach to equality and human rights and place Scotland firmly within the mainstream of contemporary European constitutional thinking.

Over here ‘progressive approach’ means commie. Most likely it’ll mean the same over there. That Universal Declaration of Human Rights has a few good points until we get to the end:

Article 29.

  • (1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
  • (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
  • (3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Definition: You have the rights we say you have. And of course no where in any of these European or Scottish documents is the recognition of the most basic right any creature possesses.

So whatever the Scots are voting for, it sure ain’t Liberty. And however cheeky the trashy Asbury professor/propagandist seems it doesn’t belong here. Tell it so. Tell its employer what you think as well.

England has some nice people and great beer but they are slaves mentally, like most Europeans, like many amerikans. In WWII lots of ‘nice’ sheeple shot lots of other ‘nice’ sheeple into ditches because their superiors ordered them to. Most of the sheeple who were shot into ditches died stupidly wondering “How did this ever happen to me?”

England and Scotland share a beautiful island, but they aren’t free and won’t be any more ‘free’ regardless of how the vote turns out. Endless economic and bureaucratic wrangling notwithstanding.

Most advanced tool-using primates planet wide have a sorry understanding of what ‘free’ is. Many in fact would rather die than be free and would rather kill their neighbors, either down the street or on other continents than allow them to be really free.

Mankind has a long way to go in understanding that until it stops choosing between various forms of authoritarianism it will not know Liberty. I don’t expect to exist long enough in this realm to see that happen.

Never Forget: The Left Hates Your Guts

Over the years, I have reached out to many folks on the left and have tried to discuss our ideological differences. In doing so, I would put forth an apology of sorts on what I believe (and why) regarding a wide variety of events and subjects and inquire as to their point of view.

I have been successful in contacting some well known figures on the left and many not so well known (but never the less, influential). Other than a prominent author of Esquire Magazine, the usual responses I received back have either been dismissive, ugly, mean or vitriolic.

Very recently, I wrote an article for TPNN about the “Truthy” project at Indiana University. I followed up by reaching out to all the Principle Investigators, Research Team & Alumni associated with the project. The bios of the folks associated with the project along with the sources they used in their publications show clear evidence of their progressive, liberal political leanings. I simply wanted to communicate and explain why a conservative taxpayer (who is therefore helping pay for this project) would have a hard time trusting “Truthy” since it is headed and run mostly (if not completely) by progressive liberals.

The sole response I received back was from Karissa McKelvey, who is part of the research team. Her response? Two words: “Go Away”. It should be noted that it states in her bio that she is a “people person”. I am not making this up. Her response has been tame compared to many I have received in the past. Many professors from well regarded universities have spewed vile profanities at me. Others, (a high level well-known spokesperson for the Southern Poverty Law Center comes to mind) have been extremely uncivil to me in their responses. Many more have gone so far as to wish me and my family bodily harm or death.

FK – After a few months, nearly 20 years ago, of trying to ‘be nice’ to the “Liberal”(commie) trash I began to figure out what they really are and how evil and dangerous they are. There’s truly no such thing as casual friends.

Bastard Nation: America’s Welfare State Comes of Age

You knew this, but it’s nice to be reminded. We get what we pay for. Conservatives 60 years ago said this would happen. It happened. It will keep happening. There is no turning back until the welfare state runs out of other people’s money.

You want an explanation for America’s growing inequality? Start here. The federal government, of course, never starts here. State and local governments never start here. Liberal media never start here. But we should.

When a society defines a family as a married couple, the following does not happen. When it defines a family as an unmarried mother, children, and a welfare check, this is the result.

FK – Those who created the welfare state knew full well what the results would be, future constituents.

It’s past time to require three things to vote: Proof of citizenship, proof of literacy in English and passing a test that shows the would-be voter knows this country’s history and the form of govt. we’re supposed to have here: small and very limited.

SAF: Huge Victory For Gun Rights

The Second Amendment Foundation continues their impressive streak of court victories with another. This victory came in one of the most anti-gun states in the entire country, California.

SAF won a significant court victory in California in which the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California ruled that the Golden State’s 10-day waiting period violates the Second Amendment “as applied to those individuals who successfully pass” the state’s background check prior to the ten days, and who are in lawful possession of an additional firearm.

This ruling clearly addressed the issue we put before the court. We are naturally delighted with the outcome.

These victories have been made possible by hundreds of thousands of concerned Americans who have financially supported SAF’s efforts over the years. Please continue to support SAF and help continue the streak of impressive victories.

FK – And we still have a long way to go

Article comments articulate Aztlán activist/La Raza founder sentiments

“We don’t need to fight, we’ve already won,” he replies to a challenge. “Just time and babies. You’ve lost…and if you don’t go to Europe soon, you won’t have that either.”

“There is no USA, only Aztlán,” he maintains.

“And old, frail, scared, and dying,” he responds to the reminder that Americans are armed. “You will die, your sons are gay, your daughters breed black and we take back what is ours … just time now…”

There’s no small amount of racist sentiment antithetical to the “progressive” agenda revealed in that last swipe, at least to the overt agenda. Still, at least he’s not anti-gun.

“Guns are ok, as long as white people don’t have them,” he opines.“Crazy and hateful.”

FK – It’s terribly sad that part of the fight for human Liberty has to be tainted with a ‘race war.’ But they want it that way. It’s time to bring the troops home, activate the militias, cut off southern commiefornia’s water then let them wither on the vine after which we can re-conquer what the white “Liberal”(commie) trash has slowly destroyed.

Why the obsessive secrecy about illegal alien children?